I don't agree with every item in this list, but 90% are good advice. Of course, the basics are always: read more, write more, improve more; and that goes for indie or traditional or hybrid or whatever people are calling themselves these days.
I violate a number of these, like picking a genre, mostly because I want to write what I'm passionate about at the moment rather than sticking with a genre that I'm only writing in because it keeps my fans better.
I also don't market and think for the most part, except for a few easy and non-time intensive methods, it's a waste of time, but I'm probably a minority on this one.
Thomas K Carpenter
SFx2, SHMx1, HMx12 (Pro'd Out - Q4 2016)
EQMM - Feb 2015 /
Thanks for posting that. He was very thorough and frank.
Thanks for shaing, Tom. Always good to hear solid advice from someone who is seeing real results. That guy's covers are boss, too.
I agree about picking a genre. It may be helpful for financial success, but financial success and satisfaction aren't always the same thing.