L. Ron Hubbard Golden Pen Award Winner: Meredith Simmons
L. Ron Hubbard Golden Brush Award Winner: Andy B. Clarkson
First Quarter
- “An Idiot Rode to Majra” by J. Simon
- “Black Box” by Janet Barron
- “A Familiar Solution” by Marguerite Devers Green
Second Quarter
- “The Plague” by A.C. Bray
- “Time out of Mind” by Everett S. Jacobs
- “Brother Jubal in the Womb of Silence” by Tim Myers
Third Quarter
- “Marketplace of Souls” by David Lowe
- “Dreams and Bones” by Eric M. Witchey
- “The Sharp End” by Kelly David McCullough
Fourth Quarter
- “Magpie” by Meredith Simmons
- “Ten Gallons a Whore” by Anna D. Allen
- “God Loves the Infantry” by Greg Siewert
Published Finalists
“Lucretia’s Nose” by Philip Lees
“T.E.A. and Koumiss” by Steven C. Raine
“Life Eternal” by Bob Johnston
“Interrupt Vector” by Robert B. Schofield
“El Presidente Munsie” by Tony Daley
“Hello and Goodbye” by Michele Letica
Carlo Arellano
Emilia Avdeyeva
Ane M. Galego
Amanda Anderson Gannon
Andy B. Clarkson
Barry Cote
Dwayne Harris
Andy Justiniano
Ed Thompson
Lee White
Yanko Yankov
Writer Winners
Complete List
Illustrator Winners
Complete List