Things to Write About: Prompts

Things to Write About: Prompts

Here are some prompts and circumstances that always get the wheels turning when I find myself thinking, "what should I write about?"
K. D. Julicher

How I Became an Author

How I became an author is a great story in and of itself, and this is that story.
New SF Blog Image

Brand New Science Fiction

Looking for brand new science fiction and fantasy? These are the new books written by the Writers of the Future award-winning authors and contest judges.
Terry Madden at the Writers of the Future Awards Event

Has Writers of the Future Changed My Life?

My writing journey from a conversation with a writing teacher to winning Writers of the Future.
Writers of the Future Volume 36 Review by Charles Gannon

Writers of the Future Volume 36: A Review

My advice is to get lost in this extremely well-crafted and often surprising Writers of the Future anthology.
Kary English

How to Start Writing and Elements of a Short Story

If you’d like to write a story, but you’re not sure what to write about or how to start writing, I have good news: story ideas are everywhere.
Actress Marisol Nichols and Tim Powers celebrate with Jason after receiving his award in 2010

How to Become a Writer

Actress Marisol Nichols and Tim Powers celebrate with Jason Fischer after receiving his award in 2010. Jason now gives his insight ten years after winning. If you want to know how to become a writer or how to become a better writer, read this.
John Haas writing 24-hour story

The Journey of a Thousand Miles

From a love of creating stories to setting goals, first payment, first publication, winning Writers of the Future, and making by way up the ladder to professional author.
Writers of the Future 35 has won the Benjamin Franklin Gold Award, NYC Big Book Award winner and Critters Best Anthology Award

L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future 35 Wins Benjamin Franklin Gold Award for Science Fiction and Fantasy

Writers of the Future Volume 35 was acknowledged by Benjamin Franklin Book of the Year Awards with the Gold Award in the science fiction and fantasy category.

Writing Tips from Peers: The Writers of the Future Forum

The best writing tip? Join the Writers of the Future Forum. Find out why winners of the largest talent search in the world for aspiring SF writers come from the Writers of the Future Forum?