David Farland and Tim Powers at the writers workshop.

Day 5 – Writers of the Future Volume 32 Workshop

Workshop day five began with the writers gathering to critique…
Writers scrambling to finish their 24-hour stories

Day 4 – Writers of the Future Volume 32 Workshop

Day four began with the writers scrambling to finish their 24-hour stories before the final deadline at 4pm sharp...
Writer winners with instructor David Farland at Author Services for Day 3 of the workshop.

Day 3 – Writers of the Future Volume 32 Workshop

Day three kicked off with the arrival of the illustrators at the Author Services building. After they received their tour, the writers and artists...
L to R: ILOF winner Irvin Rodriguez, Camber Arnhart, Instructor Val Lakey Lindahn, Preston Stone, Maricela Ugarte Pena, Jonas Spokas, Vlada Monakhova, Adrian Massaro, Killian McKeown, Brandon Knight, Paul Otteni, Joni Labaqui, instructor Ron Lindahn, Christina Alberici.

Day 2 – Writers of the Future Volume 32 Workshop

Day two of the workshop began bright and early heading out at 9 AM. Once the writers were gathered in the hotel lobby, they were ushered down Hollywood Blvd and traipsed across the Walk of Fame...
L to R: Instructor Tim Powers, Stuart C. Baker, Krystal Claxton, Rachael Jones, Stephen Merlino, KD Julicher, Julie Frost, Matt Dovey, Sylvia Anna Hiven, JW Alden, Instructor David Farland, Jon Lasser, Christoph Weber, Contest Director Joni Labaqui

Day 1 – Writers of the Future Volume 32 Workshop

Every year the Writers of the Future workshop expands its horizons. It brings in NYT bestselling authors from around the world, hands out wonderful prizes, spends a full week training that year’s crop of up-and-comers, and then ...
Man reading Writers of the Future on a tablet.

Why do people read?

Ask a number of book readers why they read and you will inevitably get a variety of answers. So recently we did just that. We surveyed over a hundred book readers to find out what made them pick up a book and read.
Now a National Bestseller Writers of the Future Volume 31

Writers of the Future Vol 31 a National Bestseller

The latest edition in the Writers of the Future anthology hit Publishers Weekly's Sci Fi bestseller list at #7 on their w/e July 6, 2015. This official makes all 13 of our published writer winners and 12 illustration winners national bestsellers!
Dean Wesley Smith, Roger Zelazny, Gregory Benford and Algis Budrys

A Bit of History

Over three decades ago the first Writers of the Future Awards ceremony took place at the famous Chasen's restaurant in Beverly Hills, California on February 6, 1985. Present were Ray Bradbury, Robert Silverberg, Theodore Sturgeon, Jack Williamson, Dr. Gregory Benford, Roger Zelazny and A.E. van Vogt...
Tom Doherty, founder of Tor Books, on stage at the annual Writers & Illustrators of the Future Awards Ceremony accepting the L. Ron Hubbard Lifetime Achievement Award.

Tom Doherty

Few casual readers may know of Tor Books, but almost anyone who has ever read a science fiction or fantasy book will have held one of Tor’s innumerable novels, which have been published since its inception in 1980. And who was the founder of what has become one of the most—if not the most—impressive powerhouse of speculative fiction in the modern world? That would be Tom Doherty!
William Pomerantz (far left) with David Farland, Sharon Joss, Michelle Lockamy, Larry Elmore and the Winner Twins at the Annual Awards Celebration

Conquest of Space – Easy, According to William Pomerantz, VP Virgin Galactic

William Pomerantz, VP for Special Projects at Virgin Galactic…