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I didn't remember if there was a thread for anybody to share their writing successes with everybody, so I figured I'd start one. :)

I've been taking a break from forums for a while, but I just wanted to stop back to share some exciting news. My first publication is now posted on Fantasy Magazine. It's not fiction, unfortunately, but it's still getting my name on a prestigious magazine so I am very excited. I will have an entry posted every Saturday for at least the next 3 weeks after this one.

This one: an interview of author Alethea Kontis.

The other three (I'm not certain of the order yet):
An interview with David Wolverton (David Farland)
An article titled "Wizard vs. Witch: Who's the Real Villain?" examining the Wizard of Oz.
A comparison of "Wicked" the book vs. "Wicked" the movie.

I'm hoping to make this a regular thing, as long as I can keep Cat Rambo interested. Finally something for my hungry cover letter template. :)

David Steffen
Visit Diabolical Plots for interviews, reviews, and much more:

Posted : June 20, 2009 11:15 am
N.V. Haskell, Anna X, Ellis Eden and 3 people reacted
Posts: 32
Advanced Member

Congratulations. All my best. If you are writing, submitting and getting published, the pump is primed. Who knows what your subconscious will come up with next? Maybe a magnum opus to put the Iliad to shame.

Why not? Some day Shakespeare will be outdone. We'll know in 500 years for the judgment of history to gel, but she could be alive today, making her first WotF submission. Or, it could be you.


6xHM blog

Posted : June 20, 2009 12:11 pm
Posts: 67
Bronze Member

I just got an e-mail from an anthology stating that they were holding my manuscript for the final round of consideration. I'll take that as a "finalist" any day!

Posted : June 20, 2009 6:32 pm
Gavin Ross reacted
Posts: 17
Active Member

Congrats to you David! I think it's great how you've gotten a pretty steady thing going with Fantasy Magazine, she likes your style and the energy you put into your works. I loved the "Cat Rambo is not a Robot!" Interview on your blog! =)

And Congrats to you Brennan! You will have to keep us all posted! That will be great to see your work in print. And your novel is quite far in its works! I know David worked up his bio, how about you Brennan, have you started to work up a bio?

It is excellent that you are getting yourselves out there and your names seen, that's what makes it all work... when your well known it's so much easier to work your way in and up! :wink:

I am starting to work my way in more... besides the Pond Side Gallery in Canada that buys alot of my work (they are my main artistic income! besides convention sales) I am about to start submitting to print works and ezines after my next submission to IotF =)

For SpoCon a fantasy and science fiction convention in Spokane WA,
I will be on several panel/classes and get to be a moderator for a panel that I suggested about ancient civilizations, ancient astronaut theories (Sumerians, the Rig Veda, the Hopi) and how you can take alternate prehistory concepts and use them in your writing and art. The other panels I should be doing (though they have not finalized a list yet) should be "Creating creatures and advanced creatures/civilizations", one on motivation, and a few other art related panels...

A friend of mine who was a visual artist who now is a novelist, Mark J. Ferrari, author of "The book of Joby" Tor books, has given me lots of tips, The biggest tip is it's all an illusion. (He is helping me with my illusion by sharing a hotel room with my husband and I and riding up together) The fanbase and other pros will make the connection that I must be a pro if I am sharing a room and hanging out with the guy that was the last years Artist Guest of Honor. If you present yourself as a pro, then you are. As an artist at conventions and working into cover illustration that's all that it is about. People will buy you more if they believe you are a pro and feel comfortable with you so they know you will be around so that their investment in your art will grow in value. Now on the writer side of it, it works kind of the same, if you get your name out and the fanbase see's you as a pro they are more likely to buy your product (your writing) thus making you more valuable to the publishers! =) I suggest getting to conventions and doing readings of your works, along with doing panels on topics you are interested in. That way the fans get to know you and you can make great contacts and learn alot from the older pros! :D

Lots of love to you all! Believe in your work- it does show... :D
- Joey Jordan soon to be an Illustrator of the Future!

Watch me, I understand I am powerful, now see what I become when I am focused and truely understand myself......

Posted : June 21, 2009 4:09 pm
Posts: 571
Silver Star Member

Congrats to you guys. All hail the Thread of Success!

What a tangled web we weave, but weave it we all would! To Success!

'The only tyrant we accept in this world is the still voice within.' -Gandhi IOTF:Winner Q1 vol.27 (3x Finalist); WOTF: HM x2

Posted : June 22, 2009 12:38 pm
Posts: 21
Active Member

Congrats everyone!

Fantasy magazine is a really cool site. I was thinking about submitting some work there myself, David. I'll have to go and find your work there. It sounds very interesting.

Also, what antho is considering your story Brennan? Or is the antho not disclosing itself until closer to the publication date? Hopefully it's a pro pub!

Again, congrats all. Hope to hear of more successes. It's infinitely better than the doom and gloom which so often permeates the aspiring writer forums.

Posted : June 23, 2009 10:48 pm
Posts: 73
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I just got an e-mail from an anthology stating that they were holding my manuscript for the final round of consideration. I'll take that as a "finalist" any day!

Congratulations, Brennan! Keep us posted.

David Steffen
Visit Diabolical Plots for interviews, reviews, and much more:

Posted : June 26, 2009 7:30 am
Posts: 73
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I also have a story that's being held for final consideration for an anthology. It's a Wizard of Oz horror anthology--I love Oz, so I had no choice but to submit to it. :)

David Steffen
Visit Diabolical Plots for interviews, reviews, and much more:

Posted : June 26, 2009 7:38 am
Posts: 67
Bronze Member

I also have a story that's being held for final consideration for an anthology. It's a Wizard of Oz horror anthology--I love Oz, so I had no choice but to submit to it. :)

Having read most of Baum's books, that would be an interesting anthology to read. Link to call/book?

Posted : June 26, 2009 7:39 am
Posts: 73
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I also have a story that's being held for final consideration for an anthology. It's a Wizard of Oz horror anthology--I love Oz, so I had no choice but to submit to it. :)

Having read most of Baum's books, that would be an interesting anthology to read. Link to call/book?

It's planned to be a PoD antho, so if I do get in I'll need all the word-of-mouth advertising I can get! One nice thing about having the interviews/articles in Fantasy is that I can alter my bio to advertise upcoming publications (if I get some publications that is), so hopefully that will get some more people interested.

David Steffen
Visit Diabolical Plots for interviews, reviews, and much more:

Posted : June 26, 2009 7:46 am
Jason Toth
Posts: 701
Gold Star Member Admin

That's great, David. It looks like you are "breaking in."

I hope you are still okay to submit to WOTF and if not you'll be an officially published author. Well done!


Posted : June 27, 2009 8:56 pm
Posts: 73
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That's great, David. It looks like you are "breaking in."

I hope you are still okay to submit to WOTF and if not you'll be an officially published author. Well done!


I'm nowhere near to being ineligible yet, so I intend to keep on trying. :)

David Steffen
Visit Diabolical Plots for interviews, reviews, and much more:

Posted : June 27, 2009 9:01 pm
Posts: 14
Active Member

This is free and happens to have one of my stories in it as well as one from another person (at least one) who sometimes posts here:

It's the Editor Unleashed/Smashwords Flash 40 Contest Anthology. Some interesting flash pieces in it.

J. R. Tomlin

Talon of the Raptor Clan
Available at

Posted : July 20, 2009 12:18 pm
Posts: 571
Silver Star Member

'Guardian demon' I like that! congrats, JR.

'The only tyrant we accept in this world is the still voice within.' -Gandhi IOTF:Winner Q1 vol.27 (3x Finalist); WOTF: HM x2

Posted : July 21, 2009 12:42 pm
Jason Toth
Posts: 701
Gold Star Member Admin

Congratulations, Jeanne. Very cool!


Posted : July 21, 2009 1:02 pm
Posts: 14
Active Member


By the way, I had said that I'd post this so here it is.

Warrior's Duty is finally published and available on Amazon. ... 296&sr=1-2

There's also a sample chapter on my website at

J. R. Tomlin

Talon of the Raptor Clan
Available at

Posted : July 21, 2009 11:19 pm
Posts: 21
Active Member

Congratulations Jeanne :). I can't imagine how great it must feel to see your name on a book cover. I'm looking forward to the day I can experience the same :D

Posted : July 25, 2009 6:38 pm
Posts: 14
Active Member

Thanks, Emery. Yes, it's a thrill even if only from a small publisher. :)

J. R. Tomlin

Talon of the Raptor Clan
Available at

Posted : July 27, 2009 11:34 pm
Posts: 73
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Topic starter


By the way, I had said that I'd post this so here it is.

Warrior's Duty is finally published and available on Amazon. ... 296&sr=1-2

There's also a sample chapter on my website at

Congrats, Jeanne!

David Steffen
Visit Diabolical Plots for interviews, reviews, and much more:

Posted : July 30, 2009 10:51 am
Posts: 73
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Topic starter

I just got my very first fiction sale as of this morning!

I've sold my horror and SF story The Disconnected to Pseudopod, a horror podcast market. I don't know when it will be available yet, but it will be distributed as a free download of an audio reading of my story.

I got a rewrite request for the story yesterday, I sent them the small revision yesterday. I received the acceptance email today as well as the contract. The contract is signed and faxed back to them. :)

Needless to say, I'm very excited. :)

David Steffen
Visit Diabolical Plots for interviews, reviews, and much more:

Posted : July 30, 2009 10:55 am
Posts: 346
Silver Member Moderator

Huzzah! Hurrah!

Coming up: "Life Flight," in Analog magazine
Coming up: "The Chaplain's War," from Baen Books
Nebula, Hugo, and Campbell nominee.

Posted : July 30, 2009 11:16 am
Posts: 571
Silver Star Member

Congrats to you and to us all!

ETA: Well, whut I meant to write : Congrats to YOU both ... and may we ALL someday soon share your growing Successes! :oops:

'The only tyrant we accept in this world is the still voice within.' -Gandhi IOTF:Winner Q1 vol.27 (3x Finalist); WOTF: HM x2

Posted : July 30, 2009 1:46 pm
Posts: 204
Bronze Star Member

Congrats Jeanne. Looks good on Amazon

And congrats on the sale, steffen.

I'm waiting to hear from one market in particular. Made the second round of readings with my Q1 reject. Should hear a decision this week. (Mind you, I thought that last week too! lol)


Posted : July 30, 2009 3:03 pm
Posts: 14
Active Member

I just got my very first fiction sale as of this morning!

I've sold my horror and SF story The Disconnected to Pseudopod, a horror podcast market. I don't know when it will be available yet, but it will be distributed as a free download of an audio reading of my story.

I got a rewrite request for the story yesterday, I sent them the small revision yesterday. I received the acceptance email today as well as the contract. The contract is signed and faxed back to them. :)

Needless to say, I'm very excited. :)

Fantastic, Dave! Congrats!!

J. R. Tomlin

Talon of the Raptor Clan
Available at

Posted : July 30, 2009 5:09 pm
Posts: 346
Silver Member Moderator

Jeanne, you've got to feel very satisfied about your book being in print.


Coming up: "Life Flight," in Analog magazine
Coming up: "The Chaplain's War," from Baen Books
Nebula, Hugo, and Campbell nominee.

Posted : July 30, 2009 6:12 pm
Posts: 346
Silver Member Moderator

I want to extend a big to our good friend and JBU slushmeister Gary Cuba, who had to wait the better part of a year before scoring a W with Abyss & Apex.

Mega-kudos to Dave and Gary both for bringing home the gold this week.


Coming up: "Life Flight," in Analog magazine
Coming up: "The Chaplain's War," from Baen Books
Nebula, Hugo, and Campbell nominee.

Posted : July 31, 2009 1:57 pm
Posts: 21
Active Member

What's a W Brad?

And congratulations on your first publication Dave :)

To join in on the festivities, I've sold a story as well. But I'm unable to give any further details until it's announced publicly :

Posted : July 31, 2009 2:05 pm
Posts: 346
Silver Member Moderator

Sorry. W = sportspeak for WIN!


Coming up: "Life Flight," in Analog magazine
Coming up: "The Chaplain's War," from Baen Books
Nebula, Hugo, and Campbell nominee.

Posted : July 31, 2009 2:08 pm
Posts: 346
Silver Member Moderator

What's a W Brad?

And congratulations on your first publication Dave :)

To join in on the festivities, I've sold a story as well. But I'm unable to give any further details until it's announced publicly :

WHOA! That's three this week!


Coming up: "Life Flight," in Analog magazine
Coming up: "The Chaplain's War," from Baen Books
Nebula, Hugo, and Campbell nominee.

Posted : July 31, 2009 2:09 pm
Gavin Ross reacted
Posts: 21
Active Member

haha well my news came a few weeks ago, I just thought i'd throw it out there now since everyone else was :lol:

Posted : July 31, 2009 5:14 pm
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