I'm going, is anyone else?
Literary saboteur
Blog: http://www.robertmitchellevans.com/
HM X 5
SF X 3
F X 1
Current Rejection Streak: 0
I'm going, is anyone else?
Want to. Not sure on the finances with my job change and my sick relatives. I'm going to miss about half a week of income, which was about what I expected it to cost.
But I really want to. I promised a Hudson Hawk showing.
Tools, Not Rules.
Martin L. Shoemaker
3rd Place Q1 V31
"Today I Am Paul", WSFA Small Press Award 2015, Nebula nomination 2015
Today I Am Carey from Baen
The Last Dance (#1 science fiction eBook on Amazon, October 2019) and The Last Campaign from 47North
I'll be there!
Thomas K Carpenter
SFx2, SHMx1, HMx12 (Pro'd Out - Q4 2016)
EQMM - Feb 2015 /
I'll be there.
we should have some sort of meet up. A looooooosers club. <img src="
Literary saboteur
Blog: http://www.robertmitchellevans.com/
HM X 5
SF X 3
F X 1
Current Rejection Streak: 0
we should have some sort of meet up. A looooooosers club. <img src="
That's no way to think of ourselves. We're all great, it's just everyone else doesn't know it yet.
Thomas K Carpenter
SFx2, SHMx1, HMx12 (Pro'd Out - Q4 2016)
EQMM - Feb 2015 /
I'll be there.
No losers club though, that's a self fulfilling prophecy, Bob.
I'd be glad to meet up with you guys. Or swap schedules - see if we'll have anything together.
Dawn Bonanno
SF 2 / HM 6 / R 16 / Total 24 Entries
I'll be there.
you know all those oooooo in looser are satirical
We just Writers Of The Future To Be
Literary saboteur
Blog: http://www.robertmitchellevans.com/
HM X 5
SF X 3
F X 1
Current Rejection Streak: 0
Once the Chicon schedule comes out, we'll have to pick a time and place for a WOTF meet up.
Thomas K Carpenter
SFx2, SHMx1, HMx12 (Pro'd Out - Q4 2016)
EQMM - Feb 2015 /
When do they typically post schedules?
This is my first Worldcon...
Dawn Bonanno
SF 2 / HM 6 / R 16 / Total 24 Entries
When do they typically post schedules?
This is my first Worldcon...
Mine too, but I'm expecting to see a schedule in July. That should give us plenty of time to plan.
Thomas K Carpenter
SFx2, SHMx1, HMx12 (Pro'd Out - Q4 2016)
EQMM - Feb 2015 /
Oh, you optimistic people. It'd be nice to get a con schedule in July, but this is a fan run con and it could be August before we see a panel schedule. That said, last time I was in Chicago for a Worldcon I had a pretty good time and the venue is nice and compact. It won't be a con with death marches like in San Jose.
Literary saboteur
Blog: http://www.robertmitchellevans.com/
HM X 5
SF X 3
F X 1
Current Rejection Streak: 0
I will be there. You'll likely run into other previous winners as well.
"Living Rooms" WotF 26 Gold Award
Latest Story:
Upcoming works in:
Swords v Cthulhu, Fantastic Stories of the Imagination
I'll be there, and Brad promised I could polish his Hugo Award if he wins.
I'll be there, and Brad promised I could polish his Hugo Award if he wins.
Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
Oh dear. I need a signature.
And an avatar.
And probably other things I don't even know about.
I feel naked.
I'll be there, and Brad promised I could polish his Hugo Award if he wins.
Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
Jeanette Gonzalez
HM x4, SHM x2, F x1
I'll be there, and Brad promised I could polish his Hugo Award if he wins.
Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
I originally wrote "his rocket" but changed it to avoid the double entendre. I guess I underestimated the group's ability to find inuendo . . .
Well all my preparations are done, membership, hotel room, and now airline tickets purchased. I am so excited.
Literary saboteur
Blog: http://www.robertmitchellevans.com/
HM X 5
SF X 3
F X 1
Current Rejection Streak: 0
Just saw this - I'll be there!
Vol 29 Q3 Semi Finalist
I will be attending Chicon as well--hope to see everyone there.
Alistair Kimble
v28 Q4: Finalist
HM x7
Yeah, I kinda thought I'd go.
Hugo & Nebula multi-award winner
Writers of the Future Contest Judge
Yeah, I kinda thought I'd go.
Where's the like button?
Welcome to the forums, Mike.
Dawn Bonanno
SF 2 / HM 6 / R 16 / Total 24 Entries
Well, Mr. Resnick if you didn't go I think the Con Committee might be a tad disappointed. (And a lot of fans.)
Literary saboteur
Blog: http://www.robertmitchellevans.com/
HM X 5
SF X 3
F X 1
Current Rejection Streak: 0
They tell me I am on a ballot of some sort.
Ah, what the hey, might as well go.
Coming up: "Life Flight," in
Coming up: "The Chaplain's War," from
Nebula, Hugo, and Campbell nominee.
Someone tell me they are live streaming the Hugo's for heaven's sake! If so, I'll be there, chomping on my claws for you, Brad.
SF x 1 (Extreeemely happy snappy gator)
HM x 9 (Happy snappy gator)
"Europa Spring" - buy from Amazon
The Happy Snappy Gator Bog! Er, Blog...
I'd like to, but I don't think it's in the cards.
Oh dear. I need a signature.
And an avatar.
And probably other things I don't even know about.
I feel naked.
Mr. Resnick, if I were going to read just one book of yours which would you suggest?
Literary saboteur
Blog: http://www.robertmitchellevans.com/
HM X 5
SF X 3
F X 1
Current Rejection Streak: 0
"Mr. Resnick, if I were going to read just one book of yours which would you suggest?"
I hate singling any one out; they're all my children.
If you want my bestseller, SANTIAGO made the NYTimes list and was continuously in print
for 25 years. If you want my most-honored, KIRINYAGA has 67 major and minor awards
and nominations. If you want the author's favorite, it's THE OUTPOST (which sank without a
trace back in 2001).
I don't know how easy or difficult those titles are to find, but I have one coming out at
Chicon that's pretty representative. It's the GOH book, to be published by Isfic Press with
a Vincent diFate cover, titled WIN SOME, LOSE SOME, and contains my 30 short fiction
Hugo nominees -- 5 winners, 24 losers, one as yet undecided.
And I'm Mike. Mister is some other guy.
-- Mike
Hugo & Nebula multi-award winner
Writers of the Future Contest Judge