So it looks like I'll be going to WorldCon. Who all is planning on going? Also to those who've gone in the past: What did you find the most valuable? What are the "must see" parts?
Sadly due the unemployment I am not attended this year. (A cause of great sadness for myself.) I do love my world cons...
On the plus die someone here could benefits as that means we now have two memberships that we can sell you if anyone needs and or is interested.
Literary saboteur
HM X 5
SF X 3
F X 1
Current Rejection Streak: 0
I shall be attending. Sadly, I have no advice, and many of the same questions. But if I were you, I would do anything that Resnick fellow advises (within the bounds of good taste).
Tools, Not Rules.
Martin L. Shoemaker
3rd Place Q1 V31
"Today I Am Paul", WSFA Small Press Award 2015, Nebula nomination 2015
Today I Am Carey from Baen
The Last Dance (#1 science fiction eBook on Amazon, October 2019) and The Last Campaign from 47North
Sadly due the unemployment I am not attended this year. (A cause of great sadness for myself.) I do love my world cons...
On the plus die someone here could benefits as that means we now have two memberships that we can sell you if anyone needs and or is interested.
Damn! That's a shame, Bob. We'll miss you.
Tools, Not Rules.
Martin L. Shoemaker
3rd Place Q1 V31
"Today I Am Paul", WSFA Small Press Award 2015, Nebula nomination 2015
Today I Am Carey from Baen
The Last Dance (#1 science fiction eBook on Amazon, October 2019) and The Last Campaign from 47North
I wish, but alas, my vacation-tied-to-writing time is already spent for the year.
Have much fun, all who are going, and let us know how awesome it was so we can live vicariously through you!
Rebecca Birch
Finalist - 2, SF - 1, SHM - 1, HM - 18, R - 6
Words of Birch
Short Story Collection--Life Out of Harmony and Other Tales of Wonder
So it looks like I'll be going to WorldCon. Who all is planning on going? Also to those who've gone in the past: What did you find the most valuable? What are the "must see" parts?
Is that the one in Texas?
I can't go but if anyone has a chance say hi to John Joseph Adams for me.
Working on turning Lead into Gold.
Four HMs From WotF
The latest was Q1'12
HM-quarter 4 Volume 32
One HM for another contest
published in Strange New Worlds Ten.
Another HM
Can't go this year. We're aiming for London in 2014. I have too much work to do this year, alas.
As for advice, I'd say go to panels that interest you (not just writing-focuses ones, they often have good science and gaming panels and you never know what you'll learn) and also hang around at the parties. Don't hang on people but don't be afraid to go up and say hi to other writers and editors. As long as you aren't clingy or too invasive of personal space, most people don't mind meeting strangers. Be genuine, talk about things that interest you, don't try to pitch your work without invitation. Be friendly and professional, basically.
Also, make up professional and simple business cards, because people will ask you for them. I didn't have any my first year at Worldcon (because I was such a newbie) and I regret it cause even as a total newbie, people asked for them.
Same here. Can't go this year, because I'm already using up all my vacation time to go to Clarion West, but I'm really hoping to be in London in 2014. Never been out of the country, and hoping to get married in September '14, but still. Planning on being there.
As far as advice goes, everything Annie said. My first Worldcon was last year's, and I started to really enjoy myself as soon as I started listening to her: don't try to do everything by a set schedule, don't try to make every panel, and expect to have the most fun during impromptu dinner trips, publisher parties, and chance meetings with interesting people.
Same here. Can't go this year, because I'm already using up all my vacation time to go to Clarion West, but I'm really hoping to be in London in 2014. Never been out of the country, and hoping to get married in September '14, but still. Planning on being there.
Ya know... London would make a great honeymoon spot!
Tools, Not Rules.
Martin L. Shoemaker
3rd Place Q1 V31
"Today I Am Paul", WSFA Small Press Award 2015, Nebula nomination 2015
Today I Am Carey from Baen
The Last Dance (#1 science fiction eBook on Amazon, October 2019) and The Last Campaign from 47North
I'll be going. I enjoy WorldCon, however, I enjoy World Fantasy much more--simply because it's smaller (1,000 or so people) versus 4-6k, plus it's more publishing focused...however, this year it's in the UK and still not sure if I'm going.
Anyway, I'll be at WorldCon. Annie's advice is sound. Panels that interest you and hanging out in the bars and parties. I made almost all of my friends at the bars--writers of course, but also publishers, editors, and agents. The parties are loud--so I've made most of my contacts at the bars and over dinners I've been fortunate enough to get invited to.
Alistair Kimble
v28 Q4: Finalist
HM x7
Alas, I won't be attending. But I went to Renovation a few years ago, and it was my first WorldCon. I was way too shy. I couldn't bring myself to approach any writers or editors and was way to chicken to attend any parties. Don't do that. By the time I loosened up on Saturday night after the Hugos and had fun, it was practically over. Be brave!
Finalist: Q3 V29
Semi-Finalist: Q1 V30
HM x 3
I'll be there. And it's my first one, too, so, like Tina, I appreciate all the advice.
It's amazing the cool, random things that'll happen. Tom, Annie, and I were hanging out in the hallway at a table, just talking and killing time. Ken Liu dropped by and chatted, and then after he left some guy I'd never seen before walked over and said hello, then sat down with us. Talked for maybe half an hour or so about publishing and audiobooks, etc. After he left, Tom and Annie told me he was Hugh Howey, the guy who'd just sold his self-published e-book to Ridley Scott.
The next morning, I think it was, Annie and I left the dealer room and ran into Neil Gaiman in the hotel lobby, where she got introduced to him as "Annie Bellet, a fabulous writer." I just smiled. Couldn't bring myself to even say hello. He accepted the Hugo for his Doctor Who script a few hours later.
Remember they're all just people--most of them exceptionally kind, down-to-earth folks. Don't be shy. I am by nature a very shy person, but it's not a good way to approach a con. Grab a beer or two and you'll find it's much easier to approach people like David Brin and John Scalzi. Remember they're there just to have fun, like you.
I believe the word the editor who introduced me used was "fantastic", not that I've memorized that entire experience. I am sorry I sort of forgot you (and the world) were there behind me or I would have introduced you. My brain overloaded.
But yeah. It's awesome who you can meet. I hide in my home 90% of the time, so it's always strange to go to Worldcon (or any convention) and realize that I know like a million people. And that's just after 4 years in this business with minimal online and in-person networking.
Also, if you do happen to be an introvert like I am, make sure to leave time to recharge. Maybe take the mornings to have a quiet breakfast, or grab a nap every now and again. I know sometimes it feels like I'll miss something if I stay in my hotel room and let my batteries recharge, but I think I make up for it later by not wanting to flee every party and conversation because I'm exhausted.
Are you saying that spending your time in the hotel room trying (and failing) to finish a story so you can submit it to Stan is not the best use of your time?
(Even if Trevor eventually bought that story...)
Tools, Not Rules.
Martin L. Shoemaker
3rd Place Q1 V31
"Today I Am Paul", WSFA Small Press Award 2015, Nebula nomination 2015
Today I Am Carey from Baen
The Last Dance (#1 science fiction eBook on Amazon, October 2019) and The Last Campaign from 47North
What? Clearly not Now, if all you'd done was sit in your hotel room and write, sure, not the best use of your time. But a little recharge or work time isn't bad at all. I know plenty of writers who end up putting in some work time at conventions. I always end up taking a ton of notes and writing down lots of story ideas (often from those sciencey panels).
Ooh, which also reminds me. Take a notebook and a pen or two. Something small enough to carry. Or an iPad or tablet of some sort. You will want to write stuff down at some point, cause there is always too much good stuff to learn and often things that spark story ideas.
I'm going! But you already knew that
This is going to be EPIC.
Blog and Portfolio
Not this year. I went away twice last year, so no budget. I'm aiming for World Fantasy in 2014 though (nudge nudge).
Annie's advice of paper and pen is right on. If you're a morning person, you'll find people are up in the lounge/lobby and actually writing. sometimes panels inspire you to jot down more than just notes on the panel. And panels may surprise you. A very serious sounding panel turned out to be the funniest thing ever -- tears rolling down my cheeks funn (nudges Martin). (For me, simply not having the kids around gave me writing energy/time).
Expect faulty programming, i.e. two different short story panels happening at the same time, etc. Plan ahead and prepare to be flexible.
If this is your first con, I have a few things to share (otherwise ignore this): Remember to sleep a little bit, and bring snacks with you. With all those people and running from panel to event to panel, you won't have the patience for lines to buy food.
Dawn Bonanno
SF 2 / HM 6 / R 16 / Total 24 Entries
sometimes panels inspire you to jot down more than just notes on the panel. And panels may surprise you. A very serious sounding panel turned out to be the funniest thing ever -- tears rolling down my cheeks funn (nudges Martin).
Rectal. Tourniquet. That image will NEVER leave me...
If this is your first con, I have a few things to share (otherwise ignore this): Remember to sleep a little bit, and bring snacks with you. With all those people and running from panel to event to panel, you won't have the patience for lines to buy food.
And what the hotel charges for even snacks will stun you. They know you're a captive audience. I believe it was something like $3.25 for a Snickers bar.
Tools, Not Rules.
Martin L. Shoemaker
3rd Place Q1 V31
"Today I Am Paul", WSFA Small Press Award 2015, Nebula nomination 2015
Today I Am Carey from Baen
The Last Dance (#1 science fiction eBook on Amazon, October 2019) and The Last Campaign from 47North
There is usually a con hospitality suite that has fresh fruit, chips, soda, bottles of water, and occasionally other things (depending on who is running it). If you are a SFWA member or can get a friend who is to guest you into the SFWA suite, they provide decent breakfast and lunch items and snacks as well (practically worth the 80 bucks for membership right there if it saves your food budget). In fact, I found the SFWA suite the most useful thing about my SFWA membership (practically the only useful thing, but that's another topic) because between the free food and the awesome people I could actually have the space and time to sit and chat with, that place is my main hang out often at Worldcons. (It's usually not as crowded and loud as the parties and you know most of the people in there will be fellow professionals or neo-professionals in the sf/f world)
Thanks for all the tips (and please keep them coming!). I'm also planning on going to the WorldCon in London. We have to work out a few logistics of course, because Tyler wants to go to that one too and we'll have to figure out what to do with the kids.
I'm going! But you already knew that
This is going to be EPIC.
I'm so excited!! If we can get as many of the gang back together we'll rock the entire event. And it looks like we've got Alex to 85% least he got over his mulling stage. And Marina will be there, of course!
I'll be there.
I'll be going.
Shaping up to be a good crew of WOTFers
I shall be attending. Sadly, I have no advice, and many of the same questions. But if I were you, I would do anything that Resnick fellow advises (within the bounds of good taste).
So excited to meet the other third of my brain. And, yes, I'm listening closely to Resnick, he's been sending Aqua (Marina) and I lessons. Part to prepare us, part that he's concerned without him we'll do something stupid, embarrass the snot out of him, and make him look silly for taking us on.
Alas, I will not make it this year. Also, hoping to get to London in 2014, but we shall see.
As for advice, the others have given better than I could. The whole WorldCon experience was fantastic and I'll remember it forever, especially because I got to meet a ton of other writers in person (especially the ones from these forums!)
Unfortunately, I will harbor a grudge against Annie and Alex for getting to met Neil when I was putting my backpack in my room! See what happens when you're not in your hotel room for even five minutes! Geez. Take that as a lesson.
Thomas K Carpenter
SFx2, SHMx1, HMx12 (Pro'd Out - Q4 2016)
EQMM - Feb 2015 /
Best general rule for all conventions:
6:2:1 every 24. That is 6 hours of sleep, 2 meals, 1 shower/bath every 24 hours.
As too panels, there are always more panels than you have time for, I personally like to mix up my panels, got to some for practical education, generally writing panels, a few for scientific curiosity, and a couple simply because they look fun.
(Tim Powers on a panel is in itself a reason to go.)
I weep that I will not be there, but life could be worse.
Literary saboteur
HM X 5
SF X 3
F X 1
Current Rejection Streak: 0
Yep, I'll be there too. The info Tina and I have been getting from Mike is great. And all of your tips are really helpful, so thanks guys.
And I'm so excited to meet those of you who are going (or to see you again!).
I did see that Tim Powers is on the panel list, Bob, which makes me happy. He was great at the workshop.
WotF Winner Q1 2012 (Vol. 29)
WotF Finalist Q2 2010 (Vol. 27)
WotF Finalist Q4 2011 (Vol. 28)
I did see that Tim Powers is on the panel list, Bob, which makes me happy. He was great at the workshop.
I adore Tim as an Author and as a person. Because he is L.A. local I always see him at LosCon and he's always been kind, and funny, and generous. More than any other reason I want to win this damn contest to get into that workshop with tim.
Literary saboteur
HM X 5
SF X 3
F X 1
Current Rejection Streak: 0
I'll be at WorldCon this year as well. It'll be great to get to meet some more of you from the forums - I had a blast hanging out with those I met at last years' WorldCon!
My only advice (and I'm not sure if this has already been shared or not) - if you're going to the Hugo awards ceremony, get in line EARLY.
1X Silver HM
2X Semi-Finalist
I'll be at WorldCon this year as well. It'll be great to get to meet some more of you from the forums - I had a blast hanging out with those I met at last years' WorldCon!
My only advice (and I'm not sure if this has already been shared or not) - if you're going to the Hugo awards ceremony, get in line EARLY.
Yep. I got lucky: my preceding panel turned out to be a bust, so I bugged out early. There were probably ONLY 200 people in line in front of me.
And heartless as it sounds, don't try to meet up with friends their or save seats. The crowd is just too huge to make connections. Maybe if it's above ground, it will be different; but at Chicon 7, the presentation was in an underground theater area, and there was no cell signal to try to connect with people. I did look for people (hi, Alex!), but there was just no way to connect.
Tools, Not Rules.
Martin L. Shoemaker
3rd Place Q1 V31
"Today I Am Paul", WSFA Small Press Award 2015, Nebula nomination 2015
Today I Am Carey from Baen
The Last Dance (#1 science fiction eBook on Amazon, October 2019) and The Last Campaign from 47North
I'll be at WorldCon this year as well. It'll be great to get to meet some more of you from the forums - I had a blast hanging out with those I met at last years' WorldCon!
My only advice (and I'm not sure if this has already been shared or not) - if you're going to the Hugo awards ceremony, get in line EARLY.
Yep. I got lucky: my preceding panel turned out to be a bust, so I bugged out early. There were probably ONLY 200 people in line in front of me.
And heartless as it sounds, don't try to meet up with friends their or save seats. The crowd is just too huge to make connections. Maybe if it's above ground, it will be different; but at Chicon 7, the presentation was in an underground theater area, and there was no cell signal to try to connect with people. I did look for people (hi, Alex!), but there was just no way to connect.
That actually doesn't sound cruel to me, just a lot less stressful.
I'll be there as well. It'll be my first WorldCon (first ever con for that matter).
Yeah, the way I recall it Tom and I were already hanging out the afternoon of the Hugos, and we got to the line maybe an hour before the ceremony was supposed to start, and yes, there were whole floors, whole hallways, whole staircases filled with people in line in front of us. I'd say loiter around the auditorium well in advance!