I'll be there as well. It'll be my first WorldCon (first ever con for that matter).
Worldcon are great. I am heartbroken I will not be attended this one.
That said, smaller con have a flavor and advantage all their own. IT was at a smaller con that I sat in the bar for 90 minutes with Gregory Benford talking writing.
If you live in SoCaL you might wanna check out LosCon (Los Angeles) in November, Conjecture (San Diego) in October. In NorCal there's Baycon and a bunch of other smaller and mid-sized cons to attend.
Literary saboteur
Blog: http://www.robertmitchellevans.com/
HM X 5
SF X 3
F X 1
Current Rejection Streak: 0
I'm late to the thread, but I'll be there. Looking forward to meeting all of you!
Q4 2011 - Honorable Mention - "Ascent"
Short fiction sales to Mindflights (x2), Twisted Dreams Magazine, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine
Sorry to report that a number of your WotF judges -- me, Kevin Anderson, Rob Sawyer, Larry Niven -- will be at DragonCon the same weekend, but that shouldn't stop you from having a wonderful time and hopefully doing some business.
A year ago I ran an article on my web page -- one I've been running and updating in various venues for well over a decade -- on how to enjoy your first worldcon. Here's the link if anyone's interested:
I'll definitely be at London next year. Can't miss the opportunity to twist 30 or 40 foreign editors' arms. 🙂
-- Mike
Hugo & Nebula multi-award winner
Writers of the Future Contest Judge
Dragon*Con for the win! 31 days . . .
Anyone interested in sharing a hotel room in San Antonio and saving a few bucks? I promise, I don't take up a lot of space and am just as comfortable sleeping on the chair in the corner as on a bed.
I'll be at Worldcon this year as well.
Hope to see some of you there!
My blog:
Just a reminder in case it help someone out --
Due to sudden unemployment I will not be attending WorldCon this year. That has left me and my sweetie-wife with two memberships were are unable to use.
We are offering them for sale for the price we paid -- $180 -- so if you plan to attended and you have not yet gotten your membership(s) we can save you some coin.
Literary saboteur
Blog: http://www.robertmitchellevans.com/
HM X 5
SF X 3
F X 1
Current Rejection Streak: 0
I wish I was going to worldcon. Good luck and safe travels to those who are.
If you happen to see a big Australian there named David McDonald, say hi. He's my friend and crit buddy.
Details on the WorldCon WIOTF room party here:
And everyone, yes, everyone is invited. We don't discriminate. Come hang out with us!
Party details!
Marriott Rivercenter
Room #3536
Starts: 9:00 p.m.
Ends: The Future!
Tools, Not Rules.
Martin L. Shoemaker
3rd Place Q1 V31
"Today I Am Paul", WSFA Small Press Award 2015, Nebula nomination 2015
Today I Am Carey from Baen
The Last Dance (#1 science fiction eBook on Amazon, October 2019) and The Last Campaign from 47North
I had a blast at WorldCon this year, and a huge part of that was meeting all the wonderful WotF people--forum members, lurkers, etc.
Everyone I met was friendly, interesting, and truly wonderful to hang out with. I'm looking forward to seeing them all at future cons.
Alistair Kimble
v28 Q4: Finalist
HM x7
I had a blast at WorldCon this year, and a huge part of that was meeting all the wonderful WotF people--forum members, lurkers, etc.
Everyone I met was friendly, interesting, and truly wonderful to hang out with. I'm looking forward to seeing them all at future cons.
Ladies and gentlemen, if you're looking for the ultimate convention experience with a con-goer who really knows the ropes, hang with the mystery man in the hat! He knows conventions. Thanks, Alistair!
Tools, Not Rules.
Martin L. Shoemaker
3rd Place Q1 V31
"Today I Am Paul", WSFA Small Press Award 2015, Nebula nomination 2015
Today I Am Carey from Baen
The Last Dance (#1 science fiction eBook on Amazon, October 2019) and The Last Campaign from 47North
I had a blast at WorldCon this year, and a huge part of that was meeting all the wonderful WotF people--forum members, lurkers, etc.
Everyone I met was friendly, interesting, and truly wonderful to hang out with. I'm looking forward to seeing them all at future cons.
Ladies and gentlemen, if you're looking for the ultimate convention experience with a con-goer who really knows the ropes, hang with the mystery man in the hat! He knows conventions. Thanks, Alistair!
Thank you, Martin. One of the things I love is the "paying it forward" attitude in the science fiction and fantasy community. The WotF forumites are a special crowd, and I want all of us to have successful careers. Having said that, hanging out with all of you was educational and entertaining. I also managed to get Tina and Marina to sign my copies of Galaxy's Edge.
Alistair Kimble
v28 Q4: Finalist
HM x7
WorldCon was awesome. So nice to meet people face to face--it's a much better way to interact. I'm hoping to meet a lot more WOTFers in London next year.
And don't believe anything Marina, Martin, or the others say about me....
Unless it's good 😉
If you've ever seen the film "Blind Date", imagine Kim Basinger from that film, only smarter!
Tools, Not Rules.
Martin L. Shoemaker
3rd Place Q1 V31
"Today I Am Paul", WSFA Small Press Award 2015, Nebula nomination 2015
Today I Am Carey from Baen
The Last Dance (#1 science fiction eBook on Amazon, October 2019) and The Last Campaign from 47North
Oh jeez....I'm not that bad.
Am I?
*except instead of mumbling "Party" -- like in the movie Blind Date I was whining "Tina hungry" or "hot" every so often*
I tried getting her to eat more, Martin, but Tina simply has too much self control.
My bet is that, just like in the movie, Tyler laced her cupcakes with cocoa when she got home.
Tools, Not Rules.
Martin L. Shoemaker
3rd Place Q1 V31
"Today I Am Paul", WSFA Small Press Award 2015, Nebula nomination 2015
Today I Am Carey from Baen
The Last Dance (#1 science fiction eBook on Amazon, October 2019) and The Last Campaign from 47North
Well, I'm late to the party, but I'm so glad I met you guys at WorldCon last week! You're a great bunch and thanks for putting up with me.
Well, I'm late to the party, but I'm so glad I met you guys at WorldCon last week! You're a great bunch and thanks for putting up with me.
We were glad to meet you, too, Karen! And no "putting up" was required. I hope we'll see your stories in the contest soon!
Tools, Not Rules.
Martin L. Shoemaker
3rd Place Q1 V31
"Today I Am Paul", WSFA Small Press Award 2015, Nebula nomination 2015
Today I Am Carey from Baen
The Last Dance (#1 science fiction eBook on Amazon, October 2019) and The Last Campaign from 47North
I'm jealous of all who got to go this year. What a great way to meet other WotF people. I hope they do this again next year, maybe I'll get to go!
Terry Madden:
V.30 Q1 W
It's time once again for the WorldCon Roll Call, Sasquan edition! WorldCon in 2015 will be in Spokane WA, August 19-23.
If you're planning to go but haven't got your tickets yet, buy now. The price goes up tomorrow!
Also, some cons don't open hotel reservations until the start of the year, but Sasquan has them open already. In fact, the main hotels are all booked, so they're into overflow hotels already.
So who's planning to be there? Besides me, that is. I'm hoping to see lots of WIotFers there!
Tools, Not Rules.
Martin L. Shoemaker
3rd Place Q1 V31
"Today I Am Paul", WSFA Small Press Award 2015, Nebula nomination 2015
Today I Am Carey from Baen
The Last Dance (#1 science fiction eBook on Amazon, October 2019) and The Last Campaign from 47North
So who's planning to be there? Besides me, that is. I'm hoping to see lots of WIotFers there!
*Jumps up and down*
Me! Me-me-me! I finally get to go to a WorldCon!
Rebecca Birch
Finalist - 2, SF - 1, SHM - 1, HM - 18, R - 6
Words of Birch
Short Story Collection--Life Out of Harmony and Other Tales of Wonder
It's time once again for the WorldCon Roll Call, Sasquan edition! WorldCon in 2015 will be in Spokane WA, August 19-23.
If you're planning to go but haven't got your tickets yet, buy now. The price goes up tomorrow!
Also, some cons don't open hotel reservations until the start of the year, but Sasquan has them open already. In fact, the main hotels are all booked, so they're into overflow hotels already.
So who's planning to be there? Besides me, that is. I'm hoping to see lots of WotFers there!
Thanks for the reminder! I'm signed up. Looking forward to seeing old and new friends!
Thomas K Carpenter
SFx2, SHMx1, HMx12 (Pro'd Out - Q4 2016)
EQMM - Feb 2015 /
I'll be there. Got my hotel booked and everything.
Have fun you guys. I can't join you 🙁 as I'm on the "every other year" for travel plan. I'll hold down the fort here.
Dawn Bonanno
SF 2 / HM 6 / R 16 / Total 24 Entries
So who's planning to be there? Besides me, that is. I'm hoping to see lots of WIotFers there!
*Jumps up and down*
Me! Me-me-me! I finally get to go to a WorldCon!
I'm going!!
Literary saboteur
Blog: http://www.robertmitchellevans.com/
HM X 5
SF X 3
F X 1
Current Rejection Streak: 0
Haven't bought my membership yet, but yes, totally going this year!
I really wish I was going! For one thing, I spent my high school years in eastern WA (Wilbur, to be precise), and I love that whole area.
Now...2017...if Japan gets it, I might be able to go!
Who got the 2016 bid? Kansas City?
"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you." - Ray Bradbury
"Write until it becomes as natural as breathing. Write until not writing makes you anxious." - Christina Katz
HM x 2
R x 2
The girlfriend and I will be there. Hotel and memberships are all in order, and I plan on booking my flight in a couple months.
Looking forward to seeing everyone!