The story is complete. It looks like a last day sub again. Maybe I just like the thrill of a close finish.
Today's science fiction is tomorrow's reality-D.R.Sweeney
HM x5
Published Poetry
2012 Stars in Our Hearts
Silver Ships
I've very nearly finished my first draft. I've never tried submitting this way before, so if nothing else it'll be an interesting experience...
DQ:0 / R:0 / RWC:1 / HM:15 / SHM:7 / SF:1 / F:1
Published prior WotF entries: PodCastle, HFQ, Abyss & Apex
Pending: Q2.V42
Well, for good or for bad - I'm in. Just under the wire...
Last day! As Tim Gunn says on Project Runway: "Make it work!"
Click here to JOIN THE WULF PACK!
"Super-Duper Moongirl and the Amazing Moon Dawdler" won Best SFF Story of 2019! Read it in Writers of the Future, Vol. 35. Order HERE!
Need writing help? My award-winning SUPER SECRETS articles are FREE in DreamForge.
IT’S HERE! Many have been begged me to publish the Super Secrets of Writing. How to Write a Howling Good Story is now a #1 BESTSELLING BOOK! Get yours at your favorite retailer HERE!
I'd go to an agent because the three biggest sci-fi pubs don't accept unsolicited material. But self-publishing and small press are fine options too.
I was told by someone in the industry that if you have a fair number of reviews on Amazon (20+ reviews), then an indie book can help you get a deal.
Indie books yield more money per sale, but don't generally sell the numbers. Brick and Mortar bookstores came back some more this year. Big pubs have subsidiaries with trained translators in all the major language markets.
Anyway, I got one in this quarter. Dusted off from my second entry ever, which got a big R.
I think I've honed enough up for a 5th Hm. here's hoping!
R: 3
HM: 4
I think I've honed enough up for a 5th Hm. here's hoping!
Awesome sauce on that Gruff. I'm still stuck on one HM. I'm in for Q1. Best of fortune fellow forumites.
Today's science fiction is tomorrow's reality-D.R.Sweeney
HM x5
Published Poetry
2012 Stars in Our Hearts
Silver Ships
A little pre-fretting here.
Has the site had any trouble closing to submissions yearly this year?
I haven't posted in over a year and the last two times the quarter closed several hours early due to a glitch in on the site.
I am cutting it close, yet again, an worried.
~ J V Ashley
A little pre-fretting here.
Has the site had any trouble closing to submissions yearly this year?
I haven't posted in over a year and the last two times the quarter closed several hours early due to a glitch in on the site.I am cutting it close, yet again, an worried.
There’s always some issues in the last few hours due in large part to time zones, I think. If possible, try to get your story in before midnight EST and you’re usually fine.
WotF Results:
Last: SF, Q2 v41
I just sent in mine. Got the first confirmation E-mail. I am glad I went over it once more. Found a couple of repeated words and left over words plus I think I made a couple of sentences more understandable. And thinking of the no name thing I almost forgot to format the manuscript correctly. But got that down, but oops, I am not sure I did that for last quarter's story. I may have just sent it in with a format. Too far back I can not remember.
But as I said it's in. As usual I think it is a solid story. Will Dave, or any other editor, think that? A couple of times he thought something was good my story.
Working on turning Lead into Gold.
Four HMs From WotF
The latest was Q1'12
HM-quarter 4 Volume 32
One HM for another contest
published in Strange New Worlds Ten.
Another HM
There’s always some issues in the last few hours due in large part to time zones, I think. If possible, try to get your story in before midnight EST and you’re usually fine.
<types faster>
I just sent in mine. Got the first confirmation E-mail.
Congrats and Good Luck!
~ J V Ashley
I just sent in mine. Got the first confirmation E-mail.
Congrats and Good Luck!
Thank you
Working on turning Lead into Gold.
Four HMs From WotF
The latest was Q1'12
HM-quarter 4 Volume 32
One HM for another contest
published in Strange New Worlds Ten.
Another HM
I'm in with a fresh story!
Honorable Mentions: 4
Rejections: 5
I'm in with a fresh story!
~ J V Ashley
I'd go to an agent because the three biggest sci-fi pubs don't accept unsolicited material. But self-publishing and small press are fine options too.
I was told by someone in the industry that if you have a fair number of reviews on Amazon (20+ reviews), then an indie book can help you get a deal.
Indie books yield more money per sale, but don't generally sell the numbers. Brick and Mortar bookstores came back some more this year. Big pubs have subsidiaries with trained translators in all the major language markets.
Anyway, I got one in this quarter. Dusted off from my second entry ever, which got a big R.
I think I've honed enough up for a 5th Hm. here's hoping!
Sometimes pubs say they don't accept unsolicited material but they do anyway. But you may not want the biggest ones anymore anyway. A good story for WotF though is always good.
Working on turning Lead into Gold.
Four HMs From WotF
The latest was Q1'12
HM-quarter 4 Volume 32
One HM for another contest
published in Strange New Worlds Ten.
Another HM
Just submitted! Best of luck to everyone!
5x R
10x HM
2020 Superstars Writing Seminar scholarship award recipient
"No subject is terrible if the story is true, if the prose is clean and honest, and if it affirms courage and grace under pressure." — Ernest Hemingway
Me, just in.
I don't normally mention when I submit but this one is special. Unsatisfied with other stories for this quarter, I spent eleven hours over two and a half days to write a shiny new one. It's the second one I've cooked, start to finish, in under three days. The last one received an HM.
Good luck to everyone!
And just submitted also. 🙂 Mine's also a three-day effort, the first time I've ever tried this...
DQ:0 / R:0 / RWC:1 / HM:15 / SHM:7 / SF:1 / F:1
Published prior WotF entries: PodCastle, HFQ, Abyss & Apex
Pending: Q2.V42
Happy New Year!
I'm in as well. I skidded in under the wire at 11:59 and received my confirmation email within the same minute. It was a 3 day fresh story, too. Mainly because I wanted to play in the sandbox, too.
It's just more fun to watch the results roll in when you have a story in the pile.
~ J V Ashley
Just in time to watch the ball drop and drink champagne. I'm in, also barely under the wire, and also with a last minute, ditch effort, three-day story (Yikes!)
I blame you Wulf for making me enter, and with a new story. Which I might still be grumpy about...![]()
Good luck all, and Happy New Year! Here's toasting to those who are going to win in Volume 36, and as of this moment, don't even know it. Ooh, I gave myself chills.
Alicia Cay
That's okay, Alicia, you can be grumpy about it. But DO blame me when you win...
(Don't forget to post in the SUPER SECRET Bonus Challenge so you get on the roster.)
That's a nice set of honors you have in your signature, Alicia! You know what that means, and it's proof positive you should never surrender, never give up!
And that goes to all. Congrats for entering! One thing is for sure: If you don't enter, you cannot win!
Fortune favor the brave,
Click here to JOIN THE WULF PACK!
"Super-Duper Moongirl and the Amazing Moon Dawdler" won Best SFF Story of 2019! Read it in Writers of the Future, Vol. 35. Order HERE!
Need writing help? My award-winning SUPER SECRETS articles are FREE in DreamForge.
IT’S HERE! Many have been begged me to publish the Super Secrets of Writing. How to Write a Howling Good Story is now a #1 BESTSELLING BOOK! Get yours at your favorite retailer HERE!
Submitted to this on Monday. Spent about 20 days on it. I think I'm going to revise an old R to submit for Q2.
Congrats to everyone who entered. Don't give up, and you can definitely win this thing! And y'all have a leg-up from most others, because pretty much every year, at least one forumite wins. Usually more! This is the place to be. Good luck, all!
Preston Dennett
HM x 12
F x 1
Winner, 2nd place, Q1, Volume 35
40 stories published! (and counting!)
Hey, does anyone know where WotF publishes the quarterly results?
3 HMs
6 SHMs
Umpteen Rs
Still hoping and working toward better -
One of these days, Alice . . . POW! We're going to the moon!
Hey, does anyone know where WotF publishes the quarterly results?
Yep! They post it to their blog.
WotF Results:
Last: SF, Q2 v41
Hey, does anyone know where WotF publishes the quarterly results?
Yep! They post it to their blog.
Thanks Michael. Bummer that the stats for Q1 V36 aren't available yet. [sigh] Too anxious, I guess.
3 HMs
6 SHMs
Umpteen Rs
Still hoping and working toward better -
One of these days, Alice . . . POW! We're going to the moon!
Thanks Michael. Bummer that the stats for Q1 V36 aren't available yet. [sigh] Too anxious, I guess.
Heh, yep. We'll all find out together. Folks post here pretty quickly when they get their results, so if you have email notifications turned on for this thread, you'll know almost immediately when results go out.
WotF Results:
Last: SF, Q2 v41
Thanks Michael. Bummer that the stats for Q1 V36 aren't available yet. [sigh] Too anxious, I guess.
Heh, yep. We'll all find out together. Folks post here pretty quickly when they get their results, so if you have email notifications turned on for this thread, you'll know almost immediately when results go out.
Heh! Yeah, just went to the WotF FB page. Results for Q1 won't be published for another 3 months. So, in the immortal words of Captain Hector Barbossa, "What are you lookin' at? Back to work!"
3 HMs
6 SHMs
Umpteen Rs
Still hoping and working toward better -
One of these days, Alice . . . POW! We're going to the moon!
Heh! Yeah, just went to the WotF FB page. Results for Q1 won't be published for another 3 months. So, in the immortal words of Captain Hector Barbossa, "What are you lookin' at? Back to work!"
~ J V Ashley
I guess I forgot to check in here, but I submitted my story on December 31st--I didn't accomplish my goal of not submitting on the last day, but at least I managed to get it in!
Beth Powers
Silver HM x 6
HM x 22
Entries x 69
Collected Stories:
Sorcery & Widgets
Runes & Rivets
Doth Thursday cometh?
R: 3
HM: 4