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Titles are Very Important -- a post from Jody Lynn Nye

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Hi, contest entrants,

Your friendly neighborhood Coordinating Judge here. I haven’t posted in the forum before, but I want to start being more of a presence for you.

I received so many good stories last year, and can’t wait for you all to read the winners when Volume 39 comes out this spring. They are amazing. I have begun judging Quarter One of Year 40 of the Contest. I’m coming across some that surprise and delight me, something that every judge hopes she will find.

However, and here is the reason that I’m posting now, I have been reading stories that I know I read last year, but they have different titles. How do I know this? Because I keep track. I have a list of every story that has passed through my hands, with the ranking that it received at that time, often with comments. If one came back to me, I reviewed its previous listing. If it improved, it went up to a higher reward. If not, it stayed where it was. I have hardly ever demoted one.

I don’t know why, but I have already come across at least eight familiar stories under new titles. Please don’t do that. If you have sent me a story in the past, and you would like it reconsidered, keep the title as it was. If I can’t find it in my list, I can’t be sure what rating I gave it before. You’re doing yourself no favors by trying to disguise it with a new name. I will remember if I have read it before. If I have to guess if it was rejected with comments or given a Silver Honorable Mention, then it will undergo the same rigor as if it was new. That means it is possible for a retitled story to be downgraded. My tastes mature and change, like those of any other reader.

The Writers of the Future Contest submission engine doesn’t reject a story with a title it has seen before. I have been told recently that some submission windows do. Ours doesn’t. If you have been given advice to change your title so it will be accepted a second time, please ignore that advice. It is incorrect, and can prove detrimental. Believe me, I’ve seen some stories several times.

Keep your original titles. I will give you the benefit of the doubt if I see that I’ve judged your story before, and I’ll search for those elements that I felt were lacking the last time through. If I can’t find it in my list, you lose that boost. Help me to see your improvement. I want you to rise to excellence. Don’t make it harder for me to do that.

If over the course of editing, you decide that your title really, really doesn’t suit the story anymore and it’s worth changing, please note the original at the head of your story like this:

Stunning New Title
(previously Old Title)

If your story becomes a Finalist, it will go to the other judges under its new name. That will keep my books in order, but enter the final voting with the title you want it to have now. Thanks!


Posted : January 30, 2023 6:20 pm
Brenda Nickell, Joel C. Scoberg, Cherrie and 17 people reacted
James (Ease)
Posts: 537
Gold Star Member

I must admit, I got very excited by the title of this thread, hoping we were getting a lesson (a much-needed lesson, in my case) on how to title short stories. Alas! But the information is still very helpful and I love any insight into the WOTF Judging Process, so thank you, @jodylynnnye

VOL 40 2nd Quarter: Third Place ("Ashes to Ashes, Blood to Carbonfiber")
Past submissions: R - HM - HM - HM - HM - HM - SHM - SHM
Kindle Vella - Ashes to Ashes, Earth to Kaybee

Posted : January 30, 2023 6:58 pm
Fátima Gatica, Annaliess, Anna X and 2 people reacted
Posts: 4
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Topic starter

That's a great idea for a post, and I will work on that. Thanks for the suggestion.

Posted : January 30, 2023 7:05 pm
J. Watt, crlisle, Annaliess and 5 people reacted
Todd Jones
Posts: 758
Platinum Member

Thanks for the mention about retitling.

In regards to titling a story, that's a tough one for me. I struggle with titles and try to keep them simple.

I've heard doing a play on words is something to avoid in a title, but I don't understand that. 

I do hope using the wrong spelling of a word (homophones) is something an author would catch (i.e. Angel/Angle, which/witch, etc.).

What about a play on words in a title on purpose? Is that just a dumb author thing or fun?

"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right."~ Henry Ford

2025 V42: RWC, WIP, ?, ?
2024 V41: RWC (Resubmitted "HM"), HM, RWC, Finalist (RWC Resubmit)
2023 V40: HM, HM, R, HM
2022 V39: SHM, HM, Semi-finalist, HM (HM Resubmit)
2021 V38: ---HM (R Resubmit)
2020 V37: -R--

Posted : January 31, 2023 3:48 am
Annaliess, Anna X and Pegeen reacted
Doc Honour
Posts: 142
Silver Member

Thanks for letting us know how you treat repeat stories. This is very helpful!

Write so long as words keep flowing...
FWA RPLA: 2021:Fx2; 2022:1st place Gold, 2023: 1st place Gold novel
V38 HMx2; V39 HMx2, RWC, DQ (oops)
V40 SF(!), HM; RWCx2; V41 HM, RWCx2, DQ (what, again!)
V42 Q1:R

Posted : January 31, 2023 5:37 am
Annaliess, Anna X, Pegeen and 1 people reacted
Physa/ Guthington/ Amy
Posts: 443
Gold Star Member

Thanks @jodylynnnye for that insight behind the scenes. I'll keep this in mind if I resubmit an old story in hopes of a higher ranking. salute  

WOTF results:
Vol 42: Q1 SHM, Q2 pending, Q3 ?
running totals to date:
WOTF: 6 Rs, 3 RWCs, 8 HMs, 1 SHM
IOTF: 4 Rs, 3 HMs
Check out my new website: https://www.amyrwethingtonwriterofspeculativeworlds.com/
According to Winston Churchill, "success is going from failure to failure with enthusiasm"
Somehow I lost my Guthington profile, but it's me. Amy Wethington = Guthington = Physa

Posted : January 31, 2023 6:45 am
Annaliess, Anna X and Pegeen reacted
Posts: 224
Silver Member

Great to know! Thanks!

Victoria Dixon
Author of Mourn Their Courage
a 2010 Sandy Writing Contest Finalist
A Tribble Ate My Lunch: a Star Trek Cookbook (unpublished)
HM= 8

Posted : January 31, 2023 8:52 am
Annaliess, Anna X and Pegeen reacted
Posts: 452
Gold Member

Thanks, Jody. I always try to write something new and fresh, but this is a great little tidbit to be aware of.

"If writing is easy, you're doing it wrong." -Bryan Hutchinson
V36-37: R x6
V38: R, HM, R, HM
V39: HM, HM, HM, HM
V40: HM, HM, SHM, HM
V41: RWC, P

Posted : February 4, 2023 8:34 pm
Posts: 260
Silver Star Member

Noted, thanks!
Sometimes I retitle things based on feedback but for the Contest I'll revert to any old titles (I don't change how I track a story, so this should be easy!)


Posted : February 13, 2023 9:17 am
Pegeen reacted
Posts: 86
Silver Member

I second the vote for a title lesson ? . That's my favorite part of writing something, but I have no rhyme or reason to it other than what feels right. It'd be nice to learn a rhyme or reason. 

My science brain just gobbled up all of this information like a hungry mantis. Thank you for the peek behind the curtain at the cogs of this machine. It baffles me that you guys can get through such a massive number of submissions...not once, but four times a year. 

V39 - Q2 HM, Q3 SHM, Q4 HM
V40 - Q1 SHM, Q2 HM. Q3 SHM Q4 HM
V41 - Q1 Crafting

Posted : February 15, 2023 8:36 am
storysinger, Pegeen, Todd Jones and 1 people reacted
Posts: 287
Silver Member

I sometimes change the title of a story after I make meaningful changes to it because the old title doesn't fit anymore  or the revisions have revealed a better title - certainly not to try to fool anyone :). Will keep this in mind for future with my submissions here to note the old title the way you've suggested. 

v36 Q1, Q3 - HM; Q4 - R
v37 Q1 - R; Q2 - SHM; Q4 - HM
v38 Q1 - HM; Q2 - SHM; Q3 - HM; Q4 - HM
v39 Q1 - SHM; Q3 - HM; Q4 -RWC
v40 Q1, Q2 - HM; Q3 - Pending

Posted : February 18, 2023 1:50 pm
Posts: 308
Silver Star Member

Here's a helpful article on the craft side of titles, written by John Joseph Adams: https://www.sfwa.org/2016/05/27/zen-art-short-fiction-titling/

Website: https://www.jeschleicher.com/
Blog: https://www.jeschleicher.com/dopaminesdelight
V40: Q1 3rd Place Winner ("Squiddy")
V39: SHM, HM, HM, HM
V38: HM, SHM, HM, HM
V37: R, R, HM, HM
V36: R

Posted : March 2, 2023 8:34 am
Fátima Gatica, Pegeen, Pete Lead and 3 people reacted
Dustin Adams
Posts: 1463
Platinum Plus Moderator

Hopefully Scott Parkin won't mind me quoting him directly. Here's a titling story for his winner, Purposes Made For Alien Minds:

I found out just how close I came to being actually rejected, and it turns out the five-device may have saved my bacon. He thought my original title (Just Another Problem to Solve) was bland, but liked the premise and first contact theme, so he meant to click Hold and set it aside, but apparently accidentally clicked Reject (the buttons are right next to each other in the UI).

It wasn't until he went back to his hold pile and couldn't find the first contact story that he rescued it. If not for the five-thing he might not have remembered or found it---he'd long forgotten my boring title. (Important Safety Tip: titles matter---a lot.)



Career: 1x Win -- 2x NW-F -- 2x S-F -- 9x S-HM -- 11x HM -- 7x R
Like me: facebook/AuthorTJKnight

Posted : March 3, 2023 9:38 am
Posts: 78
Bronze Star Member

@jodylynnnye I'm so encouraged to know you remember our stories! Does this advice about titles also encompass stories I may have sent in before you were the coordinating judge?

Thank you for all your work and care for us aspiring authors!

Author of MG Fantasy Adventures:
Gold Dust
Phoenix Down
Author of an English/Japanese bilingual fantasy for 4-6 year-olds:
Ray and Mia's Adventure
I'm a professional copy editor and also a trained mime. Please don't hold either of these against me.
V37 Q2 HM
V39 Q2 HM, Q3 SHM, Q4 HM
V40 Q1 HM, Q2 HM, Q3 RWC, Q4 HM
V41 Q1 HM

Posted : March 11, 2023 4:43 pm
storysinger reacted
Posts: 86
Silver Member

So on this note, if I take a previous HM and really focus in on one scene, (essentially cutting more than 3/4 of the original story, but this is still a very key scene to that old story and thus may spark memories) should I still consider it a resubmission and use the old title? The old title doesn't work on this focused in scene so I'd take the above advice and use *Sparkling New title* (previously: old Lame boring title).

V39 - Q2 HM, Q3 SHM, Q4 HM
V40 - Q1 SHM, Q2 HM. Q3 SHM Q4 HM
V41 - Q1 Crafting

Posted : March 21, 2023 11:59 am
Posts: 1546
Platinum Plus

If over the course of editing, you decide that your title really, really doesn’t suit the story anymore and it’s worth changing, please note the original at the head of your story like this:

Stunning New Title
(previously Old Title)

If your story becomes a Finalist, it will go to the other judges under its new name. That will keep my books in order, but enter the final voting with the title you want it to have now. Thanks!

I think Jody is asking to be alerted to the title change. It is a huge change after all.

Today's science fiction is tomorrow's reality-D.R.Sweeney
HM x5
Published Poetry
2012 Stars in Our Hearts
Silver Ships

Posted : March 21, 2023 4:58 pm
Todd Jones reacted
Posts: 336
Gold Member

Thank you Jody!

I usually enter new stories every quarter but I have reentered and retitled before because I felt a new title suited better. If I do that again I’ll use both titles as you’ve asked! I love having this new insight into your process and knowing that you are keeping track of what we’re sending you with such an organized system. 

Volume 41 Q1 Illustrator Winner!
4x Finalist Illustrators
5x Semi finalist Illustrators
1x HM Illustrators
7x HM Writers
3x SHM Writers
Author of the Primogenitor series: Cradle of Mars, Adaptation, Reunion, Schism: Available on Amazon under CL Fors

Posted : March 21, 2023 5:09 pm
Joel C. Scoberg
Posts: 386
Gold Member

Thank you, Jody!

This is really helpful to know as I have an SHM I am thinking of reworking. I am not great at titles though, so my cover page would probably be more like:

Terrible New Title

(previously Old Terrible Title)


3rd Place Vol 41 Q3 ("The Stench of Freedom")
Submission record: R x 2 / HM x 7 / SHM x 2 / W x 1
Stories published in Daily Science Fiction, Every Day Fiction, 365tomorrows, and Gwyllion Magazine.
Find out more on my website (www.joelcscoberg.com) or sign up to my newsletter for updates on my writing journey.

Posted : March 22, 2023 8:41 am
MountainSpud reacted
Posts: 4
Advanced Member
Topic starter

@cweaver Hi, Catherine, I only know if a story has been submitted before I took over is if Kary English tags it for me. I jot a reminder of that in my notes.

Posted : March 23, 2023 10:10 am
Brenda Nickell
Posts: 5
Active Member

Thank you for this clarification - I was curious myself how that would work

2022 vol 39 Q4: HM
2023 vol 40 Q1: HM

Posted : March 28, 2023 4:09 pm
Posts: 28
Bronze Member

Thanks for this! It helps to know we can resubmit after putting in more work. 

V40: Q1 HM Q2 HM Q3 HM Q4 HM

Posted : March 29, 2023 4:46 pm
Jason Toth
Posts: 697
Gold Star Member Admin

Posted by: @Anonymous

The opinion that titles are very important can lead to discussion and different points of view. In today's society, many people are judged and identified by their accomplishments, titles, or professional titles. Titles can serve as a sign of success and status in society.

Welcome @alyssabaker Please don't forget to introduce yourself here on the forum:



Posted : July 5, 2023 4:42 pm
Posts: 2186
Platinum Plus Moderator

Spam bot Alyssa has been blocked, and her comments have been removed.

Tools, Not Rules.
Martin L. Shoemaker
3rd Place Q1 V31
"Today I Am Paul", WSFA Small Press Award 2015, Nebula nomination 2015
Today I Am Carey from Baen
The Last Dance (#1 science fiction eBook on Amazon, October 2019) and The Last Campaign from 47North

Posted : July 10, 2023 7:15 am
Pegeen and Morgan reacted