Tag Archive for: Dave Dorman

Dave Dorman at the San Diego Comic-Con 2015.

Dave Dorman at San Diego Comic-Con

Dave Dorman is an Eisner award-winning illustrator who has been working as a professional artist since 1979. He is best known for his photo-realistic renderings of action and fantasy subjects.
Dave Dorman

Dave Dorman – A Legend in the Star Wars Universe

You may not know this but back when there was no Illustrators of the Future Contest, we commissioned artists to illustrate the winning stories. That was when we first came into contact with Dave Dorman—he illustrated “Rachel's Wedding” in Writers of the Future Volume V, published in 1989.
Writers and Illustrators holding a copy of the book with their winning stories and illustrations outside Bang Printing in Valencia, California

WotF Workshop – Day 5

Nothing compares to seeing a book come off the press. Watching the machines print, stack, and cut, is a fascinating process. What takes that feeling to the next level is knowing it's your book coming off that press. And that's what the writers and illustrators experienced today at Bang Printing Press.
Group shot of the artists with their illustration and the authors to the stories.

WotF Workshop – Day 4

Today was an emotional day where the illustrator winners got to show the illustrations they did for the winning stories to the writers for the first time—but more on that below.