Tag Archive for: Tips on Writing

Self-Advocacy and Publishing
Once you have written that story what do you do with it? Obviously you are going to head over to the submit page for Writers of the Future, but after that, what? ...

The End
One thing can be worse than the empty page—as you come to the last pages of your Writers of the Future entry, or that book you’ve been planning on submitting to Tor—and that is a full page that leaves the reader unsatisfied...

Developing Some Character
Sentences can be passive or active depending on how you construct them. Characters too, can be passive or active based on how you write them. Are they watching things happen around them or are they doing something? ...

Down the Research Rabbit Hole
Writing Tips #7 in the Series
Writing fiction relies on not…

The Strong Antagonist
Storytelling has grown from the first years of Writers of the Future. One of the biggest things that science fiction and fantasy storytellers have learned is to create a compelling protagonist. No longer is it enough to fight evil because it is evil and the character is good. Now, a good story must build up the protagonist....

Exposition – “It’s a Trap!”
When preparing to submit to Writers of the Future, or to a publishing house, how can you make your piece stand out?

The Infinite Loop: Editing & Rewriting
Writing Tips #3 in the Series
There are two main jobs as a writer.

The Elements of Scent
Elements crucial to most any medium of storytelling require that who, what, where, when and why are addressed. While they are a good construct, what is really going to breathe life into a world are sensory details.

The Distinction of a Writer OR Rule #1 of Writing
Welcome to the Writers of the Future blog; Tips on Writing. You will find many great tips to help you tone up your writing, both for submission to the contest and just in general for submitting for publication. As with any great narrative, we are going to start at the beginning, in this case, with Rule #1 of writing.