Tag Archive for: Writer winners


Writer Winners – 2nd Quarter

Writers of the Future 2nd Quarter Winners Finalists, Semi-Finalists…
Sharon signing a copy of her award-winning story for William Pomerantz, VP Special Projects at Virgin Galactic

The Practice of Writing

I first heard about the Writers of the Future contest in 2012, when I went to a writers workshop and two women I met in the class told me about it. I'd been writing about three years at that point (focused exclusively on novels), and had only written two short stories in my life.
Auston Habershaw pointing at Illin, the location for his award-winning story.

Dreaming Up Fabulous Places

Picture me: I’m nine years old, lying on my back beneath the skylight in my bedroom, rough carpet biting into my shoulders. I’m reading The Hobbit, enthralled. It’s summer. My mom is somewhere downstairs, yelling for me to get outside and play. I pretend I don’t hear her.
Pepe, the dog and Daniel Davis, bestselling author.

From Stray Dog to Bestseller

Zu'ar is the antagonist in my short story "The God Whisperer." He's violent. He's territorial. He displays aggression towards other gods, and he shows open contempt for the "man" of his house. He's also a former stray, in desperate need of a caring home.
Steve Pantazis, national bestselling author

The Win

It was 2009 when I first entered the Writers of the Future (WotF)…
Now a National Bestseller Writers of the Future Volume 31

Writers of the Future Vol 31 a National Bestseller

The latest edition in the Writers of the Future anthology hit Publishers Weekly's Sci Fi bestseller list at #7 on their w/e July 6, 2015. This official makes all 13 of our published writer winners and 12 illustration winners national bestsellers!
Dean Wesley Smith, Roger Zelazny, Gregory Benford and Algis Budrys

A Bit of History

Over three decades ago the first Writers of the Future Awards ceremony took place at the famous Chasen's restaurant in Beverly Hills, California on February 6, 1985. Present were Ray Bradbury, Robert Silverberg, Theodore Sturgeon, Jack Williamson, Dr. Gregory Benford, Roger Zelazny and A.E. van Vogt...
Illustrator winner Daniel Tyka, arriving in sunny Los Angeles, California from Warsaw, Poland

Tennis, Anyone?

What does tennis have to do with writing? Well, for bestselling author, Nnedi Okorafor, it provided one of her greatest lessons as a writer.
The Writer Workshop begins with instructors Dave Farland and Tim Powers.

WotF Workshop – Day 2

Day Two started out bright and early—we were set to meet at 9:00am in the lobby and I know the writers were all excited to be there because everyone was early. Dan Davis admitted he had arrived nearly an hour early. Tim Powers asked him why he would be so early.
Illustrator winner Daniel Tyka, arriving in sunny Los Angeles, California from Warsaw, Poland

WotF Workshop – Day 1

Writers of the Future Workshop — Day 1: Writers of the Future offers winning writers a lot. Cash prize, free weeklong workshop, meeting bestselling writers who judge the contest, the gala event. When writers aspire to win Writers of the Future, they don't think about the real prize. The real prize is the people...