
L. Ron Hubbard Golden Pen Award Winner: Jack Nash
L. Ron Hubbard Golden Brush Award Winner: Tyler Vail


First Quarter

  1. “Life and Death and Love in the Bayou” by Stephannie Tallent
  2. “The Imagalisk” by Galen Westlake
  3. “Squiddy” by John Eric Schleicher

Second Quarter

  1. “The Wall Isn’t a Circle” by Rosalyn Robilliard
  2. “The Edge of Where My Light Is Cast” by Sky McKinnon
  3. “Ashes to Ashes, Blood to Carbonfiber” by James Davies

Third Quarter

  1. “Five Days Until Sunset” by Lance Robinson
  2. “Butter Side Down” by Kal M
  3. “Summer of Thirty Years” by Lisa Silverthorne

Fourth Quarter

  1. “Son, Spirit, Snake” by Jack Nash
  2. “Nonzero” by Tom Vandermolen
  3. “Da-ko-ta” by Amir Agoora

Writer Winners
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Writers of the Future Contest Winner

Illustrator Winners
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Illustrators of the Future Contest Winner