Almost Success - Th...
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Almost Success - The "Mixed Feelings" Thread

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In a bit of mixed news on a day which kind of turned out bleak to begin with, I got a rejection from Plasma Frequency. They liked my story, but rejected it because of the recent tragedy in Toronto. They were afraid it would strike a nerve.

Then, I get what may be a personal rejection from Analog today.

I'm sorry it didn't strike me as quite suitable to our present needs.

This is kind of funny because this story got an R from WotF when I snail-mailed my first submission.

Michael Beers
Blog: Write To Live
Latest Out: Detroit Ex Nihilo at AESciFi
Now Available: Zion in For All Eternity: Tales of the Seven Deadly Sins (Dark Opus Press)

Posted : June 27, 2012 12:26 pm
Posts: 2186
Platinum Plus Moderator

In a bit of mixed news on a day which kind of turned out bleak to begin with, I got a rejection from Plasma Frequency. They liked my story, but rejected it because of the recent tragedy in Toronto. They were afraid it would strike a nerve.

Then, I get what may be a personal rejection from Analog today.

I'm sorry it didn't strike me as quite suitable to our present needs.

This is kind of funny because this story got an R from WotF when I snail-mailed my first submission.

Both look like good signs to me! SUBMIT! SUBMIT! SUBMIT! SUBMIT! SUBMIT!
Tools, Not Rules.
Martin L. Shoemaker
3rd Place Q1 V31
"Today I Am Paul", WSFA Small Press Award 2015, Nebula nomination 2015
Today I Am Carey from Baen
The Last Dance (#1 science fiction eBook on Amazon, October 2019) and The Last Campaign from 47North

Posted : June 27, 2012 1:16 pm
Posts: 1292
Gold Star Member

I wrote about one near miss--how near is up in the air--but I don't think I've mentioned one I received recently.

Part of that is because I'm not sure if it was their usual rejection or a personal comment. I've been fooled twice by a rejection that sounded personal but turned out to be a form. Even thoughthis one is kinda long for a form rejection.

It's from The Extreme Planets anthology. Nice friendly sounding and this sentence sounds personal "The authors liked your writing style, but the story didn't quite click, although I can say it received very positive support."

I would have sent them another but I couldn't get a story to gel right. I have two ideas for extreme plants but I can come up with only a partial plot for each, neither one I really like. That might be because I'm busy revising a novel and a story. But I have to Saturday to write one. Maybe a very short story. wotf007

Oh that story has been slightly revised and sent out again.

Working on turning Lead into Gold.
Four HMs From WotF
The latest was Q1'12
HM-quarter 4 Volume 32
One HM for another contest
published in Strange New Worlds Ten.
Another HM

Posted : June 28, 2012 5:08 am
Posts: 1292
Gold Star Member

Came to say that I may have another story to send after all. It might not be exactly what they want but it will give me a chance to see if that line I quoted is part of their form rejection. There's an online mag that has a form rejection that says you story was well responded to or some such.

The story is written and is very short. I will have to make some minute changes while I revise it but that's okay.

Working on turning Lead into Gold.
Four HMs From WotF
The latest was Q1'12
HM-quarter 4 Volume 32
One HM for another contest
published in Strange New Worlds Ten.
Another HM

Posted : June 28, 2012 5:24 pm
Posts: 494
Silver Star Member
Topic starter

By the way, has anyone had any rejections from Apex (not Abyss&Apex, just Apex)? I was wondering what their form rejections look like.

In fact, they actually told me "I look forward to seeing further submissions from you" -- but was this personal or do they say it to everyone? When you've only got one rejection by a magazine it's sometimes difficult to assess their meaning.

George Nikolopoulos
WOTF: 1 SF, 1 SHM, 4 HM
Fiction (EN): 43 stories sold, 29 published
Fiction (GR): c.10 stories published & a children’s novel
Amazon Page

Posted : June 29, 2012 1:02 am
Posts: 667
Silver Star Member

By the way, has anyone had any rejections from Apex (not Abyss&Apex, just Apex)? I was wondering what their form rejections look like.

In fact, they actually told me "I look forward to seeing further submissions from you" -- but was this personal or do they say it to everyone? When you've only got one rejection by a magazine it's sometimes difficult to assess their meaning.

I don't think it sounds like a personal rejection--but it does at least sound like a higher tier form rejection.

I got a form reject from them that reads:

We regret to inform you that your story [story title] does not currently meet our needs. We're going to pass.

So, I would say that you got an almost success. wotf008

"The Filigreed Cage" || "Bitter Remedy" || "Heartless" || "The Newsboy's Last Stand" || "Planar Ghosts"

Posted : June 29, 2012 1:11 am
Posts: 1292
Gold Star Member

By the way, has anyone had any rejections from Apex (not Abyss&Apex, just Apex)? I was wondering what their form rejections look like.

In fact, they actually told me "I look forward to seeing further submissions from you" -- but was this personal or do they say it to everyone? When you've only got one rejection by a magazine it's sometimes difficult to assess their meaning.

I have, but I can't recall if I have gotten that one or's been a while and only sent two or three stores to them.

But evidently when most magazines say that they mean it even if it is a form rejection. They saw something in the story and/or writing.

Working on turning Lead into Gold.
Four HMs From WotF
The latest was Q1'12
HM-quarter 4 Volume 32
One HM for another contest
published in Strange New Worlds Ten.
Another HM

Posted : June 29, 2012 8:51 am
Posts: 441
Silver Star Member

By the way, has anyone had any rejections from Apex (not Abyss&Apex, just Apex)? I was wondering what their form rejections look like.

In fact, they actually told me "I look forward to seeing further submissions from you" -- but was this personal or do they say it to everyone? When you've only got one rejection by a magazine it's sometimes difficult to assess their meaning.

That is their next level up rejection. I've gotten some with that and some with "doesn't meet our needs" without any encouragement to send more. Hope that helps.

Thomas K Carpenter
SFx2, SHMx1, HMx12 (Pro'd Out - Q4 2016)
EQMM - Feb 2015 / Abyss & Apex - Issue 50

Posted : June 29, 2012 9:53 am
Posts: 505
Silver Star Member

By the way, has anyone had any rejections from Apex (not Abyss&Apex, just Apex)? I was wondering what their form rejections look like.

In fact, they actually told me "I look forward to seeing further submissions from you" -- but was this personal or do they say it to everyone? When you've only got one rejection by a magazine it's sometimes difficult to assess their meaning.

Aw, man, you're gonna make me pull out my old saying: Personal rejections are like orgasms--if you have to question it, you didn't get one.

But you did get a nice, encouraging upper R. Nothing wrong with that. wotf008


WotF Winner Q1 2012 (Vol. 29)

WotF Finalist Q2 2010 (Vol. 27)
WotF Finalist Q4 2011 (Vol. 28)!/MarinaLostetter

Posted : June 29, 2012 2:20 pm
Posts: 757
Gold Member


Aw, man, you're gonna make me pull out my old saying: Personal rejections are like orgasms--if you have to question it, you didn't get one.

But you did get a nice, encouraging upper R. Nothing wrong with that. wotf008

I love that saying. We should be pulling out that saying a lot more.


Posted : June 29, 2012 5:28 pm
Posts: 494
Silver Star Member
Topic starter

Thanks for the feedback, guys.

Marina, I have to admit it didn't really feel like an orgasm.

Since I haven't had a professional publication yet, though, an upper R from Apex is as good as I've got so I'm not complaining. That's the spirit of the "almost success" thread, anyway. wotf008

George Nikolopoulos
WOTF: 1 SF, 1 SHM, 4 HM
Fiction (EN): 43 stories sold, 29 published
Fiction (GR): c.10 stories published & a children’s novel
Amazon Page

Posted : June 29, 2012 9:09 pm
Posts: 667
Silver Star Member

Filing this here, hoping someone will have an answer for me:

I've asked to join Codex (writer's forum/workshop thingy, that you have to have either A) 1 pro sale, B) an established agent, or C) have attended an audition only writers workshop to join). I feel that's kind of a success, if I get in, since when I first heard about it, I wasn't eligible and I completely forgot it existed until recently.

My question: How long does the application process take? Just curious.

"The Filigreed Cage" || "Bitter Remedy" || "Heartless" || "The Newsboy's Last Stand" || "Planar Ghosts"

Posted : July 3, 2012 3:24 am
Posts: 55
Bronze Member

Filing this here, hoping someone will have an answer for me:

I've asked to join Codex (writer's forum/workshop thingy, that you have to have either A) 1 pro sale, B) an established agent, or C) have attended an audition only writers workshop to join). I feel that's kind of a success, if I get in, since when I first heard about it, I wasn't eligible and I completely forgot it existed until recently.

My question: How long does the application process take? Just curious.

In my case, not long. I sent my request on a Monday at 4PM pst, and had a response giving me access the next morning at 6:44am. But I'd assume it will depend on how busy Luc happens to be that week.

Posted : July 3, 2012 4:04 am
Posts: 625
Silver Star Member

For my "almost success", I made it to the second round at Andromeda Spaceways, which is the farthest I've ever gotten there. I did get my rejection this morning, but it included some really insightful critiques, with one in particular that I believe would without a doubt make this a stronger story. I get a lot of critiques, and I have learned to pick and choose what works for the story fairly well (I think), so I don't go haring about re-writing all the time, but in this case, I think it's definitely worth a stab at it. There are still some markets I haven't submitted the thing to yet...

Rebecca Birch
Finalist - 2, SF - 1, SHM - 1, HM - 18, R - 6
Words of Birch
Short Story Collection--Life Out of Harmony and Other Tales of Wonder

Posted : July 3, 2012 4:24 am
Posts: 667
Silver Star Member

In my case, not long. I sent my request on a Monday at 4PM pst, and had a response giving me access the next morning at 6:44am. But I'd assume it will depend on how busy Luc happens to be that week.


And grats Rebecca!

"The Filigreed Cage" || "Bitter Remedy" || "Heartless" || "The Newsboy's Last Stand" || "Planar Ghosts"

Posted : July 3, 2012 4:58 am
Posts: 816
Gold Member

Yay, Rebecca!

Jeanette Gonzalez

HM x4, SHM x2, F x1

Posted : July 3, 2012 7:14 am
Posts: 979
Gold Star Member

Nine just sent me a kind note to let me know my submission is in their second round.

This is my as-yet-unsaleable semi-finalist from December of last year, and Nine seems like a really neat new market (Ken Liu, among others, was in its first issue), so I'm super-excited.

And, of course, resigned for the inevitable "Your story was not as good as these other 9 stories. No hard feelings." email.

Stewart C Baker - 1st place, Q2 V32
My contest history: Semi-finalist, R, HM, R, R, HM, HM, R, R, R, R, HM, R, R, R, R, Winner
My published fiction, poetry, &c.

Posted : July 10, 2012 12:54 pm
Posts: 625
Silver Star Member

Nine just sent me a kind note to let me know my submission is in their second round.

This is my as-yet-unsaleable semi-finalist from December of last year, and Nine seems like a really neat new market (Ken Liu, among others, was in its first issue), so I'm super-excited.

And, of course, resigned for the inevitable "Your story was not as good as these other 9 stories. No hard feelings." email.

Congrats and good luck!

I'm in the nail-biting nerves phase of waiting to hear back on my story in the final round at Penumbra for their September Native American Folklore issue. From what I can tell, they tend to hold a good number of stories to the final round, so I am fully anticipating the "not as good as these other (enter number here) stories response as well.

Rebecca Birch
Finalist - 2, SF - 1, SHM - 1, HM - 18, R - 6
Words of Birch
Short Story Collection--Life Out of Harmony and Other Tales of Wonder

Posted : July 10, 2012 1:00 pm
Posts: 979
Gold Star Member

Good luck to you as well, Rebecca! I got that e-mail from Penumbra for their fairy tale issue. wotf001

Stewart C Baker - 1st place, Q2 V32
My contest history: Semi-finalist, R, HM, R, R, HM, HM, R, R, R, R, HM, R, R, R, R, Winner
My published fiction, poetry, &c.

Posted : July 10, 2012 1:03 pm
Posts: 2186
Platinum Plus Moderator

Congratulations, Stewart! Took the longest time to see your message. For some reason it refused to download.

And congratulations, Rebecca!
Tools, Not Rules.
Martin L. Shoemaker
3rd Place Q1 V31
"Today I Am Paul", WSFA Small Press Award 2015, Nebula nomination 2015
Today I Am Carey from Baen
The Last Dance (#1 science fiction eBook on Amazon, October 2019) and The Last Campaign from 47North

Posted : July 10, 2012 1:26 pm
Posts: 872
Gold Member

I'm in the second round at Penumbra again too, I forget the theme now. Been there a while. wotf017

SF x 1 (Extreeemely happy snappy gator)
HM x 9 (Happy snappy gator)
"Europa Spring" - buy from Amazon
The Happy Snappy Gator Bog! Er, Blog...

Posted : July 11, 2012 12:37 am
Posts: 625
Silver Star Member

I'm in the second round at Penumbra again too, I forget the theme now. Been there a while. wotf017

Congrats and good luck!

Rebecca Birch
Finalist - 2, SF - 1, SHM - 1, HM - 18, R - 6
Words of Birch
Short Story Collection--Life Out of Harmony and Other Tales of Wonder

Posted : July 11, 2012 3:28 am
Posts: 2186
Platinum Plus Moderator

Nothing mixed here, but it IS almost success!

Dear Martin,

“Not Close Enough” is engaging and inspiring once it gets going, but that takes too long to happen. The first sections are rather slow, with excessive use of flashbacks and author explanation. If you can tighten and streamline those, I’d be very interested in another look at the result. (And while you’re at it, please watch out for unnecessary repetition of words close together, which tends to call excessive attention to itself.)

Stanley Schmidt

REWRITE REQUEST FROM ANALOG!!!!! Now I know why Brad is Freakin': after news like this, Freakin' is what I'm doing! I am now off the forum until I get this rewrite done (with the exception that I'll respond to any more Relay for Life donations).

Patience. Patience. Patience. Patience. Patience.
62 days.
Tools, Not Rules.
Martin L. Shoemaker
3rd Place Q1 V31
"Today I Am Paul", WSFA Small Press Award 2015, Nebula nomination 2015
Today I Am Carey from Baen
The Last Dance (#1 science fiction eBook on Amazon, October 2019) and The Last Campaign from 47North

Posted : July 13, 2012 10:08 am
Posts: 979
Gold Star Member

Nothing mixed here, but it IS almost success!

Dear Martin,

“Not Close Enough” is engaging and inspiring once it gets going, but that takes too long to happen. The first sections are rather slow, with excessive use of flashbacks and author explanation. If you can tighten and streamline those, I’d be very interested in another look at the result. (And while you’re at it, please watch out for unnecessary repetition of words close together, which tends to call excessive attention to itself.)

Stanley Schmidt

REWRITE REQUEST FROM ANALOG!!!!! Now I know why Brad is Freakin': after news like this, Freakin' is what I'm doing! I am now off the forum until I get this rewrite done (with the exception that I'll respond to any more Relay for Life donations).

Patience. Patience. Patience. Patience. Patience.
62 days.

Dare you to respond with

Dear Mr Schmidt,

[enthusiastic fanboyism here]

By the way, thanks for your kind example of repetition. The way you used the word "excessive" twice in that short paragraph really drove home your point.


No, seriously, though. Awwwwwwwwesooooooome!!!! wotf010

Stewart C Baker - 1st place, Q2 V32
My contest history: Semi-finalist, R, HM, R, R, HM, HM, R, R, R, R, HM, R, R, R, R, Winner
My published fiction, poetry, &c.

Posted : July 13, 2012 10:12 am
Posts: 872
Gold Member

Nothing mixed here, but it IS almost success!

Dear Martin,

“Not Close Enough” is engaging and inspiring once it gets going, but that takes too long to happen. The first sections are rather slow, with excessive use of flashbacks and author explanation. If you can tighten and streamline those, I’d be very interested in another look at the result. (And while you’re at it, please watch out for unnecessary repetition of words close together, which tends to call excessive attention to itself.)

Stanley Schmidt

REWRITE REQUEST FROM ANALOG!!!!! Now I know why Brad is Freakin': after news like this, Freakin' is what I'm doing! I am now off the forum until I get this rewrite done (with the exception that I'll respond to any more Relay for Life donations).

Patience. Patience. Patience. Patience. Patience.
62 days.

I'm gonna say it again. AWESOME! wotf006 wotf007 wotf001 wotf009

As for the slow beginning...
Listen to the Gator... Listen to the Gator... Listen to the Gator. wotf019

SF x 1 (Extreeemely happy snappy gator)
HM x 9 (Happy snappy gator)
"Europa Spring" - buy from Amazon
The Happy Snappy Gator Bog! Er, Blog...

Posted : July 13, 2012 10:46 am
Posts: 667
Silver Star Member

Nothing mixed here, but it IS almost success!

Dear Martin,

“Not Close Enough” is engaging and inspiring once it gets going, but that takes too long to happen. The first sections are rather slow, with excessive use of flashbacks and author explanation. If you can tighten and streamline those, I’d be very interested in another look at the result. (And while you’re at it, please watch out for unnecessary repetition of words close together, which tends to call excessive attention to itself.)

Stanley Schmidt


wotf015 That's fantastic! Good job Martin!

"The Filigreed Cage" || "Bitter Remedy" || "Heartless" || "The Newsboy's Last Stand" || "Planar Ghosts"

Posted : July 13, 2012 10:47 am
Posts: 358
Silver Member

Nothing mixed here, but it IS almost success!

Dear Martin,

“Not Close Enough” is engaging and inspiring once it gets going, but that takes too long to happen. The first sections are rather slow, with excessive use of flashbacks and author explanation. If you can tighten and streamline those, I’d be very interested in another look at the result. (And while you’re at it, please watch out for unnecessary repetition of words close together, which tends to call excessive attention to itself.)

Stanley Schmidt


wotf015 That's fantastic! Good job Martin!

Wow, Congrats!

Posted : July 13, 2012 12:04 pm
Posts: 1292
Gold Star Member

I'm in the second round at Penumbra again too, I forget the theme now. Been there a while. wotf017

Congrats and good luck!

Niiice. Good going.

I just sent them a piece for the first time...they sent it back, too many words. (slapsforehead) I knew that, somehow I got ahead of myself.

Working on turning Lead into Gold.
Four HMs From WotF
The latest was Q1'12
HM-quarter 4 Volume 32
One HM for another contest
published in Strange New Worlds Ten.
Another HM

Posted : July 13, 2012 2:40 pm
Dustin Adams
Posts: 1463
Platinum Plus Moderator

Dare you to respond with

Dear Mr Schmidt,

[enthusiastic fanboyism here]

By the way, thanks for your kind example of repetition. The way you used the word "excessive" twice in that short paragraph really drove home your point.

Stewart, you are killing me! (insert ROFL smilie here.)

And Grats Martin, I wish you the best of luck.

Career: 1x Win -- 2x NW-F -- 2x S-F -- 9x S-HM -- 11x HM -- 7x R
Like me: facebook/AuthorTJKnight

Posted : July 13, 2012 9:50 pm
Posts: 757
Gold Member

I did get a personal rejections that was pretty extensive on a story. It had comments from all the editors and had made it to the top round of considerations, but they didn't like the ending I think is what it comes down to. This was the second market I sent it too and this is the second personal rejection. It seems it is a very interesting concept, but I need to rethink the direction I choose to lead to the ending.


Posted : July 27, 2012 12:31 am
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