@shounenbat congrats on your first submission to WotF.
You can't win if you don't submit, and you can't submit if you don't write. So, have fun and keep on writing new stories.
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right."~ Henry Ford
2025 V42: RWC, WIP, ?, ?
2024 V41: RWC (Resubmitted "HM"), HM, RWC, Finalist (RWC Resubmit)
2023 V40: HM, HM, R, HM
2022 V39: SHM, HM, Semi-finalist, HM (HM Resubmit)
2021 V38: ---HM (R Resubmit)
2020 V37: -R--
@shounenbat congrats on your first submission to WotF.
You can't win if you don't submit, and you can't submit if you don't write. So, have fun and keep on writing new stories.
That is very true. The more I think back to that story, the more I think of all the ways I screwed up. Granted, it could just be my own perfectionism talking (I was tweaking it right up to the point where I made myself hit 'submit'), but time will tell.
(I was tweaking it right up to the point where I made myself hit 'submit'), but time will tell.
I'm with you on that (@shounenbat). Sometimes you just have let the kraken fly away.
Today's science fiction is tomorrow's reality-D.R.Sweeney
HM x5
Published Poetry
2012 Stars in Our Hearts
Silver Ships
I'm in.
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right."~ Henry Ford
2025 V42: RWC, WIP, ?, ?
2024 V41: RWC (Resubmitted "HM"), HM, RWC, Finalist (RWC Resubmit)
2023 V40: HM, HM, R, HM
2022 V39: SHM, HM, Semi-finalist, HM (HM Resubmit)
2021 V38: ---HM (R Resubmit)
2020 V37: -R--
I'm in for Q2--a whole day ahead of the deadline!
Beth Powers
Silver HM x 6
HM x 22
Entries x 69
Collected Stories:
Sorcery & Widgets
Runes & Rivets
@ehonour you've had great responses so far. Pet the dog is a great strategy but there are a few others if its still not working (and just to be clear - pet the dog does not *have* to be a dog. The key is that it is something weaker than them. A kitten, a child, etc. Even weaker adult characters can work but they lack the cuteness factor which automatically makes the reader make them want them helped.)
Other things to improve the likability of characters
- character set up that gives context to their reprehensible behavior (past trauma distorting their world view, current situation, being under duress. etc)
- inner monologue that shows they struggle between doing the right and the wrong thing.
- if they mostly do the reprehensible thing but they do have a conscience and so sometimes do the right thing even when it doesn't serve their best interest at all (think Captain Jack Sparrow)
- that they're humorous (Jack Sparrow also gets an aid from this)
- popularity bias - that other people who *are* honorable still like the character, or say they are good, as the opinion of other characters also affects the reader (hate to use the same example but I'm lazy - so I will just point out JS also gets this from Will Turner and Elizabeth Swan)
- give them a character flaw that is relatable so most readers will see themselves in the character
- make the reprehensible character the puppy (not literally of course, just give them a weakness which means their toughness is a survival tactic, that makes the reader feel in their corner)
and most importantly is, the character cannot be unrelentingly reprehensible. If everything they do is selfish and mean, they're not funny, so there's no tension relief on the page, and they always succeed, and they're always smug about it. That character cannot be likable.
Hope something helps nudge it where you want it to go
Excellent ideas, Gideon. Thanks very much for laying them out. They were a distinct help. And I've saved them for the future.
Write so long as words keep flowing...
FWA RPLA: 2021:Fx2; 2022:1st place Gold, 2023: 1st place Gold novel
V38 HMx2; V39 HMx2, RWC, DQ (oops)
V40 SF(!), HM; RWCx2; V41 HM, RWCx2, DQ (what, again!)
V42 Q1:R
And ... it's in. Now let it go, with all its angst, and move on to write something new.
Write so long as words keep flowing...
FWA RPLA: 2021:Fx2; 2022:1st place Gold, 2023: 1st place Gold novel
V38 HMx2; V39 HMx2, RWC, DQ (oops)
V40 SF(!), HM; RWCx2; V41 HM, RWCx2, DQ (what, again!)
V42 Q1:R
I'm in. Whew that was close. Moving on to next story.
[Spreads out doughnuts and coffee, for those that need an extra boost to get them through till 11:59PM pacific time.]
Good luck all.
Small steps add up to miles.
5 R, 5 RWC, 6 HM, 1 SHM
"Amore For Life" in After the Gold Rush Third Flatiron Anthology
"Freedom’s Song” in Troubadour and Space Princesses LTUE Anthology
"Experimenting with the Dance of Death" in Love is Complicated LUW Romance Anthology.
I have picked myself up and put in another effort.
Here's wishing us all luck!
"...your motivations for wanting to write are probably complex. You may have a few great passions, you may want to be rich and famous, and you may need therapy."
- Dave Farland, Million Dollar Outlines
Writers of the Future:
2025 Q1: HM Q2: WIP Q3: TBD Q4: TBD
2024 Q1: F Q2: HM Q3:SHM Q4: SHM
2023 Q1: RWC Q2: SHM Q3: SHM Q4: R
2022 Q4: R
Submissions to other markets:
2025: 19 submitted 0 acceptances
2024: 45 submitted 8 acceptances
2023: 74 submitted 13 acceptances
2022: 22 submitted 1 acceptance
2025 goals: a. New Novel b. New piece submitted/month c. 100 rejections
Submitted and eager to move on to the next one. Good luck everyone
Submitted and already well into something entirely new for the next quarter.
Fingers crossed for all of us that subbed.
Today's science fiction is tomorrow's reality-D.R.Sweeney
HM x5
Published Poetry
2012 Stars in Our Hearts
Silver Ships
One year ago today, I submitted for the first time. One RCW and two HMs later, I submit with high hopes that all the progress made in the craft over this past year will pay off! Good luck everyone, y'all are awesome
"You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.“ -C. S. Lewis
V40: RWC, HM
V41: HM, HM
K. R. Queen - Author Site
All my prior HMs are here.
"4 Laws of Storytelling" (reflections on the craft)
I'm in for Q2 (finally). Good luck everyone!
V39: - - - HM
V41: HM, SHM, SHM, F
V42: DQ, WIP
Stories published in Triangulation, Neo-opsis Science Fiction Magazine, Flash Fiction Magazine, and others.
I don't think I've ever had more than one real option per quarter. I had two things I could submit. I think I chose the better of the two. Anyway, I'm in.
2012 Q4: R
2016 Q3: SHM
2019 Q2: HM, Q3: HM
2020 Q2: HM, Q4: SHM
2021 Q1: HM, Q2: SF, Q3: SHM, Q4: SHM
2022 Q1: SHM, Q2 RWC, Q4 RWC
2023 Q1: RWC Q2: SHM Q3:Nope Q4: WIP
Also, is there a writer version of empty nest syndrome?
2012 Q4: R
2016 Q3: SHM
2019 Q2: HM, Q3: HM
2020 Q2: HM, Q4: SHM
2021 Q1: HM, Q2: SF, Q3: SHM, Q4: SHM
2022 Q1: SHM, Q2 RWC, Q4 RWC
2023 Q1: RWC Q2: SHM Q3:Nope Q4: WIP
Also, is there a writer version of empty nest syndrome?
This is a real thing!
Career: 1x Win -- 2x NW-F -- 2x S-F -- 9x S-HM -- 11x HM -- 7x R
Like me: facebook/AuthorTJKnight
Also, is there a writer version of empty nest syndrome?
OMG - I have always referred to this as my wotf-hangover. I so overindulge in whatever I have been writing that when I finally hit 'submit' not only do I wander around with this huge vacuum of time to fill, but my wotf-hangover makes my creative head so useless I can't start on something new
wotf-empty nest syndrome is probably a better way of describing this feeling 😉
"...your motivations for wanting to write are probably complex. You may have a few great passions, you may want to be rich and famous, and you may need therapy."
- Dave Farland, Million Dollar Outlines
Writers of the Future:
2025 Q1: HM Q2: WIP Q3: TBD Q4: TBD
2024 Q1: F Q2: HM Q3:SHM Q4: SHM
2023 Q1: RWC Q2: SHM Q3: SHM Q4: R
2022 Q4: R
Submissions to other markets:
2025: 19 submitted 0 acceptances
2024: 45 submitted 8 acceptances
2023: 74 submitted 13 acceptances
2022: 22 submitted 1 acceptance
2025 goals: a. New Novel b. New piece submitted/month c. 100 rejections
Submitted and eager to move on to the next one. Good luck everyone
I get so drained from editing, and reediting, that it is a huge relief to submit.
I just wanted a couple days of not thinking about writing. My brain, once the pressure was off, decided to think about the next story that I had started as an option for Q2. I ended up spending a couple hours on it to get notes in. haha
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right."~ Henry Ford
2025 V42: RWC, WIP, ?, ?
2024 V41: RWC (Resubmitted "HM"), HM, RWC, Finalist (RWC Resubmit)
2023 V40: HM, HM, R, HM
2022 V39: SHM, HM, Semi-finalist, HM (HM Resubmit)
2021 V38: ---HM (R Resubmit)
2020 V37: -R--
After a very busy work week, weather induced blackouts, and preparing for Easter with the family, I managed to get my entry in. Hoping for the best.
V39 Q4 - HM
V40 Q1 - SHM, Q2-HM. Q3-RWC Q4-RWC
V41 Q1-RWC, Q2-HM, Q3-P
After about three weeks without a computer (unhelpful for the last month of a quarter!), I managed to get my story in. Now, to wait for the results (hopefully the blogs from Hollywood and Vol 40 will be released before then which will be a nice distraction )
3rd Place Vol 41 Q3 ("The Stench of Freedom")
Submission record: R x 2 / HM x 7 / SHM x 2 / W x 1
Stories published in Daily Science Fiction, Every Day Fiction, 365tomorrows, and Gwyllion Magazine.
Find out more on my website (www.joelcscoberg.com) or sign up to my newsletter for updates on my writing journey.
I have now officially entered the second stage of post wotf-syndrome.
stage 1 entered immediately after hitting submit is a state of complete brainfog i usually refer to as the wotf-hangover. Wandering about with this strange void of time, feeling like you *should* be writing but no ability to start something new
stage 2, where i am now, is where my creative brain kicks back in, but refuses to think on the next quarter, it just points out all the better things I *should* have done with the piece just submitted and now beyond my reach
I love writing...
"...your motivations for wanting to write are probably complex. You may have a few great passions, you may want to be rich and famous, and you may need therapy."
- Dave Farland, Million Dollar Outlines
Writers of the Future:
2025 Q1: HM Q2: WIP Q3: TBD Q4: TBD
2024 Q1: F Q2: HM Q3:SHM Q4: SHM
2023 Q1: RWC Q2: SHM Q3: SHM Q4: R
2022 Q4: R
Submissions to other markets:
2025: 19 submitted 0 acceptances
2024: 45 submitted 8 acceptances
2023: 74 submitted 13 acceptances
2022: 22 submitted 1 acceptance
2025 goals: a. New Novel b. New piece submitted/month c. 100 rejections
I have now officially entered the second stage of post wotf-syndrome.
stage 1 entered immediately after hitting submit is a state of complete brainfog i usually refer to as the wotf-hangover. Wandering about with this strange void of time, feeling like you *should* be writing but no ability to start something new
stage 2, where i am now, is where my creative brain kicks back in, but refuses to think on the next quarter, it just points out all the better things I *should* have done with the piece just submitted and now beyond my reach
Ha! I like it and recognise what you say.
I'm currently in peri-wotf (had to look that prefix up.)
I've loving what's in progress for Q3. At the moment, it's a certain winner, just like all the stories before it.
I've loving what's in progress for Q3. At the moment, it's a certain winner, just like all the stories before it.
it's funny. All of mine are sure winners too at some point in my head. And yet none win 🤣
deluded? me? I prefer the term 'optimistic' 😉
"...your motivations for wanting to write are probably complex. You may have a few great passions, you may want to be rich and famous, and you may need therapy."
- Dave Farland, Million Dollar Outlines
Writers of the Future:
2025 Q1: HM Q2: WIP Q3: TBD Q4: TBD
2024 Q1: F Q2: HM Q3:SHM Q4: SHM
2023 Q1: RWC Q2: SHM Q3: SHM Q4: R
2022 Q4: R
Submissions to other markets:
2025: 19 submitted 0 acceptances
2024: 45 submitted 8 acceptances
2023: 74 submitted 13 acceptances
2022: 22 submitted 1 acceptance
2025 goals: a. New Novel b. New piece submitted/month c. 100 rejections
Hey, all!
Just a friendly reminder from the slush team that Q2 results are always delayed because of the workshop and gala week. The event happened later in April this year, so slushing started later, too. No twitching until somewhere in the June (probably) / July (maybe) range. 😉
Happy writing!
WOTF: 1 HM, 1 Semi, 2 Finalists, 1 Winner
Q2,V31 - Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!
Hugo and Astounding finalist, made the preliminary Stoker ballot (juried)
Published by Galaxy's Edge, DSF, StarShipSofa and TorNightfire
Hi Kary,
Is this May-mid June results outlook, also applicable to the artists part of the contest ?...I entered my art back in February. Thanks.
Jose Sanchez
Congrats on submitting everyone and all the best in this quarter!
“Stories are the collective wisdom of everyone who has ever lived. Your job as a storyteller is not simply to entertain. Nor is it to be noticed for the way your turn a phrase. You have a very important job—one of the most important. Your job is to let people know that everyone shares their feelings—and that these feelings bind us. Your job is a healing art, and like all healers, you have a responsibility. Let people know they are not alone. You must make people understand that we are all the same.”
Brian McDonald
2022: Second Place Winner V39 Q1
2021: HM, HM, SHM
2020: R
2019: SHM, R
2018: HM
2017: HM
Check out my fiction and more at spencersekulin.net
@jose77sanchez Hi, Jose,
Apologies, but June / July is only for the writers. I'm not part of the illustration side, so I don't have any info about their judging schedules.
Best wishes in the contest!
WOTF: 1 HM, 1 Semi, 2 Finalists, 1 Winner
Q2,V31 - Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!
Hugo and Astounding finalist, made the preliminary Stoker ballot (juried)
Published by Galaxy's Edge, DSF, StarShipSofa and TorNightfire
I've noticed that the two contests are growing closer together results-wise. No guarantee or anything, but simultaneous blog posting (soon after writer's results) seems to be trending.
Career: 1x Win -- 2x NW-F -- 2x S-F -- 9x S-HM -- 11x HM -- 7x R
Like me: facebook/AuthorTJKnight
@jose77sanchez The times I submitted to both IOTF and WOTF the emailed results seemed to come within two weeks of each other [and a couple of times within a day]. It's hard to predict if IOTF will come before WOTF results or vice versa, but they do seem to come within a two week window of each other.I've noticed that the two contests are growing closer together results-wise. No guarantee or anything, but simultaneous blog posting (soon after writer's results) seems to be trending.
WOTF results:
Vol 42: Q1 SHM, Q2 pending, Q3 ?
running totals to date:
WOTF: 6 Rs, 3 RWCs, 8 HMs, 1 SHM
IOTF: 4 Rs, 3 HMs
Check out my new website: https://www.amyrwethingtonwriterofspeculativeworlds.com/
According to Winston Churchill, "success is going from failure to failure with enthusiasm"
Somehow I lost my Guthington profile, but it's me. Amy Wethington = Guthington = Physa