I have finished DO NOT OBEY flash and KYD.
I think I might expand this one for my 3rd quarter entry.
Vol. 36: 3rd -- R, 4th -- R
Vol. 37: R, HM, HM, SHM
Vol. 38: HM, HM, HM, HM
Vol. 39: SHM, RWC, RWC, HM
Vol. 40: HM, R, RWC, R
Vol. 41: R, HM, HM, HM
Vol. 42: 1st -- pending
Amateur published stories:
"The Army Ration That Saved the Earth" -- Accepted for publication, waiting for contract
"The Tell-Tale Cricket" in The Murderbugs Anthololgy
"Follow the Pretrons" in Martian Magazine, and a Critters Award
"Eyes and Hands" in Galaxy's Edge Magazine
"The Last Dance" in Parliament of Wizards, LTUE anthology
"My Ten Cents" in Sci Fi Lampoon
Professional Publication:
"Invasion" in Daily Science Fiction
I'm still new to WotF and the forum. Before this, I spent my writing time in the KidLit world. I belonged to a really active writing group, and then we had to move for my husbands job and I lost a lot of that support. I'd LOVE to find a writing partner or a couple critique partners.
Writing is a priority for me. I try to write everyday, but I'm a mom of a very busy 5 y/o, so I don't get nearly as much time as I'd like (which I'm sure a LOT of you understand). I write mostly YA Sci-Fi/Fantasy, some MG of the same genres, and adult short stories. I'm really good at big picture ideas, character development, and dialogue. If anyone's interested in swapping pages to see if we're a good fit, please feel free to message or email me at any time!
Hello, Pensacola (RA Krueger). I hope you find a good writing partner--sounds like you are dedicated.
Just a note to all. Locus Magazine reviewed the spec fic magazine markets of 2019. It's a must read, both on what markets are buying, but also on circulation/readership. Eye opening on where you will get the most eyes on your stories. Keeps you up to date, and I'm betting there's some markets in here you never knew about.
Have at it! Knowledge is power!
https://locusmag.com/2020/02/year-in-re ... e-summary/
Click here to JOIN THE WULF PACK!
"Super-Duper Moongirl and the Amazing Moon Dawdler" won Best SFF Story of 2019! Read it in Writers of the Future, Vol. 35. Order HERE!
Need writing help? My award-winning SUPER SECRETS articles are FREE in DreamForge.
IT’S HERE! Many have been begged me to publish the Super Secrets of Writing. How to Write a Howling Good Story is now a #1 BESTSELLING BOOK! Get yours at your favorite retailer HERE!
Great story Henckel, that stands a fair chance at WotF after a little more revision, and I think I really hit on something that could bump it up a notch from its already solid construction. Email sent.
Thanks oishisushi911!!!!!
And Welcome to RA Krueger1
WOTF Stats
(2014) V31 – R
(2018) V35 – HM
(2019) V36 – HM, SHM
(2020) V37 – R, HM, SHM, Finalist
(2021) V38 – SF, SHM, SHM, HM
(2022) V39 – HM, SHM, SHM, SHM
(2023) V40 - HM, SF, tba, tba
So there's another writing seminar I need to tell you about, one that is so reasonably priced, you'll wonder how they can do it. Fyrecon. This year it's coming to Salt Lake City on July 16th-19th. While I would say Superstars focuses primarily on published authors learning the skills to become bestselling writers, Fyrecon's niche is helping aspiring writers to become published authors, and published authors to up their game. In other words, for everyone here, this seminar would be right up your alley. David Farland will be teaching there, and you saw how beneficial it was for Liz to get that moment with him after his class at Superstars. And Fyrecon is very affordable. All four days are only $50 right now. And if you sign up for a Master Class, that registration fee is included in the price of the Master Class. Holy cow!
For instance, Wulf Moon's Master Class is only $79 right now, which includes all four days of the con as well! It's called "Wulf Moon's SUPER SECRETS: How to Write Winning Stories That Take the Gold." You might have heard of this workshop before--it's based on this very workshop you are currently in. I didn't apply for this, the seminar invited me to come. Why? Well, I met the founders last year at WotF, and that surely didn't hurt. They said they've been watching me ever since (jokingly said "stalking me" and they've been following the wonderful results all of you have achieved. So they asked me to share these Secrets with their members. And I plan on releasing the Super Secrets book there as well. Remember that map with the steps going up the mountain I told all of you to draw? Well, I call this one, "Kind Of A Big Deal." I've been hoping to get to the level where a con would invite me as a speaker on panels, which ups your street cred, advertises your brand, and gets your registration fee comped. This is a whole 'nuther ballpark, like playing Monopoly and getting the Advance to Go, Collect $200 card.
If you'd like to join me at this momentous occasion--my first Master Class and Super Secrets book release--I'd love to form another Wulf Pack group at this con like we did at Superstars. There's going to be some great panels, roundtable discussions, and classes there. And the price is so reasonable, intentionally so, as the founders want the knowledge to be affordable and accessible to all. More good news! Three of you have already said you are coming, and a fourth said it's more than likely. Which means there are only 21 seats left in my Super Secrets class...
You are the ones that provided proof positive that the Super Secrets work. So it is to you, my dear challenge beasties, that I first make this announcement.
Here's the Master Class info: https://www.fyrecon.com/master-classes/ ... -workshop/
And here's the seminar info: https://www.fyrecon.com/
There will be a whole section of my Master Class on winning contests, and you know the one I'll be talking about most! There will be new Super Secrets as well! And, if all goes well, A SUPER SECRETS BOOK! I hope to see you there!
All the beast!
Beastmaster Moon
Click here to JOIN THE WULF PACK!
"Super-Duper Moongirl and the Amazing Moon Dawdler" won Best SFF Story of 2019! Read it in Writers of the Future, Vol. 35. Order HERE!
Need writing help? My award-winning SUPER SECRETS articles are FREE in DreamForge.
IT’S HERE! Many have been begged me to publish the Super Secrets of Writing. How to Write a Howling Good Story is now a #1 BESTSELLING BOOK! Get yours at your favorite retailer HERE!
I really wish I could go to this! Unfortunately I don't think it's possible for me to travel that far this year due to the tiny kraken. It sounds awesome though.
v35: Q4 - HM
V36: R, R, R, R
V38: SHM, HM, HM, HM
V39: HM, R, SHM, HM
Indie author of The Lex Chronicles (Legends of Arameth), and the in-progress Leyward Stones series--including my serial, Macchiatos, Faerie Princes, and Other Things That Happen at Midnight, currently available on Kindle Vella.
Website: http://ccrawfordwriting.com. I also have a newsletter and a blog!
Short story "Our Kind" published in DreamForge Anvil, Issue #5, and also "One Shot at Aeden" published in DreamForge Anvil, Issue #7!
Fyrecon will be right in my backyard. I’ll need to check my schedule and make sure I’m not double booking anything, but I would say it’s quite likely I’ll be there.
9 x HM
V38 Q4 2nd Place
Mike Resnick Memorial Award winner 2021 https://www.galaxysedge.com/
I wish I could be there! I am so excited for everyone who gets to take this class and just over the (heh) moon for you! Congratulations!
V34: R,HM,R
V35: HM,R,R,HM
V38: (P)F, SHM, F, F
Published Finalist Volume 38
Pro’d out Q4V39
Managing Editor, Apex Magazine
I just listened to the podcast about Fyrecon earlier this week and was trying to see if it was a possibility to get away from the family for so long. I'm definitely going to try. Sounds like a fabulous event.
Congrats, Wulf!
Congrats again, Moon! You're moving on up! I should hopefully know by the end of this weekend whether I'll be there.
R, 3rd place Q4 v36!!!
Stories in Apocalyptic, Cossmass Infinites x2! PodCastle, Spirit Machine; forthcoming in Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Apex Magazine, Human Monsters
This sounds awesome and I am bummed that I live on the East Coast right now. Congrats on the achievement though!!
2025 Q1:SHM
2024 Q1:RWC, Q2:RWC, Q3:HM, Q4:SHM
2023 Q1:HM, Q2:HM, Q3:HM, Q4:HM
2022 Q2:HM, Q3:HM, Q4:SHM
2021 Q1:SHM, Q2:HM, Q3:HM
2020 Q1:HM, Q2:HM, Q3:SHM, Q4:HM
2019 Q1:SHM, Q2:R, Q3:SHM, Q4:HM
2018 Q1:R, Q2:HM, Q4:R
2017 Q4: R
If you get bogged down, PLEASE finish your stories first before looking at my story. I sent you a PM asking for your email (and sending you mine) but I am not in a rush at all to get a critique back on Story #1 since I'm wrangling Story #2. And send me your story whenever you like. . . I will work it in while I finish my Story #2.
Also, I'm glad I am not the only one who gets tons of story ideas and then has to figure out which one to develop further. At least, eventually, they should all get their time in the sun, right?
I’ve slowed on my crits from this last weekend because I realized how behind I had gotten on finishing new short stories while working on sending some new flash out, sending out some old and new short stories, and toying with flash and KYD, but I’m about done with a crit of an interesting story from Henckel, then I’ll hopefully look at a few others. I think the hardest part for me is finishing work long before the quarter deadline in order to get the piece to readers with enough time to spare. There’s always something that slows me down, usually paying freelance work, so I just have to continue balancing out life responsibilities. I really do agree with this latest secret, as I saw my work shine when I had a more consistent reader. That said, I keep in mind the comments from before and try to read for those blindspots former reader(s) have found. And starting up as a first reader did provide me with some new insight, despite losing the dedicated reader and writing partner.
I’ve found I’m working on developing 3-4 stories at once this month, and I need to be careful to focus in each one at a time and get them done. One from last quarter (the 3rd new story written for Q1) which I think has the most emotional impact so far and is aiming at one of the comments Dave Farland made, then some various KYD inspired pieces. Looking forward to more time on them after work tonight.
Best of luck with the writing everyone.
2025 Q1:SHM
2024 Q1:RWC, Q2:RWC, Q3:HM, Q4:SHM
2023 Q1:HM, Q2:HM, Q3:HM, Q4:HM
2022 Q2:HM, Q3:HM, Q4:SHM
2021 Q1:SHM, Q2:HM, Q3:HM
2020 Q1:HM, Q2:HM, Q3:SHM, Q4:HM
2019 Q1:SHM, Q2:R, Q3:SHM, Q4:HM
2018 Q1:R, Q2:HM, Q4:R
2017 Q4: R
Reporting in:
I just finished my flash for February, based on the Vital Flaw prompt. Written, KYD'd, and built back up again. It turned out to be an odd little story... Actually, I'd love for someone to read/crit it for me if anyone has time. It's about 1200 words.
v35: Q4 - HM
V36: R, R, R, R
V38: SHM, HM, HM, HM
V39: HM, R, SHM, HM
Indie author of The Lex Chronicles (Legends of Arameth), and the in-progress Leyward Stones series--including my serial, Macchiatos, Faerie Princes, and Other Things That Happen at Midnight, currently available on Kindle Vella.
Website: http://ccrawfordwriting.com. I also have a newsletter and a blog!
Short story "Our Kind" published in DreamForge Anvil, Issue #5, and also "One Shot at Aeden" published in DreamForge Anvil, Issue #7!
Reporting in:
I just finished my flash for February, based on the Vital Flaw prompt. Written, KYD'd, and built back up again. It turned out to be an odd little story... Actually, I'd love for someone to read/crit it for me if anyone has time. It's about 1200 words.
Thanks for the conga rats on the Fyrecon Master Class, all! Looks like five from here so far are coming from various conversations I've had, and it was just announced. So 20 seats left! It will be so fun to see another wave of you from the Forum and Super Secrets!
Crystal, go ahead and send me that one. I can handle one more for this quarter, I think. I'll put you in the queue, but that's it for this quarter. The door is shut.
Best of success to all! Remember--write two fresh stories, pick your best to send in to WotF, send the other out to a respectable market. It's not hard. You just have to do it!
Fortune favor the diligent!
Beastmaster Moon
Click here to JOIN THE WULF PACK!
"Super-Duper Moongirl and the Amazing Moon Dawdler" won Best SFF Story of 2019! Read it in Writers of the Future, Vol. 35. Order HERE!
Need writing help? My award-winning SUPER SECRETS articles are FREE in DreamForge.
IT’S HERE! Many have been begged me to publish the Super Secrets of Writing. How to Write a Howling Good Story is now a #1 BESTSELLING BOOK! Get yours at your favorite retailer HERE!
If you get bogged down, PLEASE finish your stories first before looking at my story. I sent you a PM asking for your email (and sending you mine) but I am not in a rush at all to get a critique back on Story #1 since I'm wrangling Story #2. And send me your story whenever you like. . . I will work it in while I finish my Story #2.
Also, I'm glad I am not the only one who gets tons of story ideas and then has to figure out which one to develop further. At least, eventually, they should all get their time in the sun, right?
Sent you a PM. And yes, I was about to ask a direct question to the wolf pack if anyone has that issue of developing multiple stories at once, ahem, I mean, that excellent skill of multitasking like a pro. So glad to hear I’m not the only one.
R.J.K. Lee
WotF 2021: SHM, R, R, S-F
2020: HMx2, Rx2
2019: Rx4
2018: N/A
2017; HMx2, Rx2
2016: HMx2, Rx2
2015: Rx1
Stone Shaper Tanukis Estranged in Dark Cheer: Cryptids Emerging - Volume Blue (Improbable Press, 12/13/2021)
Memo from the Jolly Overlords on the Weird Christmas Podcast (12/2020). I read my story at the 22:10 mark in the flash fiction contest episode.
Monthly updates on where to submit your creative work: https://figmentsdiehard.blogspot.com/
I would love to join Fyrecon and your class, Packmaster, but I’m not quite sure how to afford traveling at the moment. I wish there was a way for me to do so. Maybe next year I can join one of these conferences. Sigh. Also a bit scared to travel with the Coronavirus scare. Prime Minister Abe just requested all the schools be closed from next week, so today was the last day of school for my daughters. Even the Tokyo Disney resorts are closing down. It’s crazy over here.
Anyway, that is so awesome to hear you’ll be using our sacrifices as test subjects to bring further good to the world at large. Best of luck prepping for the class and book.
R.J.K. Lee
WotF 2021: SHM, R, R, S-F
2020: HMx2, Rx2
2019: Rx4
2018: N/A
2017; HMx2, Rx2
2016: HMx2, Rx2
2015: Rx1
Stone Shaper Tanukis Estranged in Dark Cheer: Cryptids Emerging - Volume Blue (Improbable Press, 12/13/2021)
Memo from the Jolly Overlords on the Weird Christmas Podcast (12/2020). I read my story at the 22:10 mark in the flash fiction contest episode.
Monthly updates on where to submit your creative work: https://figmentsdiehard.blogspot.com/
Got your flash down, CCrawford! Reminder to other flash challenge folks: we're down to the wire for the month. If you haven't done your flash for the month yet and you're part of the extra credit challenge, git 'er done!
oishisushi, please stay safe over there. Perhaps just hole up in your room and write...
R, 3rd place Q4 v36!!!
Stories in Apocalyptic, Cossmass Infinites x2! PodCastle, Spirit Machine; forthcoming in Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Apex Magazine, Human Monsters
On Super Secret Tip #2, Don't Drive to the Story: Would one be allowed slightly more mileage for the trip with a longer story? Do judges/editors expect the same brevity and immediacy in your opener to a 20,000-word novelette as they would from a 3000-word short story or a 500-word flash fiction?
Crystal, go ahead and send me that one. I can handle one more for this quarter, I think. I'll put you in the queue, but that's it for this quarter. The door is shut.
Thank you!!!! I will send it ASAP.
v35: Q4 - HM
V36: R, R, R, R
V38: SHM, HM, HM, HM
V39: HM, R, SHM, HM
Indie author of The Lex Chronicles (Legends of Arameth), and the in-progress Leyward Stones series--including my serial, Macchiatos, Faerie Princes, and Other Things That Happen at Midnight, currently available on Kindle Vella.
Website: http://ccrawfordwriting.com. I also have a newsletter and a blog!
Short story "Our Kind" published in DreamForge Anvil, Issue #5, and also "One Shot at Aeden" published in DreamForge Anvil, Issue #7!
On Super Secret Tip #2, Don't Drive to the Story: Would one be allowed slightly more mileage for the trip with a longer story? Do judges/editors expect the same brevity and immediacy in your opener to a 20,000-word novelette as they would from a 3000-word short story or a 500-word flash fiction?
I am guessing that the short answer is "no." The reality is that judges do not apportion a portion of story to evaluate before moving on. By that, I mean that they are not thinking: "Well, Sally has put all this effort into a 15,000 story. Of course she needs five or six pages to get things moving properly."
For me personally, any story has to grab me within the first page or two. That is true whether the story is flash or a behemoth novel. Maybe especially so in the longer pieces. Because if I am going to devote that much of my precious time, I want an immediate immersion into that world.
2025 Q1:SHM
2024 Q1:RWC, Q2:RWC, Q3:HM, Q4:SHM
2023 Q1:HM, Q2:HM, Q3:HM, Q4:HM
2022 Q2:HM, Q3:HM, Q4:SHM
2021 Q1:SHM, Q2:HM, Q3:HM
2020 Q1:HM, Q2:HM, Q3:SHM, Q4:HM
2019 Q1:SHM, Q2:R, Q3:SHM, Q4:HM
2018 Q1:R, Q2:HM, Q4:R
2017 Q4: R
LibrarianBarbarian: StarReacher said it all. First, if you're writing 20,000 word stories for WotF, you're out. The limit is 17K. Second, the biggest new writer mistake in the book is driving to the story. AS SOON AS YOU DO IT, the editor will be thinking, OH MY STARS, NOT ANOTHER STORY WHERE THEY WAKE UP IN THE MORNING. Or all the stuff that goes with that. It is a noob red flag. Just say No to looking like a noob when you want your work to be taken as pro. This is for the gold. Go look at all the winners in Vol. 35 and see how they started their stories. Figure out how the winners did it, and you will be able to figure out how to do it for yours. : )
For those enrolled in this challenge (yes, there is a roster, enrollment was at the beginning of the contest year), the month is ending if you took the bonus flash challenge. Fortunately for you, this is Leap Year, you get a bonus day for the bonus challenge! Use it wisely. And for all enrolled in the regular challenge, that's two fresh stories in a contest quarter, 3000 words or more. One submitted to WotF, the other to a respectable market. You have one month left to fulfill your oaths to yourself, your Wulf Pack, and the Beastmaster. Or...
Remember: It's a dog eat dog world out there, and you have fur in your teeth!
Keep writing. Keep sending!
Beastmaster Moon
Click here to JOIN THE WULF PACK!
"Super-Duper Moongirl and the Amazing Moon Dawdler" won Best SFF Story of 2019! Read it in Writers of the Future, Vol. 35. Order HERE!
Need writing help? My award-winning SUPER SECRETS articles are FREE in DreamForge.
IT’S HERE! Many have been begged me to publish the Super Secrets of Writing. How to Write a Howling Good Story is now a #1 BESTSELLING BOOK! Get yours at your favorite retailer HERE!
Thanks. Mine is only 14K and we get into the story relatively quickly. Makes me wonder how a lot of fantasy epics ever made it past the slush pile. You see a lot of chapter-long intros out there about the landscape, or Gods creating the universe, or some random deer running through the forest.
I want each of you *enrolled in this challenge* to make a post here with five scintillating prompts. These writing prompts should be generic enough that you could use them for either SF or F stories, yet be obvious enough to spark spec fic ideas. Not clear enough? Look back over our prior prompts. Normally a couple of words that intrigue is all you need.
If I see some good ones, I'll select them for our weekly prompts' list. If they're really good, they might even make it into the book. I am making a 100 prompts sheet at the back of the book for weekly story generation. Number them 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Here's a quick example:
1. Message From Beyond (See how that can be used for either SF or F? Could be a message from space. Could be a spirit.)
2. Flash Point
3. In Darkness Came the Light
4. Two Coins for the Paddle Man (harder for SF, but not impossible)
5. Chaos Killer
Please set them up just like this, with spacing like this so they stand out. Bonus if you can make a few words evoke raw emotion.
I look forward to seeing your submissions!
Beastmaster Moon
Click here to JOIN THE WULF PACK!
"Super-Duper Moongirl and the Amazing Moon Dawdler" won Best SFF Story of 2019! Read it in Writers of the Future, Vol. 35. Order HERE!
Need writing help? My award-winning SUPER SECRETS articles are FREE in DreamForge.
IT’S HERE! Many have been begged me to publish the Super Secrets of Writing. How to Write a Howling Good Story is now a #1 BESTSELLING BOOK! Get yours at your favorite retailer HERE!
Thanks. Mine is only 14K and we get into the story relatively quickly. Makes me wonder how a lot of fantasy epics ever made it past the slush pile. You see a lot of chapter-long intros out there about the landscape, or Gods creating the universe, or some random deer running through the forest.
And I'll bet these authors you read had already made it, and to get that career had originally written something much tighter. Once established, they can get away with many bloated things because their fanbase is established and will eat up their grocery list if they open with that. Or they wrote it in an earlier era, where readers tolerated much more exposition.
It's all about the time period you write in, and what readers want. Editors know what their readers want, and buy accordingly. It's why you should be reading every recent volume of WotF if you want to win.
Click here to JOIN THE WULF PACK!
"Super-Duper Moongirl and the Amazing Moon Dawdler" won Best SFF Story of 2019! Read it in Writers of the Future, Vol. 35. Order HERE!
Need writing help? My award-winning SUPER SECRETS articles are FREE in DreamForge.
IT’S HERE! Many have been begged me to publish the Super Secrets of Writing. How to Write a Howling Good Story is now a #1 BESTSELLING BOOK! Get yours at your favorite retailer HERE!
Oh, I like that assignment. I'll try to do it right now before I sleep...
First, update on my meeting of the challenge. My rebuild of the KYD for the Courage Under Fire prompt is done. So count my one flash for February.
My two flash stories for January (Blood Sucker and The Dragon Next Door) have recently come back from another round out in the market, and I'm going to share them with a writer for one more critique before sending them back out. More importantly, in terms of the oath, I'm using other prompts from December and January (that Moon one and the Bradbury one were awesome) to get my Q2 stories closer to done, so the kraken feeding continues.
Five Scintillating Prompts Assignment
1. Fly Down The Well
2. Baby Dies Alone
3. Goodbye Sun
4. The Bottled City
5. Weapon Against Family
R.J.K. Lee
WotF 2021: SHM, R, R, S-F
2020: HMx2, Rx2
2019: Rx4
2018: N/A
2017; HMx2, Rx2
2016: HMx2, Rx2
2015: Rx1
Stone Shaper Tanukis Estranged in Dark Cheer: Cryptids Emerging - Volume Blue (Improbable Press, 12/13/2021)
Memo from the Jolly Overlords on the Weird Christmas Podcast (12/2020). I read my story at the 22:10 mark in the flash fiction contest episode.
Monthly updates on where to submit your creative work: https://figmentsdiehard.blogspot.com/
Swift Potato, I'm checking in – I submitted my 2nd Quarter story to Writers Of The Future contest today. (with the successful assistance of Hive Mind and its wonderful staff).
I did my February 2020 FLASH PROMPT CHALLENGE for the prompt VITAL FLAW.
I have until March 31, 2020 to submit my other fresh story to respectable market.
My five "scintillating flash prompts" – I don't know how scintillating they'll be, but I can hope, lol. I hope they spark creative thoughts.
1. What's In The Mirror?
2. That Fool Down The Block
3. Vanilla Disposition
4. Rapunzel's Other Hair
5. Army Of The Last Eclipse
Oooh, oooh, I'm not enrolled, but this looks like such fun!
1. My Two Husbands
2. Pyramid
3. Fishing
4. Out of Bounds
5. But I Loved That Shirt!
Vol. 36: 3rd -- R, 4th -- R
Vol. 37: R, HM, HM, SHM
Vol. 38: HM, HM, HM, HM
Vol. 39: SHM, RWC, RWC, HM
Vol. 40: HM, R, RWC, R
Vol. 41: R, HM, HM, HM
Vol. 42: 1st -- pending
Amateur published stories:
"The Army Ration That Saved the Earth" -- Accepted for publication, waiting for contract
"The Tell-Tale Cricket" in The Murderbugs Anthololgy
"Follow the Pretrons" in Martian Magazine, and a Critters Award
"Eyes and Hands" in Galaxy's Edge Magazine
"The Last Dance" in Parliament of Wizards, LTUE anthology
"My Ten Cents" in Sci Fi Lampoon
Professional Publication:
"Invasion" in Daily Science Fiction
Got you down, Retro, thanks!
My five prompts:
1. Cozy Starscape
2. Winged Sailor
3. Metal Jasmine
4. Paper Breeze
5. Concrete Hands
R, 3rd place Q4 v36!!!
Stories in Apocalyptic, Cossmass Infinites x2! PodCastle, Spirit Machine; forthcoming in Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Apex Magazine, Human Monsters
Thanks for that great resource. I am bookmarking it now to look at more in depth after I finish Story #2.
Hello, Pensacola (RA Krueger). I hope you find a good writing partner--sounds like you are dedicated.
Just a note to all. Locus Magazine reviewed the spec fic magazine markets of 2019. It's a must read, both on what markets are buying, but also on circulation/readership. Eye opening on where you will get the most eyes on your stories. Keeps you up to date, and I'm betting there's some markets in here you never knew about.
Have at it! Knowledge is power!
2025 Q1:SHM
2024 Q1:RWC, Q2:RWC, Q3:HM, Q4:SHM
2023 Q1:HM, Q2:HM, Q3:HM, Q4:HM
2022 Q2:HM, Q3:HM, Q4:SHM
2021 Q1:SHM, Q2:HM, Q3:HM
2020 Q1:HM, Q2:HM, Q3:SHM, Q4:HM
2019 Q1:SHM, Q2:R, Q3:SHM, Q4:HM
2018 Q1:R, Q2:HM, Q4:R
2017 Q4: R
I finished the Do Not Obey prompt.
My top five:
The First Band @ the Space Station (how do you do weightless dancing to rock & roll?)
Solar Extortion (What if you had to buy sunshine)
Virtual Slavery: The Avatar Wars
Alien Assassin, Inc.
Klassic Karma
Today's science fiction is tomorrow's reality-D.R.Sweeney
HM x5
Published Poetry
2012 Stars in Our Hearts
Silver Ships