I'm going to leverage the WriMo energy to get wedged into my book-length project. Anyone else? We could form a group or be "buddies!"
I'm going to leverage the WriMo energy to get wedged into my book-length project. Anyone else? We could form a group or be "buddies!"
I've been toying with doing nanowrimo this year. Could be fun to be part of a wrimo group,
WOTF results:
Vol 42: Q1 SHM, Q2 pending, Q3 ?
running totals to date:
WOTF: 6 Rs, 3 RWCs, 8 HMs, 1 SHM
IOTF: 4 Rs, 3 HMs
Check out my new website: https://www.amyrwethingtonwriterofspeculativeworlds.com/
According to Winston Churchill, "success is going from failure to failure with enthusiasm"
Somehow I lost my Guthington profile, but it's me. Amy Wethington = Guthington = Physa
Doing nanowrimo is a lot of fun. It's also a lot of work. You have to average 1,666.67 words a day. I've done the exercise four times and have four unfinished novels, but that's another story. Maybe it would be better to call what I've written novellas, then they would be considered closer to a finished story.
If it is allowed on the WotF forum, I would be willing to post and read daily reports of each others progress. After all we do strive to become better at the craft of writing. This is the only forum I frequent so I hope we can share our efforts here.
Today's science fiction is tomorrow's reality-D.R.Sweeney
HM x5
Published Poetry
2012 Stars in Our Hearts
Silver Ships
I'm just using, as I say, the "energy" I've used gamification to progress on many fronts! I learned to type without looking at my hands by trying to save a cartoon ninja ( https://www.typingclub.com/) but I quit when I got what I' came for. Same here: I don't have to average 1,666.67 words a day @storysinger, I just have to report what I've accomplished. Being in a group means other people's eyeballs are on my accomplishments and that's often enough!
But I'd like to share passages etc. they just prolly shouldn't be shared on the WOTF forum, on the off chance that any stories that evolve out of the project could be traced to the author...
@physa: I did what I called "CampoWriMo" this summer, where one can set one's own goal. I set mine at 25,000 words and logged 20,000 but depending on how you count them I did both more and less than that: I chopped up old storied and dropped them into the mix, for instance.
I now have about 46,0300 words in that unrefined state.
My goal for November will be to work these into 60,000 words that make actual sense!
I'll look into forming a group on the NaNoWriMo site. Maybe we can figure out a good way to share some of the writing, too...
I made a "group" called Forumites
You'd have to sign in with Nanaowrimo to see it I reckon...
Maybe, if you sign up on NaNoWriMo, send me your username and I'll add you to the group, that may be how it's done...
Or maybe you can contact me there. I'm DonMarkmaker (same @ as my twitter handle)
I'm reigheena - sent you a buddy request. I tried adding the group but doesn't look like I can do it on this end.
I wasn't planning on doing NaNoWriMo this year, as last year's novel needs editing, but maybe this would be a good push to get some words down.
v 29 : - HM - - | v 30 : - - - - | v 31 : - - - HM | v 32 : - HM - HM | v 33 : R HM R SHM | v 34 : SHM SHM HM R | v 35 : HM R R R | v 36 : - R R R | v 37 : - - - HM | v 38 : - - - HM | v 39 : HM - - R | v 40: - HM - SHM | v 41: R
My published works
That's right! @reigheena, Set your own goals and use the juice! I dunno if you wanna join the nanowrimo group I set up. But send me your "normo" —which is how I'm gonna write it from now on— username and I'll invite you! Or maybe the link, above, will work. Not sure!
@angelslayah I'm also reigheena on Nano and sent you a buddy request. I may not do the full 50K, but I'm happy to cheer others on!
v 29 : - HM - - | v 30 : - - - - | v 31 : - - - HM | v 32 : - HM - HM | v 33 : R HM R SHM | v 34 : SHM SHM HM R | v 35 : HM R R R | v 36 : - R R R | v 37 : - - - HM | v 38 : - - - HM | v 39 : HM - - R | v 40: - HM - SHM | v 41: R
My published works
I've been playing with the idea of doing NaNoWriMo since I first heard about it. I actually got into short stories because I started writing a novel, got 34K words in then thought, "What if this sucks?" It occurred to me that I wouldn't know until I got a lot of rejections, so decided I wanted more immediate feedback to hone my craft. Given my current track record (zero works ever published), I still hesitate as I don't want to pour hours into finishing this 100-130k novel for it to then suck after all that effort.
On the other hand, maybe I need to get through writing a bad novel and be done with it. So...I'm torn.
Vol 37 Q4-SHM
Vol 38 Q1-HM Q2-DNP Q3-DNP Q4-HM
Vol 39 Q1-HM Q2-HM Q3- DNP Q4- HM
Vol 40 Q1- DNP Q2- HM Q3- Subbed
Maybe I need to get through writing a bad novel and be done with it.
Oh I'm sure I have more than ONE bad novel in me!
I made a "group" called Forumites
You'd have to sign in with Nanaowrimo to see it I reckon...
I made a "group" called Forumites
You'd have to sign in with Nanaowrimo to see it I reckon...
Hi, am trying to figure out the nano forumite group. Just in case I run into a brick wall, my nanowrimo profile username is arwethington,
WOTF results:
Vol 42: Q1 SHM, Q2 pending, Q3 ?
running totals to date:
WOTF: 6 Rs, 3 RWCs, 8 HMs, 1 SHM
IOTF: 4 Rs, 3 HMs
Check out my new website: https://www.amyrwethingtonwriterofspeculativeworlds.com/
According to Winston Churchill, "success is going from failure to failure with enthusiasm"
Somehow I lost my Guthington profile, but it's me. Amy Wethington = Guthington = Physa
I made a "group" called Forumites
You'd have to sign in with Nanaowrimo to see it I reckon...Hi, am trying to figure out the nano forumite group. Just in case I run into a brick wall, my nanowrimo profile username is arwethington,
I sent you a buddy request. Not seeing how to join forumite group, but perhaps you can send me an invite to it.
WOTF results:
Vol 42: Q1 SHM, Q2 pending, Q3 ?
running totals to date:
WOTF: 6 Rs, 3 RWCs, 8 HMs, 1 SHM
IOTF: 4 Rs, 3 HMs
Check out my new website: https://www.amyrwethingtonwriterofspeculativeworlds.com/
According to Winston Churchill, "success is going from failure to failure with enthusiasm"
Somehow I lost my Guthington profile, but it's me. Amy Wethington = Guthington = Physa
Maybe I need to get through writing a bad novel and be done with it.
Oh I'm sure I have more than ONE bad novel in me!
Okay, fair enough. Maybe I need to get done writing the first bad novel.
Vol 37 Q4-SHM
Vol 38 Q1-HM Q2-DNP Q3-DNP Q4-HM
Vol 39 Q1-HM Q2-HM Q3- DNP Q4- HM
Vol 40 Q1- DNP Q2- HM Q3- Subbed
Hi! I was planning to use NaNoWriMo to write a new novel unrelated to my series so I’d be happy to have a buddy group. I’ve used NANo before for partial novels and then finished them after because my books are on the longer end. I’m gonna see if this one can stay between 50-75, 000 though so NaNoWriMo would be good for that. It’s an intense pace but it’s worth it even if you don’t make the 50,000.
Volume 41 Q1 Illustrator Winner!
4x Finalist Illustrators
5x Semi finalist Illustrators
1x HM Illustrators
7x HM Writers
3x SHM Writers
Author of the Primogenitor series: Cradle of Mars, Adaptation, Reunion, Schism: Available on Amazon under CL Fors
Yeah, I dunno how to find the group, but I think you can find me: DonMarkmaker. Lemme know and I'll add anyone to the Forumites group
(@angelslayah) I sent you a buddy request. On the nanowrimo site I go by skypilot1!
Today's science fiction is tomorrow's reality-D.R.Sweeney
HM x5
Published Poetry
2012 Stars in Our Hearts
Silver Ships
Regarding nanowrimo... If anyone would like me as a buddy send a friend request to: arwethington from the nanowrimo site. Seeing buddy's progress can be inspiring, but also I will plan to be content to track my own progress. It's a good way to get into a good writing each day groove. And also, if there is a forumites group on nanowrimo... I will need a friend request from that to join as I can't find it on my own. Doh!
WOTF results:
Vol 42: Q1 SHM, Q2 pending, Q3 ?
running totals to date:
WOTF: 6 Rs, 3 RWCs, 8 HMs, 1 SHM
IOTF: 4 Rs, 3 HMs
Check out my new website: https://www.amyrwethingtonwriterofspeculativeworlds.com/
According to Winston Churchill, "success is going from failure to failure with enthusiasm"
Somehow I lost my Guthington profile, but it's me. Amy Wethington = Guthington = Physa
I invited @physa and @storysinger to the nano group. Anyone else?
v 29 : - HM - - | v 30 : - - - - | v 31 : - - - HM | v 32 : - HM - HM | v 33 : R HM R SHM | v 34 : SHM SHM HM R | v 35 : HM R R R | v 36 : - R R R | v 37 : - - - HM | v 38 : - - - HM | v 39 : HM - - R | v 40: - HM - SHM | v 41: R
My published works
Hi! I was planning to use NaNoWriMo to write a new novel unrelated to my series so I’d be happy to have a buddy group. I’ve used NANo before for partial novels and then finished them after because my books are on the longer end. I’m gonna see if this one can stay between 50-75, 000 though so NaNoWriMo would be good for that. It’s an intense pace but it’s worth it even if you don’t make the 50,000.
I just invited someone on the NANOWRIMO site going by "clfors" to the group. Hope that was you!
Maybe I need to get done writing the first bad novel.
You signed up on NaNoWriMo? Gimme hour handle and I'll invite ya to the group!
I think I'm going to have to pass this year. Due to some family changes this past month that are leading to some disruptive life this month, I can't commit to focusing on a novel this time around. I'll try and pick it up next year.
Vol 37 Q4-SHM
Vol 38 Q1-HM Q2-DNP Q3-DNP Q4-HM
Vol 39 Q1-HM Q2-HM Q3- DNP Q4- HM
Vol 40 Q1- DNP Q2- HM Q3- Subbed
@angelslayah My name is CL Fors but I don't see an invite. Perhaps the space is important.
Volume 41 Q1 Illustrator Winner!
4x Finalist Illustrators
5x Semi finalist Illustrators
1x HM Illustrators
7x HM Writers
3x SHM Writers
Author of the Primogenitor series: Cradle of Mars, Adaptation, Reunion, Schism: Available on Amazon under CL Fors
CL Fors
I am always u for budding stuff but i wont be doing a novel (going on a 2 week holiday and my spouse will ill me if I’ll be working on someting).
@angelslayah got it! Thank you!
Volume 41 Q1 Illustrator Winner!
4x Finalist Illustrators
5x Semi finalist Illustrators
1x HM Illustrators
7x HM Writers
3x SHM Writers
Author of the Primogenitor series: Cradle of Mars, Adaptation, Reunion, Schism: Available on Amazon under CL Fors
Best of luck, all of you!
VOL 40 2nd Quarter: Third Place ("Ashes to Ashes, Blood to Carbonfiber")
Past submissions: R - HM - HM - HM - HM - HM - SHM - SHM
Kindle Vella - Ashes to Ashes, Earth to Kaybee
It was fun, I didn't crack 40,000 words but having a group was motivating! Thanks to all who joined in!