Q1: October 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021
And the winners are:
First Place – Samuel Parr from Great Britain
Second Place – Spencer Sekulin from Canada
Third Place – L.H. Davis from Florida
Abigail Corfman from New York
Cat Girczyc from Canada
Sean CW Korsgaard from Virginia
Ian Schutzman from California
Wanda E. Stellar from Tenneessee
Micah Bates from Oregon
Alexander Blum from California
Thomas A Ciccarone from Connecticut
Jim Henderson from Colorado
Nyx Kain from Canada
L.A. Myles from Oregon
Tim Rangnow from Texas
Kevin West from Germany
Mike Wyant, Jr. from New York
Leah Yacknin-Dawson from Texas
Silver Honorable Mentions:
Les Abernathy from Alabama
Ell Allan from California
Abigail Anklam from Virginia
Frasier Armitage from Great Britain
Matt Bille from Colorado
P.D. Blake from Great Britain
Rob Bleckly from Australia
Melissa Bobe from New York
Bret Booher from Indiana
Seth S. Bradford from Virginia
Ian Brentwood from Great Britain
David Bridge from Great Britain
Michael D. Britton from Utah
Vern Buzarde from Texas
Gary Campbell from California
Jarrid Cantway from Iowa
Brandon Case from Nevada
Jeff Cassell from Georgia
Alicia Cay from Colorado
Maureen Chude from Canada
Bella Chung from Virginia
Noelia Colon from New York
A.A. Conway from Great Britain
A.R. Cook from Illinois
Howard Cooper from Canada
Peter Coughlin from New York
Denise Crittendon from Nevada
Jeff Cross from Canada
James Cummins from Georgia
Merle Davenport from Oklahoma
R. Paulo Delgado from Germany
Rachel Dib from North Carolina
Amanda Dier from Florida
A.M. Entracte from Great Britain
Neil Flinchbaugh from Texas
Alex Fox from Massachusetts
Jason D. Francois from Great Britain
Logan Garner from Oregon
Jasmin Gelinck from Netherlands
Sergey Gerasimov from Ukraine
Nate Givens from Virginia
Thomas J. Griffin from Tennessee
Mary Eliz Haaser from Michigan
Colin Hacker from Colorado
Pam Hage from Netherlands
J.A. Haigh from Australia
Phillip Hall from Virginia
James A. Hearn from Texas
Michelle Henrie from Utah
Ken Hoover from New Mexico
Porter Huddleston from Colorado
Drake Hughes from North Carolina
Marissa James from Oregon
William Paul Jones from California
Todd Jones from Michigan
Kent Jones from Minnesota
Eli Jones from Oregon
Daniel Kamin from Illinois
Karen L. Kobylarz from Illinois
Jake Kyer from Colorado
J G Kyte from Great Britain
Michele Laframboise from Canada
MQ Larue from Maryland
Daniel Lengeman from Pennsylvania
Mike Lewis from Great Britain
Candice R. Lisle from Missouri
Steven Lombardi from New York
Anna Madden from Texas
Mark Manifesto from California
Nick Marone from Australia
H.Y. Massie from Colorado
Django Mathijsen from Netherlands
Ryan T. McFadden from Canada
Cassie Meyer from Kansas
Dom Michaels from Idaho
Eugenia Montsaroff from Washington
Jack Mulcahy from Pennsylvania
Rosie Oliver from Great Britain
B. A. Palmer from Florida
Barbara Patten from Minnesota
Philip Peerce from Kentucky
C.J. Persson from Sweden
Chris Pettett from Australia
Alex Pickens from North Carolina
J.C. Pillard from Colorado
Thomas Poldervaart from Netherlands
Zach Poulter from Utah
Kathleen Powell from Missouri
Beth Powers from Indiana
Ed Prestwood from Arizona
K.E. Radke from Nevada
D E Raine from Australia
Timothy Reynolds from Canada
Jennifer Robertson from Nevada
Glenn Rosado from Florida
G.X. Rosberch from Kentucky
Benjamin Sargent from Massachusetts
Mike Scherer from North Carolina
John Eric Schleicher from Montana
Marcus Schmidt from California
Cody Schroeder from Missouri
L.A. Selby from California
Pierre-Alexandre Sicart from Taiwan
Avery Simmons from Virginia
Wendy Simpson from Delaware
J K Stephens from Florida
Blake Stone-Banks from Colorado
Joseph Storey from Utah
Keegan M. Stull from Florida
Liviu Surugiu from Romania
Kai Swanson-Dale from Oregon
Hope Terrell from New Jersey
Marissa Tian from Texas
Rebecca E. Treasure from Texas
Clare Tremblay from New York
Crystal Troback from Canada
Catalino Vega from Florida
Lauren Voeltz from Minnesota
Lea Waits from Georgia
Amanda White from Texas
L A Wibberley from Canada
Robert Luke Wilkins from Nevada
Neal Williams from Colorado
Jarrod K Williams from Ohio
Elsa Wilson-Cruz from Alaska
Phil Yeatman from Australia
Brad Zeiger from Oregon
Honorable Mentions:
L H Adams from North Carolina
J S Adams from Great Britain
King Afrika from South Africa
Lujain Almahdi from California
Jeremy Althof from Hawaii
S.R. Anand from India
Tormod Andersen from California
J.D. Anthony from Oregon
Brandon Scott Argetsinger from New York
Van Arlik from Idaho
A.R.R. Ash from Arizona
Matt Athanasiou from Illinios
Charlie Atkinson from Canada
Omri Avrech from Israel
Hannah Azok from Ohio
Robert Bagnall from Great Britain
Caitlyn Bailey from Arizona
Jen Bair from Texas
Paul Bancroft from Australia
E. R. Barr from Illinios
Alexander Barrett from Arizona
Rachael Bates from Kentucky
Baumgartner from Oregon
Joe Benet from North Carolina
E.J. Bennett from Maine
Ryan Benson from Georgia
Glenn Bering from Michigan
Ojo Bishop from Montana
Elizabeth Black from Utah
Ceci Black from Virginia
Oliver Blakemore from Colorado
James Blakey from Virginia
Michael Bondies from California
B.A. Boose from Washington
William Boulanger from Washington
Leith Brooks from Colorado
Jesse M Burns from Florida
Kendell Burress from Colorado
Jack Calverley from Great Britain
A.J. Campbell from Missouri
Natia Campton from Missouri
Michael Capozzi from New Jersey
J. Meade Carey from Pennsylvania
J. Perry Carr from Texas
Julian Michael Carver from Pennsylvania
Keith Casto from Ohio
Anna Cates from Ohio
Amin Chehelnabi from Australia
Christopher Cherrwin from California
Isabella Cheung from Canada
Colleen Christi Willett from New Jersey
Megan Cicolello from Massachusetts
Emma Cohen from Minnesota
Daniel M. Cojocaru from Switzerland
Marianne Connolly from Massachusetts
Travis Lee Cooper from Texas
D.B. Corsi from North Carolina
Yelena Crane from Pennsylvania
Jason P. Crawford from California
Crystal Crawford from Florida
Todd Creel from Virginia
S. Donavan Croft from South Carolina
Jan Cronos from New York
Adrian Cross from Canada
Paul Crowe from Great Britain
Sean Cudeck from Minnesota
Rebecca J Cuthbert from New York
Apu Das from India
Dionna Dash from Pennsylvania
James Daubert III from Virginia
Emily Dauvin from Canada
James Davies from Maryland
Kevin A Davis from Florida
Dorothy de Kok from South Africa
Marco de la Roche from New York
Michael DeCarolis from Florida
Abigail Deland from Great Britain
John E. DeLaughter from Oklahoma
Robert Delaware from Florida
John Derderian from California
Adam Dickson from Canada
Nathan B. Dodge from Texas
L. E. Doggett from California
R.T. Donlon from New Hampshire
Cristina dos Santos from North Carolina
David R. Downing from New Mexico
Maximillan Drayton from Indiana
Michael Duda from Ohio
Jenna Eatough from Utah
Tim Emery from Great Britain
Jon Eno from Texas
Angelique Fawns from Canada
Alex Feak from Michigan
Zary Fekete from Minnesota
Sarah Fender from Massachusetts
Marco Figaroa from New Jersey
CL Fors from California
Tim Fox from Oregon
Shannon Fox from California
John A. Frochio from Pennsylvania
Krispen Frost from Michigan
S.F. Fury from Idaho
Adam Gaffen from Colorado
TS Gallows from Arizona
Becca Lee Gardner from Utah
Jean-Paul Garnier from California
Henry Gasko from Australia
Ezry George from Singapore
Andre K. George from Colorado
Eric Gershom from Vermont
Russell Giles from Utah
Cara Giles from Utah
KC Gilman from Virginia
Peter Glazebrook from Great Britain
Matthew Goldberg from Pennsylvania
Ian Gonzales from Washington
Mark Gordon from Florida
J. Reid Graham from Great Britain
G. Gray from Great Britain
Lucy Gregory from Colorado
Jentina Grey from California
Alice Grizz from Colorado
Yvonne Gross from Florida
C.S. Hadebe from South Africa
Sam Hallion from Great Britain
Doug Hamilton from Ohio
James Hancock from Great Britain
Dave Hangman from Spain
David Hankins from Iowa
Alex Harford from Great Britain
Cody Hegel from California
Ivan Helsel from New Hampshire
Christopher Henckel from New Zealand
Alicia Hilton from Illinios
Ariana Hoelscher from Texas
Rebekah Holladay from Idaho
Eric Honour from Florida
James Hoover from California
Jeffrey James Hoy from California
Steven Husk from Virginia
Joe Jablonski from North Carolina
Avery Jarrell from South Carolina
Ryan T. Jenkins from Virginia
Kristian Jensen from Canada
Renee Jerome from New Mexico
Monica Johnson from Canada
Bob Johnston from Great Britain
Joshua Jones from Texas
S. K. from Canada
Toshiya Kamei from Missouri
Andria Kennedy from Virginia
JD Kerr from Utah
Jared Kerr from California
Michael Kingswood from California
Ika Koeck from Malaysia
Kelsey Kottapu from Illinios
S.E. Kramer from Washington D.C.
Kalen Kubik from Kansas
Jason Lairamore from Oklahoma
Mari LaRoche from Ohio
William Layton from Mississippi
Rachel LeAnn from Idaho
Colt Leasure from California
Conrad Ledebuhr from Wisconsin
Hermione Lee from Taiwan
Annaliese Lemmon from Arizona
Steven T Lente from Colorado
Akis Linardos from Greece
Ariana LoCascio from Connecticut
Celine Low from Singapore
Theodore Lowry from Canada
Kristina Lowther from Virginia
Judy Lunsford from Arizona
Sean Mabry from California
Mark Macedo from California
Daniel Maidman from New York
Michelle Majumdar from Colorado
William Mangieri from Texas
CL Mannarino from Massachusetts
Fancy Margaret from Rhode Island
Brittany Mars from New York
Andrew McCormick from California
Mord McGhee from South Carolina
Lauren McGuire from Georgia
Stephen McHayle from New Jersey
Sky McKinnon from Washington
Joshua Harley McKnight from California
Gabriel Meek from Washington
Allie Kiri Mendelsohn from New York
Job Merkel from Maryland
Evan Mielke from Washington
Jen Mierisch from Illinios
Anne C Miles from Kentucky
Shayla Moffatt from Canada
Vincent Morgan from Canada
Jason Mueller from New York
Soumya Sundar Mukherjee from India
Morell Mullins from Arkansas
Jan Nerenberg from Oregon
Roxanna Donnelly Newslund from Tennessee
AJ Newsom from Maine
Rey Nichols from North Carolina
Jeremy Nigro from Australia
Toshihisa Nikaido from Japan
Fara Odunlami from New Jersey
Ari Officer from Illinios
Lillian Oldham from Utah
E.S. Oliver from Colorado
John M. Olsen from Utah
Al Onia from Canada
Cherise Papa from Texas
Geoffrey Parker from Michigan
Jason Pfister from New York
M.E. Pickett from Virginia
Kilayla Pilon from Canada
Kenneth Pimentel from France
Larry Pinaire from Indiana
Matt Poll from Canada
Rebecca Ponichtera from Oregon
Susan Qrose from Canada
R. Ramey Guerrero from Texas
Carlos Ramirez from New Jersey
S.E. Reed from Florida
Juliana Rew from Colorado
Isabelle Rhodes from New York
D.C. Riemer from Indiana
Scott Ritter from Canada
Meg Robinson from California
Estelle Rodgers from Massachusetts
Drew Rogers from California
Michael Rosenstein from Oregon
Manisha Sahoo from India
Scott M. Sands from Australia
Lancelot Schaubert from New York
Chenfan Schjelderup-Li from Utah
Jared Schmitz from Kansas
Sandra Siegienski from Oregon
Cass Sims Knight from Oregon
Laura Sink from Ohio
Megan Snow from Nebraska
Anthony St. Clair from Oregon
Michael J. Stanton from Tennessee
Roni Stinger from Washington
Todd Sullivan from Georgia
Alex Sultan from Canada
Alexander Templeton from Virginia
Kelly Thomas from California
P R T Thurston from Great Britain
Lauren Triola from Virginia
Dashiell Tucker from New York
Annie Tupek from Oregon
Stephanie Turner from Canada
Roderick D. Turner from Canada
James A. Tweedie from Washington
Owen Tyme from Kansas
Mehgohn Ehinikir Ursukalu from Iowa
Demi Utley from Washington
Allen Vale from Arizona
K. Venhat from Florida
Jack Neel Waddell from Arkansas
Shannon Walch from Germany
Lauren Walker from North Carolina
Hazel Warlaumont from California
Rylann Watts from Oregon
Cathleen Weng from Alabama
Aaron Werntz from Texas
Tyler West from Canada
Galen Westlake from Canada
Tyler Whatley from Canada
Iris Whelan from Maryland
L. Cyrus Whelchel from Texas
Dane Whitaker from Utah
K.A. Wiggins from Canada
JM Williams from Armed Forces
J.D. Wilson from West Virginia
Elliot M. Wilson from Massachusetts
William R.D. Wood from Virginia
Jonathan Worlde from West Virginia
Sierra Young from Georgia
Hao Daniel Zhang from New York
Elias Van Zimmer from Germany
Katarina Zurar from Texas
LadyofLagrena from Serbia
Career: 1x Win -- 2x NW-F -- 2x S-F -- 9x S-HM -- 11x HM -- 7x R
Like me: facebook/AuthorTJKnight
I hope this boosts you all up. Hey, ho! Let's go!
V38: Q3-R; Q4-HM
V39: Q1-R; Q2-N/A; Q3-P
Critters.org MPCx4
Slush reader for The Common Tongue Magazine.
Debut short-story "Invisible Bodies" published in HyphenPunk and reprinted in MetaStellar.
I ♥ the Ramones!
I should play this song every time before I sit down to write. It's got good energy! lol.
V32: HM (Q4)
V33: HM, HM, SHM, HM
V34: R, R, HM, HM
V35: HM, HM, R, HM
V36: R, R, SHM, R
V38: SF, X, SHM, SHM
V39: SHM, tbd, tbd
I think I may try out expanding a KYD for the quarter. First I have to do some KYDs.
Small steps add up to miles.
V38: R, R, HM, HM
V40 : HM, RWC, R, HM
V41 : RWC, P, P
"Amore For Life" in After the Gold Rush Third Flatiron Anthology
"Freedom’s Song” in Troubadour and Space Princesses LTUE Anthology
"Experimenting with the Dance of Death" in Love is Complicated LUW Romance Anthology.
@craydimensional KDY meaning...?
V38: Q3-R; Q4-HM
V39: Q1-R; Q2-N/A; Q3-P
Critters.org MPCx4
Slush reader for The Common Tongue Magazine.
Debut short-story "Invisible Bodies" published in HyphenPunk and reprinted in MetaStellar.
@alexvss Actually it KYD, Kill Your Darlings. It it an exercise Wulf Moon put together in Super Secrets to chop down a 1000 word story to 250 words. The 250 words forms the heart of a larger story. I haven’t tried using this technique before for a WoTF entry. But, “If you do what you always did. You get what you always got.” Henry Ford. Right now I have gotten Rs and I would like at least HMs. So I am willing to try something new.
Small steps add up to miles.
V38: R, R, HM, HM
V40 : HM, RWC, R, HM
V41 : RWC, P, P
"Amore For Life" in After the Gold Rush Third Flatiron Anthology
"Freedom’s Song” in Troubadour and Space Princesses LTUE Anthology
"Experimenting with the Dance of Death" in Love is Complicated LUW Romance Anthology.
@craydimensional So I gathered, and this seems like an interesting technique. There are some episodes from Writing Excuses that may help trim down a manuscript. There's a very recent one, "Tell, don't show", and you can use the search engine to find more.
V38: Q3-R; Q4-HM
V39: Q1-R; Q2-N/A; Q3-P
Critters.org MPCx4
Slush reader for The Common Tongue Magazine.
Debut short-story "Invisible Bodies" published in HyphenPunk and reprinted in MetaStellar.
Seconded. I wouldn't have gotten all those certs without the help of other forumites - and I'm here to pay it forward now! PM for crits Highly encourage people to take advantage of Alicia's offer, too. Her crits are like surgery - she goes in with a scalpel and cuts away all the dead matter, leaving the story fresh and glowing and alive!
V34: R,HM,R
V35: HM,R,R,HM
V38: (P)F, SHM, F, F
Published Finalist Volume 38
Pro’d out Q4V39
Managing Editor, Apex Magazine
I have the bones of the story I'm hoping to write for this Q1 now, outlined in my brief three-act sketch. I think it should be on the shorter side overall for my stories too, which will be nice, as I think I'm due a shorter one after a couple of longer entries. My writing rhythms are all kicked to splinters at the moment, so everything has been feeling like a real effort, but it's starting to take root again just a smidgen.
DQ:0 / R:0 / RWC:0 / HM:15 / SHM:7 / SF:1 / F:1
Published prior WotF entries: PodCastle, HFQ, Abyss & Apex
Currently on a writing hiatus
My Q1 is written. It is a significant overhaul of something that had been growing dust bunnies in the virtual closet of my hard drive because I couldn't get it to feel right. I finally realized the problem about a year ago but not how to really 'fix' it. Recently it came to me and I think it is now really close to the story I want to tell (although strangely far from but also close to the original seed that started it out - sort of like it took a sharp turn but stayed somewhat parallel). Who knows now I might go back to the original seed and write a completely different take on it and then I'll have another quarter covered
I figure at some point I'll have a short personal anthology worth of stories that all sprout from that one original seed (I have actually got three other stories that also came out of it - two of which are also gathering dust and waiting for me to return to them). Guess I have a lot to say about that idea.
v36 Q1, Q3 - HM; Q4 - R
v37 Q1 - R; Q2 - SHM; Q4 - HM
v38 Q1 - HM; Q2 - SHM; Q3 - HM; Q4 - HM
v39 Q1 - SHM; Q3 - HM; Q4 -RWC
v40 Q1, Q2 - HM; Q3 - Pending
...(although strangely far from but also close to the original seed that started it out - sort of like it took a sharp turn but stayed somewhat parallel).
I have a story that veered so far away from the original seed that the original title stopped making any sense for a while, though I kept it nonetheless. Later revisions meant that it made sense again, though it has exactly zero resemblance to the original idea. Which is probably good, because the story is much better than its original idea.
I also occasionally get multiple stories from a single seed--two of my previous published stories were actually siblings in that regard, though again, they're nothing at all alike.
DQ:0 / R:0 / RWC:0 / HM:15 / SHM:7 / SF:1 / F:1
Published prior WotF entries: PodCastle, HFQ, Abyss & Apex
Currently on a writing hiatus
@czing, that's great!
In a similar vain, I have a story that I started but abandoned last quarter in the middle of a sort-a plot culdesac. I pantsed my way there. I now realize that while I got a cool concept, the world-building and character development are seriously lacking. I plan to spend some time fleshing out both and then thoroughly outline my way to the end. Generally, a pantser, and when I do outline it's cursory, I'm excited to push myself to give the other process a try.
Website: https://www.jeschleicher.com/
Blog: https://www.jeschleicher.com/dopaminesdelight
V40: Q1 3rd Place Winner ("Squiddy")
V39: SHM, HM, HM, HM
V38: HM, SHM, HM, HM
V37: R, R, HM, HM
V36: R
@jeschleicher I am also mostly a pantser - I have to write to discover my characters and world details - I've never found any success trying to outline from the start. But I have been moving to trying to outline longer pieces after I have written enough to discover the basics. But that has mostly been on hold (writing during this last year and half has been hard and I have mostly just focused on editing when I find I have the mental energy for writing).
With that said - I am just about to sit down to write and am thinking of writing something new - so maybe I'll try a little outline exercise.
@doctorjest - like you my stories that have all come out of that one story seed are very different. The style and the pattern of where that seed grows and what it does to characters are all very different. Amazing how many directions one idea can take you!
v36 Q1, Q3 - HM; Q4 - R
v37 Q1 - R; Q2 - SHM; Q4 - HM
v38 Q1 - HM; Q2 - SHM; Q3 - HM; Q4 - HM
v39 Q1 - SHM; Q3 - HM; Q4 -RWC
v40 Q1, Q2 - HM; Q3 - Pending
Last night I was thinking I need to focus on my Masters this quarter. And, that's still true, but I had an idea last night that I think I might be able to squeeze in anyhow.
2012 Q4: R
2016 Q3: SHM
2019 Q2: HM, Q3: HM
2020 Q2: HM, Q4: SHM
2021 Q1: HM, Q2: SF, Q3: SHM, Q4: SHM
2022 Q1: SHM, Q2 RWC, Q4 RWC
2023 Q1: RWC Q2: SHM Q3:Nope Q4: WIP
I've said it before but I can highly recommend Ken Rand's 10% solution to help KYD.
R:6 RWC:1 HM:9 SHM:3
My Blog
Small Gods and Little Demons - Parsec Issue #10
I've said it before but I can highly recommend Ken Rand's 10% solution to help KYD.
I'll be talking about him in my KYD article coming up in DreamForge on October 15th.
Click here to JOIN THE WULF PACK!
"Super-Duper Moongirl and the Amazing Moon Dawdler" won Best SFF Story of 2019! Read it in Writers of the Future, Vol. 35. Order HERE!
Need writing help? My award-winning SUPER SECRETS articles are FREE in DreamForge.
IT’S HERE! Many have been begged me to publish the Super Secrets of Writing. How to Write a Howling Good Story is now a #1 BESTSELLING BOOK! Get yours at your favorite retailer HERE!
Otherwise, we're here cheering you on! You got this!
How immensely encouraging it is to find people who want nothing more than to genuinely support you.
Shout out to you guys-you seriously rock (with 'Hey, ho! Let's Go!' still playing in background)
"If writing is easy, you're doing it wrong." -Bryan Hutchinson
V36-37: R x6
V38: R, HM, R, HM
V39: HM, HM, HM, HM
V40: HM, HM, SHM, HM
V41: RWC, P
I've got the idea for my Q1 fleshed out. I just need to start putting it on paper and see how far I get. I've also got a few ideas already simmering for Q2 and beyond.
"Trust is like a shop. Difficult to build, but surprisingly easy to ruin. But when it is strong and true, there are few things in this world that make you feel stronger."
HM - V37/Q4, V38/Q4, V39/Q1
SHM - V38/Q3
I’m trying to decide between the two KYDs I wrote up so far. I don’t think first is long enough, and second has room to grow if I use as opening. I’m wondering if I should do another KYD before I decide.
Small steps add up to miles.
V38: R, R, HM, HM
V40 : HM, RWC, R, HM
V41 : RWC, P, P
"Amore For Life" in After the Gold Rush Third Flatiron Anthology
"Freedom’s Song” in Troubadour and Space Princesses LTUE Anthology
"Experimenting with the Dance of Death" in Love is Complicated LUW Romance Anthology.
I say do another KYD while you decide. All that can happen is that you continue to improve your skills as you mull the problem over. Or, maybe, you’ll end up with another idea you love.
Death and the Taxman, my WotF V39 winning story is now a novel! (Click Here >).
Death and the Dragon launches on Kickstarter August 27th. (Click Here >)
Subscribe to The Lost Bard's Letter at www.davidhankins.com and receive an exclusive novelette!
New Releases:
"The Missing Music in Milo Piper's Head" in Third Flatiron's Offshoots: Humanity Twigged
"To Catch a Foo Fighter" in DreamForge Magazine
"Milo Piper's Breakout Single that Ended the Rat War" in LTUE's Troubadours and Space Princesses anthology
"The Rise and Fall of Frankie's Patisserie" in Murderbugs anthology
"Felix and the Flamingo" in Escape Pod
"The Devil's Foot Locker" in Amazing Stories
Time for a fresh start? Of course! This is your first peek at Volume 39. Winners will celebrate in LA (hopefully) in April of 2023. So get a'writing that awesome story now!
Q1: October 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021
Q2: January 1, 2022 - March 31, 2022
Q3: April 1, 2022 - June 30, 2022
Q4: July 1, 2022 - September 30, 2022Results and link to the winners will post when judging is complete.
Oof, Dustin. This is just cruel.
V32: HM (Q4)
V33: HM, HM, SHM, HM
V34: R, R, HM, HM
V35: HM, HM, R, HM
V36: R, R, SHM, R
V38: SF, X, SHM, SHM
V39: SHM, tbd, tbd
Time for a fresh start? Of course! This is your first peek at Volume 39. Winners will celebrate in LA (hopefully) in April of 2023. So get a'writing that awesome story now!
Q1: October 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021
Q2: January 1, 2022 - March 31, 2022
Q3: April 1, 2022 - June 30, 2022
Q4: July 1, 2022 - September 30, 2022Results and link to the winners will post when judging is complete.
Oof, Dustin. This is just cruel.
Right?! I’m never ready and Dustin swoops in with the next quarter!
V34: R,HM,R
V35: HM,R,R,HM
V38: (P)F, SHM, F, F
Published Finalist Volume 38
Pro’d out Q4V39
Managing Editor, Apex Magazine
Lol. With all the writing tips in my head my mind keeps wondering if I can write that. 1st QTR will be fun.
Small steps add up to miles.
V38: R, R, HM, HM
V40 : HM, RWC, R, HM
V41 : RWC, P, P
"Amore For Life" in After the Gold Rush Third Flatiron Anthology
"Freedom’s Song” in Troubadour and Space Princesses LTUE Anthology
"Experimenting with the Dance of Death" in Love is Complicated LUW Romance Anthology.
I'm stumbling and stuttering to a start for this quarter--it's not going smoothly, but it is going, so I guess I'll take that for now.
Addendum--actually, to hell with this, I'm setting this one aside while it's not clicking. Everything I'm putting down is garbage that's going to need colossal edits, and is making me feel like I'm free-wheeling backwards right now. I'm going to look through my idea notes and see if there's anything else I can work on for the time being instead, then return to this later and see if it starts to flow more then.
DQ:0 / R:0 / RWC:0 / HM:15 / SHM:7 / SF:1 / F:1
Published prior WotF entries: PodCastle, HFQ, Abyss & Apex
Currently on a writing hiatus
Hey, I'm only the messenger!
Career: 1x Win -- 2x NW-F -- 2x S-F -- 9x S-HM -- 11x HM -- 7x R
Like me: facebook/AuthorTJKnight
I went through the same thing recently(@doctorjest). The story I was working on just wouldn't flow the way it needed to.
I went to my kyd files and found something that worked a lot better. Now I'm ready to sub today.
Today's science fiction is tomorrow's reality-D.R.Sweeney
HM x5
Published Poetry
2012 Stars in Our Hearts
Silver Ships
I'm working up another option, one I'd considered for Q4 but set aside and then completely forgot about. No hard words down yet--I had a sketched opening that I wrote when I was first thinking through the idea, but after brainstorming it today, I realised that it's completely wrong for the story that needs to be told. I've got quite a bit of research to do to make sure that this one comes together well, but I really like the idea of it, and I'm looking forward to getting my teeth into this one. I don't know why I was struggling so much with the other one, but this at least gives me a new outlet until I can figure that out.
(Addendum: actually working up that one in parallel with another that I had a title and very general idea for. That one is probably a longer shot to get to the point of a finished story though.)
DQ:0 / R:0 / RWC:0 / HM:15 / SHM:7 / SF:1 / F:1
Published prior WotF entries: PodCastle, HFQ, Abyss & Apex
Currently on a writing hiatus
Seconded. I wouldn't have gotten all those certs without the help of other forumites - and I'm here to pay it forward now! PM for crits Highly encourage people to take advantage of Alicia's offer, too. Her crits are like surgery - she goes in with a scalpel and cuts away all the dead matter, leaving the story fresh and glowing and alive!
Rebecca's crit was quite good too! Thanks!
SHMx1 (Q2'22)
2xCritiquer for Published Winners (Oh yeah, it's now a thing)
Wulf and Lost Bard both encouraged me to read this. I'm going through the kindle version now. So far it's been really helpful.
"If writing is easy, you're doing it wrong." -Bryan Hutchinson
V36-37: R x6
V38: R, HM, R, HM
V39: HM, HM, HM, HM
V40: HM, HM, SHM, HM
V41: RWC, P
Fair enough. The only time I'd push through with something like that is if I haven't written for a bit and I'm struggling to write anything. Just writing something for a while is often enough to get the juices going again. Then it's "This is garbage" (if it is) and it's easier to write something else.
And I only finished/subbed my Q4 a couple of days before close. I'm only just starting to think about Q1.
"If writing is easy, you're doing it wrong." -Bryan Hutchinson
V36-37: R x6
V38: R, HM, R, HM
V39: HM, HM, HM, HM
V40: HM, HM, SHM, HM
V41: RWC, P