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Discussion: Q1 Volume 40

601 Posts
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Posts: 260
Silver Star Member


Wait, you got... Notes? 

I didn't know they GAVE notes!

Congrats on the NOTES!



Posted : April 11, 2023 8:01 pm
Posts: 260
Silver Star Member





Posted : April 11, 2023 8:03 pm
Anna X reacted
Posts: 260
Silver Star Member

Posted by: @pegeen

It must be a canned list of comments

I think that's the thing, yeah


Posted : April 11, 2023 8:06 pm
Anna X reacted
Ramya (Writhmic)
Posts: 112
Silver Member

@scott_m_sands I tried opening it on my phone and pasted the link into my browser. Definitely a roundabout way, but it worked!

V39: -- / SHM / SHM / RWC
V40: HM / SHM / SHM / SHM
V41: RWC / HM / SHM / --
V42: -- / WIP

A product of sweat and tears: www.starspunlit.org

Posted : April 11, 2023 9:57 pm
Anna X and Scott_M_Sands reacted
Joel C. Scoberg
Posts: 388
Gold Member

@galen congratulations! At least two forumites to be rooting for a win salute

3rd Place Vol 41 Q3 ("The Stench of Freedom")
Submission record: R x 2 / HM x 7 / SHM x 2 / W x 1
Stories published in Daily Science Fiction, Every Day Fiction, 365tomorrows, and Gwyllion Magazine.
Find out more on my website (www.joelcscoberg.com) or sign up to my newsletter for updates on my writing journey.

Posted : April 12, 2023 12:55 am
Posts: 58
Bronze Star Member

Many thanks guys! So close yet so very far.

@MountainSpud - here's hoping! Right back at ya.

Finalist x2
Semi x1
SHM x5
HM x9
R - lots!

Posted : April 12, 2023 4:32 am
Anna X, Anna X, Joel C. Scoberg and 2 people reacted
Posts: 1546
Platinum Plus

Welcome to the forum(@rajohnson). Congratulations on the SHM. That's a cool signature.


Today's science fiction is tomorrow's reality-D.R.Sweeney
HM x5
Published Poetry
2012 Stars in Our Hearts
Silver Ships

Posted : April 12, 2023 6:02 am
Todd Jones
Posts: 761
Platinum Member

Posted by: @rajohnson

I moved up to SHM in v40Q1. Gotta finish Q3's.

V40 SHM, P

V39 --, HM, HM, R

Awesome work on the SHM.


"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right."~ Henry Ford

2025 V42: RWC, WIP, ?, ?
2024 V41: RWC (Resubmitted "HM"), HM, RWC, Finalist (RWC Resubmit)
2023 V40: HM, HM, R, HM
2022 V39: SHM, HM, Semi-finalist, HM (HM Resubmit)
2021 V38: ---HM (R Resubmit)
2020 V37: -R--

Posted : April 12, 2023 7:33 am
Wulf Moon, Anna X, Joel C. Scoberg and 1 people reacted
Posts: 75
Bronze Star Member

Woohoo! hm  
Normally I would be a little bummed because I haven't gotten anything better than an HM, but I am truly happy to get it for the story I submitted this quarter. Once again it was a rush to get in before the deadline and I kept reading it over wishing I did better. Can't wait to work on it and make it sparkly shiny <3 It makes me so happy to see so many HMs and SHMs and potential winners. Keep up the great work everyone!

"Truth is stranger than fiction because fiction has to be possible and the truth doesn't." - Mark Twain
13x HM
I sometimes like to write reading analyses and blog: Website
Moody playlists for writing: Spotify playlists
And if anyone wanted company: Read and write with me

Posted : April 12, 2023 8:02 am
Preston Dennett, Anna X, MountainSpud and 4 people reacted
Kary English
Posts: 690
Gold Star Member Moderator

FYI re: the comments / categories on the RWC letter - If you got an RWC, it means that what held your story back is one of the things in the letter. We don't give RWC for "yeah, this is sort of vaguely somewhere between HM and R."

We give RWC very specifically, and only if the story displayed one (or more) or the traits in the letter.

The majority of RWCs are for FTL, meaning that your opening went on too long. We're leaning hard on trying to provide feedback in the limited time we have, and sometimes we're faced with "Wow, the writing in this is really amazing, but it has 6 pages of backstory in the opening." Trim the backstory and not only could you be looking at HM or higher, you might be looking at Silver or higher.

WOTF: 1 HM, 1 Semi, 2 Finalists, 1 Winner
Q2,V31 - Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!
Hugo and Astounding finalist, made the preliminary Stoker ballot (juried)
Published by Galaxy's Edge, DSF, StarShipSofa and TorNightfire

Posted : April 12, 2023 12:08 pm
Wulf Moon, N.V. Haskell, TimE and 8 people reacted
Preston Dennett
Posts: 582
Silver Star Member

Posted by: @ease

Congratulations to everyone getting a result today, regardless of the outcome! Finishing something is hard. Submitting something is even harder, and you did it!


Wow, Ease. That's quite a streak of HMs to SHMs. Looks like you're on an upward trajectory to a win! Nice.


Preston Dennett
HM x 12
F x 1
Winner, 2nd place, Q1, Volume 35
40 stories published! (and counting!)

Posted : April 12, 2023 12:24 pm
N.V. Haskell, Anna X, MountainSpud and 1 people reacted
Preston Dennett
Posts: 582
Silver Star Member

Posted by: @cedars

I woke up this afternoon (I work nights) and my wife brought me coffee as well as news that the emails were starting to arrive. I felt a thunderstrike of that curious and now familiar mix of excitement-laced dread.  My last couple entries were straight R's, so I was bracing for the worst; Doing my best to hold the head high, chin-up-and-carry-on sort of thing.


Dreading another R, hoping an HM, yearning for an SHM, and aching for something beyond.

This time, it seems, it was to be a beyond! sunny


It's a good thing I work nights, because I don't think I'd be sleeping at all tonight!



Nice! Congratulations!



Preston Dennett
HM x 12
F x 1
Winner, 2nd place, Q1, Volume 35
40 stories published! (and counting!)

Posted : April 12, 2023 12:26 pm
Preston Dennett
Posts: 582
Silver Star Member

Posted by: @nate


Now I gotta go update my sig.

Wow, Nate. Judging by your sig, you're very close! Don't give up!


Preston Dennett
HM x 12
F x 1
Winner, 2nd place, Q1, Volume 35
40 stories published! (and counting!)

Posted : April 12, 2023 12:30 pm
Preston Dennett
Posts: 582
Silver Star Member

Posted by: @jeschleicher



Boy-howdy does it feel good to use that emoji! 

Not gonna lie. It's hard to function as a human as I wait for that second call. I got much to say, many thanks to give to this community. For now, I'll save that for another post cuz my head's a big ol' mush of emotions. The twitch is strong, my friends!

Nice! HUGE congratulations, Mountain Spud. Best of luck getting some sleep. Didn't work for me. It was a long two weeks. Fingers crossed for you. Wow!


Preston Dennett
HM x 12
F x 1
Winner, 2nd place, Q1, Volume 35
40 stories published! (and counting!)

Posted : April 12, 2023 12:32 pm
Preston Dennett
Posts: 582
Silver Star Member

Posted by: @galen

Congrats everyone! Regardless of the result, the communal blood and sweat you all put into your stories is the stuff of legends.

I'd like to pile on with one more:

I'm a finalist this time.

As always, whatever the result, I remain indebted to the forumites who propped me up with their crits.

I looked it up for fun, and I think I've been at this for nine years now, but I can't be sure. It was a while before I started tracking it. Anything to distract me for the next week, I think...


Way to go, Galen. Your sig awards are amazing. Fingers crossed for a win this time. Wow. 


Preston Dennett
HM x 12
F x 1
Winner, 2nd place, Q1, Volume 35
40 stories published! (and counting!)

Posted : April 12, 2023 12:37 pm
Galen, Anna X, MountainSpud and 1 people reacted
Preston Dennett
Posts: 582
Silver Star Member

I've said it before and I'll say it again. This forum grows winners. Pretty much every year at least one forumite makes the cut, usually multiple. Congrats to all who entered, whether R, RWC, HM, SHM SF or the sought-after F. You can win this contest. It took me 46 tries, but I did it. You can too. Don't give up!

Preston Dennett
HM x 12
F x 1
Winner, 2nd place, Q1, Volume 35
40 stories published! (and counting!)

Posted : April 12, 2023 12:42 pm
Wulf Moon, Galen, Anna X and 5 people reacted
Cray Dimensional
Posts: 742
Gold Member

Congratulations to all winners, be it HM, SHM, SF, F, or placed. Great job

Small steps add up to miles.
5 R, 5 RWC, 6 HM, 1 SHM
"Amore For Life" in After the Gold Rush Third Flatiron Anthology
"Freedom’s Song” in Troubadour and Space Princesses LTUE Anthology
"Experimenting with the Dance of Death" in Love is Complicated LUW Romance Anthology.

Posted : April 12, 2023 4:05 pm
Preston Dennett, Anna X, MountainSpud and 2 people reacted
Posts: 179
Silver Member

@writersaraho Congrats! Smile

“Stories are the collective wisdom of everyone who has ever lived. Your job as a storyteller is not simply to entertain. Nor is it to be noticed for the way your turn a phrase. You have a very important job—one of the most important. Your job is to let people know that everyone shares their feelings—and that these feelings bind us. Your job is a healing art, and like all healers, you have a responsibility. Let people know they are not alone. You must make people understand that we are all the same.”
Brian McDonald
2022: Second Place Winner V39 Q1
2021: HM, HM, SHM
2020: R
2019: SHM, R
2018: HM
2017: HM
Check out my fiction and more at spencersekulin.net

Posted : April 12, 2023 6:44 pm
slreno and Anna X reacted
Posts: 179
Silver Member

@wren That's awesome! Congrats. You never know, sometimes what you think isn't your best ends up winning - I sent my winning story thinking it'd get a HM or SHM at most, as I had nothing "better" to send that quarter. Keep writing and submitting. Smile

“Stories are the collective wisdom of everyone who has ever lived. Your job as a storyteller is not simply to entertain. Nor is it to be noticed for the way your turn a phrase. You have a very important job—one of the most important. Your job is to let people know that everyone shares their feelings—and that these feelings bind us. Your job is a healing art, and like all healers, you have a responsibility. Let people know they are not alone. You must make people understand that we are all the same.”
Brian McDonald
2022: Second Place Winner V39 Q1
2021: HM, HM, SHM
2020: R
2019: SHM, R
2018: HM
2017: HM
Check out my fiction and more at spencersekulin.net

Posted : April 12, 2023 6:49 pm
Wren, Anna X, J. Watt and 1 people reacted
Posts: 179
Silver Member

@lizbusby That's the spirit! Congrats on the HM Smile

“Stories are the collective wisdom of everyone who has ever lived. Your job as a storyteller is not simply to entertain. Nor is it to be noticed for the way your turn a phrase. You have a very important job—one of the most important. Your job is to let people know that everyone shares their feelings—and that these feelings bind us. Your job is a healing art, and like all healers, you have a responsibility. Let people know they are not alone. You must make people understand that we are all the same.”
Brian McDonald
2022: Second Place Winner V39 Q1
2021: HM, HM, SHM
2020: R
2019: SHM, R
2018: HM
2017: HM
Check out my fiction and more at spencersekulin.net

Posted : April 12, 2023 6:51 pm
Anna X reacted
Posts: 484
Gold Star Member

Posted by: @angelslayah





According to Merriam-Webster, both "shined" and "shone" are equally correct.


"There are three rules to writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are."
— W. Somerset Maugham

Drop me a line at https://morganbroadhead.com

Posted : April 13, 2023 5:04 am
Posts: 452
Gold Member


Huh. Weird. If it worked for you, I'll give it a try!

Thanks.  Smile

"If writing is easy, you're doing it wrong." -Bryan Hutchinson
V36-37: R x6
V38: R, HM, R, HM
V39: HM, HM, HM, HM
V40: HM, HM, SHM, HM
V41: RWC, P

Posted : April 13, 2023 5:05 am
Joel C. Scoberg
Posts: 388
Gold Member

Posted by: @toddjones

Awesome work on the SHM.

Many apologies @toddjones, my mouse jumped and I hit thumbs down instead of thumbs up! I can't seem to remove my thumbs down either shrug  

So, I'll add a dancingbanana   to my intended thumbs up for good measure smiley  

3rd Place Vol 41 Q3 ("The Stench of Freedom")
Submission record: R x 2 / HM x 7 / SHM x 2 / W x 1
Stories published in Daily Science Fiction, Every Day Fiction, 365tomorrows, and Gwyllion Magazine.
Find out more on my website (www.joelcscoberg.com) or sign up to my newsletter for updates on my writing journey.

Posted : April 13, 2023 6:37 am
Anna X and MountainSpud reacted
Todd Jones
Posts: 761
Platinum Member

Posted by: @joel-c-scoberg

Many apologies @toddjones, my mouse jumped and I hit thumbs down instead of thumbs up! I can't seem to remove my thumbs down either shrug   

So, I'll add a dancingbanana   to my intended thumbs up for good measure smiley  


At least someone is reading my comments.  patback  


"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right."~ Henry Ford

2025 V42: RWC, WIP, ?, ?
2024 V41: RWC (Resubmitted "HM"), HM, RWC, Finalist (RWC Resubmit)
2023 V40: HM, HM, R, HM
2022 V39: SHM, HM, Semi-finalist, HM (HM Resubmit)
2021 V38: ---HM (R Resubmit)
2020 V37: -R--

Posted : April 13, 2023 7:16 am
Wulf Moon, Joel C. Scoberg, Anna X and 1 people reacted
Posts: 308
Silver Star Member

Posted by: @prestondennett

Posted by: @jeschleicher



Boy-howdy does it feel good to use that emoji! 

Not gonna lie. It's hard to function as a human as I wait for that second call. I got much to say, many thanks to give to this community. For now, I'll save that for another post cuz my head's a big ol' mush of emotions. The twitch is strong, my friends!

Nice! HUGE congratulations, Mountain Spud. Best of luck getting some sleep. Didn't work for me. It was a long two weeks. Fingers crossed for you. Wow!


Thank you!!!! Btw...I love your story, A Certain Slant of Light. Hit me just right, how lovely stories do. & I often thought of your inspiring road to the gala when I've been buried in rejections, thinking maybe, just maybe, I've made an impression with an editor, just don't know it yet, so I got to keep writing, keep submitting.


Website: https://www.jeschleicher.com/
Blog: https://www.jeschleicher.com/dopaminesdelight
V40: Q1 3rd Place Winner ("Squiddy")
V39: SHM, HM, HM, HM
V38: HM, SHM, HM, HM
V37: R, R, HM, HM
V36: R

Posted : April 13, 2023 8:02 am
N.V. Haskell, Preston Dennett, Anna X and 1 people reacted
R.A. Johnson
Posts: 2
Active Member

@storysinger Thanks. I've been lurking for a while.

v40: SHM, P
v39: --, HM, HM, R

Posted : April 13, 2023 8:04 am
storysinger reacted
Posts: 308
Silver Star Member

Posted by: @rajohnson

I moved up to SHM in v40Q1. Gotta finish Q3's.

V40 SHM, P

V39 --, HM, HM, R

Right on!! Congrats!


Website: https://www.jeschleicher.com/
Blog: https://www.jeschleicher.com/dopaminesdelight
V40: Q1 3rd Place Winner ("Squiddy")
V39: SHM, HM, HM, HM
V38: HM, SHM, HM, HM
V37: R, R, HM, HM
V36: R

Posted : April 13, 2023 8:05 am
Anna X reacted
Posts: 308
Silver Star Member

Posted by: @prestondennett

This forum grows winners.

An emphatic yes! & just full of wonderful, positive peeps!

Posted by: @prestondennett

It took me 46 tries

You're a beast!

Website: https://www.jeschleicher.com/
Blog: https://www.jeschleicher.com/dopaminesdelight
V40: Q1 3rd Place Winner ("Squiddy")
V39: SHM, HM, HM, HM
V38: HM, SHM, HM, HM
V37: R, R, HM, HM
V36: R

Posted : April 13, 2023 8:09 am
Dustin Adams
Posts: 1464
Platinum Plus Moderator
Topic starter

I think Wulf was nearing that many? (46) He could remind us.

I'm a small fry at "only" 32. winking  

Career: 1x Win -- 2x NW-F -- 2x S-F -- 9x S-HM -- 11x HM -- 7x R
Like me: facebook/AuthorTJKnight

Posted : April 13, 2023 12:48 pm
storysinger, MountainSpud, Todd Jones and 1 people reacted
Posts: 194
Silver Member

Posted by: @galen

Many thanks guys! So close yet so very far.

@MountainSpud - here's hoping! Right back at ya.

Forgive me for the thumbs down. I was thumbing up posts on my phone and my thumb, as big as it is, hit both. ??‍♀️ I’ve done this twice so far on this forum so I’m sorry for my mistake.

I am happy this forum is active and has as many members as it does. As always, keep up the good work, keep writing, and don’t give up! ?


~ I honestly believe that good stories write themselves. You can always start writing a story, but the characters tell their own tales and if you're lucky enough, you get to merely be in the audience watching everything unfold. ~ 8/1/2022
WotF - 2022, V39 Q4: R
WotF - 2022/2023, V40 Q1: HM; Q2: HM; Q3: HM; Q4:HM
WoTF - 2025, V42 Q1: R

Posted : April 13, 2023 1:11 pm
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