Somehow I have been given the chance to help with proof-reading v39. Of course I read all the forumites stories first.
Whether I gain insight into what Kary and Jody are accepting remains to be seen. Best of results to all, and to all a
Merry Christmas.
Today's science fiction is tomorrow's reality-D.R.Sweeney
HM x5
Published Poetry
2012 Stars in Our Hearts
Silver Ships
@storysinger Wow that's awesome. Enjoy!
“Stories are the collective wisdom of everyone who has ever lived. Your job as a storyteller is not simply to entertain. Nor is it to be noticed for the way your turn a phrase. You have a very important job—one of the most important. Your job is to let people know that everyone shares their feelings—and that these feelings bind us. Your job is a healing art, and like all healers, you have a responsibility. Let people know they are not alone. You must make people understand that we are all the same.”
Brian McDonald
2022: Second Place Winner V39 Q1
2021: HM, HM, SHM
2020: R
2019: SHM, R
2018: HM
2017: HM
Check out my fiction and more at
Pshew! My Q1 story is submitted.
That was a hard one!
Thanks to everyone who offered comments and suggestions over the last several months.
Fingers crossed.
Time to give it a rest.
WOTF results:
Vol 42: Q1 SHM, Q2 pending, Q3 ?
running totals to date:
WOTF: 6 Rs, 3 RWCs, 8 HMs, 1 SHM
IOTF: 4 Rs, 3 HMs
Check out my new website:
According to Winston Churchill, "success is going from failure to failure with enthusiasm"
Somehow I lost my Guthington profile, but it's me. Amy Wethington = Guthington = Physa
@time I also managed to unwittingly stick a typo or two in my final major edit. Not just you. I've done that in other past efforts and still gotten honorable mentions, though, so don't think it's the end of the world. Either way, I'm entered. I have somewhat low expectations for this story, partly due to it being a bit of a different style than my prior couple entries, so any success will be a pleasant surprise. This was one I had fun writing, so won't complain too much
F x1
SHM x4
HM x11
RWC x1
R Dozens
@adrian @time - they use several volunteer beta readers to check over the winning stories after they've been edited because they know there'll be typos. That's right: there are typos in at least some of the winning stories.
Are typos going to help you? Hell no. But will they prevent you from winning? Still hell no.
VOL 40 2nd Quarter: Third Place ("Ashes to Ashes, Blood to Carbonfiber")
Past submissions: R - HM - HM - HM - HM - HM - SHM - SHM
Kindle Vella - Ashes to Ashes, Earth to Kaybee
I have somewhat low expectations for this story, partly due to it being a bit of a different style than my prior couple entries, so any success will be a pleasant surprise. This was one I had fun writing, so won't complain too much
The story I had the most fun writing wasn't my favorite story I've written, yet it earned me a semi-finalist. So, your story may turn out the same way. You can never tell.
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right."~ Henry Ford
2025 V42: RWC, WIP, ?, ?
2024 V41: RWC (Resubmitted "HM"), HM, RWC, Finalist (RWC Resubmit)
2023 V40: HM, HM, R, HM
2022 V39: SHM, HM, Semi-finalist, HM (HM Resubmit)
2021 V38: ---HM (R Resubmit)
2020 V37: -R--
Are typos going to help you? Hell no. But will they prevent you from winning? Still hell no.
Some typos can be funny. Some not so like angel or angle and title or tidal. We all make a mistake. We just need to try to less mistakes with each new story. Baby steps my friends.
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right."~ Henry Ford
2025 V42: RWC, WIP, ?, ?
2024 V41: RWC (Resubmitted "HM"), HM, RWC, Finalist (RWC Resubmit)
2023 V40: HM, HM, R, HM
2022 V39: SHM, HM, Semi-finalist, HM (HM Resubmit)
2021 V38: ---HM (R Resubmit)
2020 V37: -R--
That I know of, I didn't have any typos - but I did use the word steppes incorrectly.
Steppe: a large area of flat unforested grassland.
What I meant was terrace: make or form (sloping land) into a number of level flat areas resembling a series of steps.
So, when is a step not a step? When it's a steppe.
Career: 1x Win -- 2x NW-F -- 2x S-F -- 9x S-HM -- 11x HM -- 7x R
Like me: facebook/AuthorTJKnight
That I know of, I didn't have any typos - but I did use the word steppes incorrectly.
Steppe: a large area of flat unforested grassland.
What I meant was terrace: make or form (sloping land) into a number of level flat areas resembling a series of steps.
So, when is a step not a step? When it's a steppe.
I don't think you had any typos. Pretty sure your last beta reader/critiquer would've caught them
VOL 40 2nd Quarter: Third Place ("Ashes to Ashes, Blood to Carbonfiber")
Past submissions: R - HM - HM - HM - HM - HM - SHM - SHM
Kindle Vella - Ashes to Ashes, Earth to Kaybee
@ease Yeah, I got that hint from only one dude or it might have made final copy!
Career: 1x Win -- 2x NW-F -- 2x S-F -- 9x S-HM -- 11x HM -- 7x R
Like me: facebook/AuthorTJKnight
I was huffing and puffing to get a story in on time this quarter. I keep telling myself 'plan ahead, leave room for edits, let someone read it!' but here I am cramming my trouble child into the mailbox and scurrying back into my gremlin introvert cave. Good luck everyone and happy holidays!
"Truth is stranger than fiction because fiction has to be possible and the truth doesn't." - Mark Twain
13x HM
I sometimes like to write reading analyses and blog: Website
Moody playlists for writing: Spotify playlists
And if anyone wanted company: Read and write with me
So, I just sent back the files I was blessed to be a beta reader for on Vol 39. Mistakes were made. I had to flag a word I was pretty sure wasn't correct in one of the stories and there were other mistakes (filed instead of filled, for example). And these were winners. I learned a lot, I got some new targets, and I was happy to (hopefully) help. I would always want my prose to be as good as I could make it, but it gives me hope to know winning stories aren't perfect (cuz really, what story is?)
2012 Q4: R
2016 Q3: SHM
2019 Q2: HM, Q3: HM
2020 Q2: HM, Q4: SHM
2021 Q1: HM, Q2: SF, Q3: SHM, Q4: SHM
2022 Q1: SHM, Q2 RWC, Q4 RWC
2023 Q1: RWC Q2: SHM Q3:Nope Q4: WIP
@babooher I also learned a lot from Beta reading, and plan on putting my learnings together into some form of useful article once the book is released. Pretty happy to have found a few minor errors, too.
VOL 40 2nd Quarter: Third Place ("Ashes to Ashes, Blood to Carbonfiber")
Past submissions: R - HM - HM - HM - HM - HM - SHM - SHM
Kindle Vella - Ashes to Ashes, Earth to Kaybee
It is such a good idea to let writers edit the beta files. I found a few typos and sent the corrections back to Meliva.
Between the lot of us I'm sure all mistakes have been found and fixed.
Reading the winning stories gave insight into what is trending at WotF.
Today's science fiction is tomorrow's reality-D.R.Sweeney
HM x5
Published Poetry
2012 Stars in Our Hearts
Silver Ships
I'm currently fretting between finishing the edits on a fresh story by tomorrow, or just resubmitting an old story. I find whenever I'm faced with a binary decision, I tend to always make the wrong choice....oh well! Onward! In the mean while...can anyone offer their opinion on intentionally writing the narrative grammatically incorrect for the overall tone of the story? The narrator isn't a particular character, but the intention is to add an old western tone to the scene. For example (not from the story, don't worry): instead of saying "she wasn't wearing any pants" the narration would say "she weren' wearing' no pants." Personally, I'm liking the way it reads, but I used to do VO so it's just a less boring narrator voice and I don't know if what would be okay in film would be okay in literature.
Sorry if this is rambling...pullin' some late nights to get this sucker in. Gotta love it ?
V39 - Q2 HM, Q3 SHM, Q4 HM
V40 - Q1 SHM, Q2 HM. Q3 SHM Q4 HM
V41 - Q1 Crafting
I'm currently fretting between finishing the edits on a fresh story by tomorrow, or just resubmitting an old story. I find whenever I'm faced with a binary decision, I tend to always make the wrong choice....oh well! Onward! In the mean while...can anyone offer their opinion on intentionally writing the narrative grammatically incorrect for the overall tone of the story? The narrator isn't a particular character, but the intention is to add an old western tone to the scene. For example (not from the story, don't worry): instead of saying "she wasn't wearing any pants" the narration would say "she weren' wearing' no pants." Personally, I'm liking the way it reads, but I used to do VO so it's just a less boring narrator voice and I don't know if what would be okay in film would be okay in literature.
Sorry if this is rambling...pullin' some late nights to get this sucker in. Gotta love it ?
That's style, and IMO, the main thing is whether it reads fluidly. You'll see narrative style variances in the Writers of the Future entries here and there, and when done well, they add a layer of character to the telling. When done poorly, though, I think they can throw a reader out. (I had a real issue with one writer's shift to using a very affected first-person narrative once, to the point that I actually stopped reading their work after I ran into it--the main reason was that I just didn't find it fluid to read any more, I was constantly having to pause and interpret.) But this feels like it would work pretty well to me, nothing about it feels unintuitive or intrusive.
DQ:0 / R:0 / RWC:1 / HM:15 / SHM:7 / SF:1 / F:1
Published prior WotF entries: PodCastle, HFQ, Abyss & Apex
Pending: Q2.V42
I'm in. Usually I wait until the last day, but a monster storm approaches so I better send it now.
My hope is to see names of fellow forumites in the win column.
Today's science fiction is tomorrow's reality-D.R.Sweeney
HM x5
Published Poetry
2012 Stars in Our Hearts
Silver Ships
@physa That's great to hear. I wish you all the best this quarter!
“Stories are the collective wisdom of everyone who has ever lived. Your job as a storyteller is not simply to entertain. Nor is it to be noticed for the way your turn a phrase. You have a very important job—one of the most important. Your job is to let people know that everyone shares their feelings—and that these feelings bind us. Your job is a healing art, and like all healers, you have a responsibility. Let people know they are not alone. You must make people understand that we are all the same.”
Brian McDonald
2022: Second Place Winner V39 Q1
2021: HM, HM, SHM
2020: R
2019: SHM, R
2018: HM
2017: HM
Check out my fiction and more at
@watt_writes Firstly, if you're uncertain what to send or if your story isn't done yet, an old one (ideally if it's been retooled a bit) isn't a bad idea, as long as you get something in. My winning story was actually one that I submitted because I felt like I had nothing "better" to send, it was basically a story I had given up on. So you never know!
Regarding the grammar, it really depends on how well it reads. In general such slang / grammar may stilt the reading flow, but if the reader expects it / if it is done properly, it may serve the story well. See what your beta readers think.
“Stories are the collective wisdom of everyone who has ever lived. Your job as a storyteller is not simply to entertain. Nor is it to be noticed for the way your turn a phrase. You have a very important job—one of the most important. Your job is to let people know that everyone shares their feelings—and that these feelings bind us. Your job is a healing art, and like all healers, you have a responsibility. Let people know they are not alone. You must make people understand that we are all the same.”
Brian McDonald
2022: Second Place Winner V39 Q1
2021: HM, HM, SHM
2020: R
2019: SHM, R
2018: HM
2017: HM
Check out my fiction and more at
I've finally got my submission in! Breathe out...
It's a story that I had some feedback on from the editors at Escape Pod. I've spent some time this week revising the element suggested in their comments.
Hopefully the changes will pay off and I get my first HM
Writers of the Future stats:
V32: Q3 - R
V33: Q3 - R
V39: Q4 - RWC
V40: RWC, R, HM, HM
V41: R, HM, RWC, HM
V42: Q1 - HM, Q2 - WIP
All markets submission stats:
227 Submissions
218 Rejections
28 Personal Rejections
0 Acceptances
And, in! Take a breath, one, two...
It's an odd one for me, different in tone, style, and point of view than anything I've previously submitted. I like it, but then, I don't think I've ever submitted anything I didn't...
But, Q1 is done and dusted now, and Q2 waiting in the wings.
DQ:0 / R:0 / RWC:1 / HM:15 / SHM:7 / SF:1 / F:1
Published prior WotF entries: PodCastle, HFQ, Abyss & Apex
Pending: Q2.V42
@doctorjest and @spencer_s Thanks for the insight! Again, I have to emphasize how great this forum is. It's such a supportive atmosphere to ask noobie questions ?. I'm leaning toward resubmitting for Q1 because I'm trying something quite tricky with my other piece and want to give it more time. I suppose that'll be my Q2!
V39 - Q2 HM, Q3 SHM, Q4 HM
V40 - Q1 SHM, Q2 HM. Q3 SHM Q4 HM
V41 - Q1 Crafting
I've finally got my submission in! Breathe out...
It's a story that I had some feedback on from the editors at Escape Pod. I've spent some time this week revising the element suggested in their comments.
Hopefully the changes will pay off and I get my first HM
I wish you the best for your first HM too!
~ I honestly believe that good stories write themselves. You can always start writing a story, but the characters tell their own tales and if you're lucky enough, you get to merely be in the audience watching everything unfold. ~ 8/1/2022
WotF - 2022, V39 Q4: R
WotF - 2022/2023, V40 Q1: HM; Q2: HM; Q3: HM; Q4:HM
WoTF - 2025, V42 Q1: R
**Quarterly forum lurk post.** Got my submission in for Q1 just now. With other deadlines I have looming, it was tough this quarter. Although, if a short story I submitted last month makes it into an anthology, that will trigger my pro-ing out.
SHM: 1
HM: 9
R: 1
Q1 submitted! Onward to Q2!
Best of luck to everyone, can't wait to see which of y'all will be getting that call this quarter ?.
V39 - Q2 HM, Q3 SHM, Q4 HM
V40 - Q1 SHM, Q2 HM. Q3 SHM Q4 HM
V41 - Q1 Crafting
I'm in for Q1--I guess I'm back to submitting on the last day of the quarter!
Beth Powers
Silver HM x 6
HM x 22
Entries x 69
Collected Stories:
Sorcery & Widgets
Runes & Rivets
Best of luck all!
And to all subbing today.
Long wait for Q1, but an excellent time to work on Q2!
Career: 1x Win -- 2x NW-F -- 2x S-F -- 9x S-HM -- 11x HM -- 7x R
Like me: facebook/AuthorTJKnight
@pmg Fabulous! Good luck!
“Stories are the collective wisdom of everyone who has ever lived. Your job as a storyteller is not simply to entertain. Nor is it to be noticed for the way your turn a phrase. You have a very important job—one of the most important. Your job is to let people know that everyone shares their feelings—and that these feelings bind us. Your job is a healing art, and like all healers, you have a responsibility. Let people know they are not alone. You must make people understand that we are all the same.”
Brian McDonald
2022: Second Place Winner V39 Q1
2021: HM, HM, SHM
2020: R
2019: SHM, R
2018: HM
2017: HM
Check out my fiction and more at
I'm in! Story's been finished for a few days, but I held off submitting in case anything came up... and sure enough, a buddy skimmed it today and found an inconsistency!
VOL 40 2nd Quarter: Third Place ("Ashes to Ashes, Blood to Carbonfiber")
Past submissions: R - HM - HM - HM - HM - HM - SHM - SHM
Kindle Vella - Ashes to Ashes, Earth to Kaybee
8 hours left to go!!!! Just a reminder if you don't get an email confirmation you have finished your submission form. Once you fill it all out you have to go back and click on the "Submit" button. An auto email will come to your email on file.
I will be around to help if anyone has any issues.
Good luck to everyone!