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Discussion: Q1 Volume 40

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Posts: 76
Bronze Star Member

And I'm in! I didn't get to do near as much editing as I normally do thanks to other deadlines I had at work, but I got it in after missing V39 Q4. Good luck to everyone!

"Trust is like a shop. Difficult to build, but surprisingly easy to ruin. But when it is strong and true, there are few things in this world that make you feel stronger."
HM - V37/Q4, V38/Q4, V39/Q1
SHM - V38/Q3

Posted : December 31, 2022 6:24 pm
Posts: 229
Silver Star Member

Sick as a dog and feeling sheepish about the editing process, but I'm in. Best of luck to everyone.

2012 Q4: R
2016 Q3: SHM
2019 Q2: HM, Q3: HM
2020 Q2: HM, Q4: SHM
2021 Q1: HM, Q2: SF, Q3: SHM, Q4: SHM
2022 Q1: SHM, Q2 RWC, Q4 RWC
2023 Q1: RWC Q2: SHM Q3:Nope Q4: WIP

Posted : December 31, 2022 9:09 pm
Cray Dimensional
Posts: 742
Gold Member

Happy New Year's from east coast. Don't panic yet there is 2hr and 50 min left since midnight deadline is pacific time.


Small steps add up to miles.
5 R, 5 RWC, 6 HM, 1 SHM
"Amore For Life" in After the Gold Rush Third Flatiron Anthology
"Freedom’s Song” in Troubadour and Space Princesses LTUE Anthology
"Experimenting with the Dance of Death" in Love is Complicated LUW Romance Anthology.

Posted : December 31, 2022 10:10 pm
Prate Gabble
Posts: 117
Silver Member

I'm in at the last minute with a soft Sci-Fi entry.

New story. Our contemporary universe, so I kind of cheated in the world building phase.

But it took me five whole days to write! sunny  

Happy New Year. Eat more fiber.

Best of luck to everyone and have fun.

F x 3

Posted : January 1, 2023 9:16 am
Pegeen, Dustin Adams, storysinger and 5 people reacted
Joel C. Scoberg
Posts: 388
Gold Member


While it's not speculative fiction, "Trainspotting" is written entirely in a really thick Glaswegian (I think) accent and dialect, not just the dialogue. It didn't do that book any harm.

If it's consistent then the reader will become adjusted to it. I get knocked out of stories where the accent is inconsistent because I start expecting certain words to be written in an accent and when they are not, it's harder to get back into the accent. It breaks the flow. If you can keep it consistent and fluid, I imagine it would stand out as a unique voice in the pile. 

3rd Place Vol 41 Q3 ("The Stench of Freedom")
Submission record: R x 2 / HM x 7 / SHM x 2 / W x 1
Stories published in Daily Science Fiction, Every Day Fiction, 365tomorrows, and Gwyllion Magazine.
Find out more on my website (www.joelcscoberg.com) or sign up to my newsletter for updates on my writing journey.

Posted : January 1, 2023 2:19 pm
Joel C. Scoberg
Posts: 388
Gold Member

@storysinger I bet you gained a great insight, although did it make you second guess your own story if it wasn't in line with the trend?

I've not compared previous volumes to see if trends cross / continue, or if each volume has its own trend. I tend to read a story or two in  etween books or when I have a spare half hour so have never sat down and studied them. Perhaps that should be my new year's resolution this year!

3rd Place Vol 41 Q3 ("The Stench of Freedom")
Submission record: R x 2 / HM x 7 / SHM x 2 / W x 1
Stories published in Daily Science Fiction, Every Day Fiction, 365tomorrows, and Gwyllion Magazine.
Find out more on my website (www.joelcscoberg.com) or sign up to my newsletter for updates on my writing journey.

Posted : January 1, 2023 2:24 pm
storysinger and Anna X reacted
Doc Honour
Posts: 142
Silver Member

Yes, I did indeed get a story in for Q1, about a week ago. Same story, with new edits (always new edits!), that I inadvertently submitted for Q4 with my byline still attached.

Good luck to all!

Write so long as words keep flowing...
FWA RPLA: 2021:Fx2; 2022:1st place Gold, 2023: 1st place Gold novel
V38 HMx2; V39 HMx2, RWC, DQ (oops)
V40 SF(!), HM; RWCx2; V41 HM, RWCx2, DQ (what, again!)
V42 Q1:R

Posted : January 2, 2023 5:46 am
Pegeen and Anna X reacted
Doc Honour
Posts: 142
Silver Member

But the reason I've been rather silent here is a big one. My first novel is RELEASED and available on Amazon. 

Look for Not Like Us by Doc Honour, in which Jake Palatin has to escape from total socialism to prevent the global war his own antimatter bomb might create. It's planned as book One of the Empathic Humanity series.

Write so long as words keep flowing...
FWA RPLA: 2021:Fx2; 2022:1st place Gold, 2023: 1st place Gold novel
V38 HMx2; V39 HMx2, RWC, DQ (oops)
V40 SF(!), HM; RWCx2; V41 HM, RWCx2, DQ (what, again!)
V42 Q1:R

Posted : January 2, 2023 5:51 am
Yelena, Pegeen, Joel C. Scoberg and 7 people reacted
James (Ease)
Posts: 537
Gold Star Member

Posted by: @ehonour

But the reason I've been rather silent here is a big one. My first novel is RELEASED and available on Amazon. 

Look for Not Like Us by Doc Honour, in which Jake Palatin has to escape from total socialism to prevent the global war his own antimatter bomb might create. It's planned as book One of the Empathic Humanity series.


Congratulations! As you seem too modest to link it yourself, I'll do it for you winking  

Not Like Us - Doc Honour

clapper clapper clapper  


VOL 40 2nd Quarter: Third Place ("Ashes to Ashes, Blood to Carbonfiber")
Past submissions: R - HM - HM - HM - HM - HM - SHM - SHM
Kindle Vella - Ashes to Ashes, Earth to Kaybee

Posted : January 3, 2023 6:44 am
Posts: 1546
Platinum Plus

Congratulations Doc. clapper Looks like it will be a good read. smiley  

Today's science fiction is tomorrow's reality-D.R.Sweeney
HM x5
Published Poetry
2012 Stars in Our Hearts
Silver Ships

Posted : January 3, 2023 10:47 am
Posts: 86
Silver Member

@ehonour Congrats dude! I'll definitely pick up a copy! I wish proing out upon you soon so we may all have a chance ?. My novel got its first rejection letter for 2023 this morning (total rejections almost has me in the 20 rejections club) -- I may be joining you on the Amazon adventure soon but that somehow seems more scary to me haha.

V39 - Q2 HM, Q3 SHM, Q4 HM
V40 - Q1 SHM, Q2 HM. Q3 SHM Q4 HM
V41 - Q1 Crafting

Posted : January 4, 2023 8:35 pm
Joel C. Scoberg
Posts: 388
Gold Member

@ehonour congratulations! How exciting smiley clapper

3rd Place Vol 41 Q3 ("The Stench of Freedom")
Submission record: R x 2 / HM x 7 / SHM x 2 / W x 1
Stories published in Daily Science Fiction, Every Day Fiction, 365tomorrows, and Gwyllion Magazine.
Find out more on my website (www.joelcscoberg.com) or sign up to my newsletter for updates on my writing journey.

Posted : January 5, 2023 1:40 am
Anna X reacted
Posts: 194
Silver Member

Posted by: @ehonour

But the reason I've been rather silent here is a big one. My first novel is RELEASED and available on Amazon. 

Look for Not Like Us by Doc Honour, in which Jake Palatin has to escape from total socialism to prevent the global war his own antimatter bomb might create. It's planned as book One of the Empathic Humanity series.

Congratulations, Doc! Write the whole series! ?


~ I honestly believe that good stories write themselves. You can always start writing a story, but the characters tell their own tales and if you're lucky enough, you get to merely be in the audience watching everything unfold. ~ 8/1/2022
WotF - 2022, V39 Q4: R
WotF - 2022/2023, V40 Q1: HM; Q2: HM; Q3: HM; Q4:HM
WoTF - 2025, V42 Q1: R

Posted : January 5, 2023 3:04 pm
J. Watt and Pegeen reacted
Posts: 95
Bronze Star Member

I just joined. I don't know what I'm doing. Nonetheless, I submitted a story to V40-Q1. Didn't have time to run it through Grammarly. But I reread it a few times and fixed mistakes, so I don't think Grammarly would have found much.

Then I started reading the forum and strategies.

I was inspired to submit after reading Patrick Rothfuss's webpage. He cut down a novel and entered. Great idea! So I cut down my novel-in-progress and did the same.

I think entering every quarter will improve my productivity. Already I started off 2023 with a bang!

~~ Pegeen ~~
Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place. Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Writer
V40 - Q1 RWC, Q2 HM,

Posted : January 5, 2023 4:08 pm
MarathonCoder, Dustin Adams, Anna X and 1 people reacted
Posts: 86
Silver Member

@pegeen Heeeeey another Pat Rothfuss inspired competitor! That's what got me goin here too. I wouldn't stress your WC, a couple of my HMs were just shy of the 17k limit, granted my lower WC piece placed better. Still, if the story's good, and keeps the reader glued to the page, doesn't matter. As far as grammar, my SHM was written on a whim in less than 24 hours with some grammar issues that I would cleaned up if I gave myself more time. I think, so long as it doesn't glaringly distract from the story, they'll forgive a typo or two. 

Best of luck for this quarter! Get started for next quarter and try to challenge yourself with something new! It's fun!

P.S. I'm a total Vonnegut fangirl, love the quote.

V39 - Q2 HM, Q3 SHM, Q4 HM
V40 - Q1 SHM, Q2 HM. Q3 SHM Q4 HM
V41 - Q1 Crafting

Posted : January 5, 2023 4:53 pm
Anna X and Pegeen reacted
Posts: 95
Bronze Star Member

Thank you @watt_writes for your encouraging words.  I much enjoy Rothfuss's work.  I don't mind that he's taking his time on the next book. He's under a lot of pressure.  It must be super-awsome-great due to all the anticipation.

I will try to be more strategic next quarter.   Amusing  

~~ Pegeen ~~
Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place. Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Writer
V40 - Q1 RWC, Q2 HM,

Posted : January 5, 2023 6:47 pm
J. Watt and Anna X reacted
Posts: 194
Silver Member

@pegeen Welcome and congrats on getting your entry in! I agree that entering every quarter will help improve your productivity.

~ I honestly believe that good stories write themselves. You can always start writing a story, but the characters tell their own tales and if you're lucky enough, you get to merely be in the audience watching everything unfold. ~ 8/1/2022
WotF - 2022, V39 Q4: R
WotF - 2022/2023, V40 Q1: HM; Q2: HM; Q3: HM; Q4:HM
WoTF - 2025, V42 Q1: R

Posted : January 5, 2023 8:10 pm
J. Watt and Pegeen reacted
Posts: 870
Platinum Member

Posted by: @pegeen
Then I started reading the forum and strategies. Mine is [OH, SOME NUMBER OF] words, which I discovered is [SOME KIND OF] short story strategy.  Plus mine is a [STORY, WHO CAN POSSIBLY SAY WHAT].  Not the preferred genre, but I don't write [AARDVARK FAN FICTION] and don't plan on starting.

Hey, @pegeen! You may want to redact some of the salient details about your entry while the Quarter is still open. Mostly, we wait until the judging is done before we share or discuss specifics about our entries, mostly due to the anonymity thing--the more specifics you give, the less anonymous your entry is.

It's probably just paranoia, but still...


DQ:0 / R:0 / RWC:1 / HM:15 / SHM:7 / SF:1 / F:1
Published prior WotF entries: PodCastle, HFQ, Abyss & Apex
Pending: Q2.V42

Posted : January 5, 2023 9:35 pm
jadeankh, Wulf Moon, Anna X and 2 people reacted
Posts: 95
Bronze Star Member

Horrors! Never occurred to me that judges read this forum. Thank you @doctorjest for the tip. Surprised  

~~ Pegeen ~~
Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place. Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Writer
V40 - Q1 RWC, Q2 HM,

Posted : January 5, 2023 11:42 pm
Todd Jones
Posts: 761
Platinum Member

waiting grumpy  

Trying to block out Q1 and moving on to Q2 story.


"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right."~ Henry Ford

2025 V42: RWC, WIP, ?, ?
2024 V41: RWC (Resubmitted "HM"), HM, RWC, Finalist (RWC Resubmit)
2023 V40: HM, HM, R, HM
2022 V39: SHM, HM, Semi-finalist, HM (HM Resubmit)
2021 V38: ---HM (R Resubmit)
2020 V37: -R--

Posted : January 9, 2023 2:14 pm
jadeankh, Anna X, James (Ease) and 3 people reacted
Posts: 870
Platinum Member

Posted by: @toddjones

waiting grumpy  

Trying to block out Q1 and moving on to Q2 story.


That's definitely for the best! Right now, Writers of the Future is preparing the next volume, and getting ready for the next gala. Where Q4 results come quickly, you can expect a wait for Q1, generally at least.

It always helps to have your eyes on the next thing, that's definitely true. Total focus on one thing can work, but it definitely doesn't own towards any degree of emotional comfort where this is concerned.

I try to set aside previous quarter entries, assume that they won't win, and look to the next with all the energy I'd need to try and outperform my previous submission.



DQ:0 / R:0 / RWC:1 / HM:15 / SHM:7 / SF:1 / F:1
Published prior WotF entries: PodCastle, HFQ, Abyss & Apex
Pending: Q2.V42

Posted : January 9, 2023 6:38 pm
Anna X, J. Watt, James (Ease) and 5 people reacted
Posts: 484
Gold Star Member

"Moving On" is one of the lessons I've appreciated most from participating in WotF. Write a story, make it the best you can, submit it, then move on to writing the next story. I used to obsessively fuss and fiddle and rewrite stories to death. They say (whoever "they" are) it takes a million words to become an expert at writing, but that has to be a million different words; I can't just keep writing the same words over and over again. I have no control over whether anything actually wins or gets accepted or published. I only control the writing part, and I want to write as many new stories as possible.

Write it, submit it, forget it. If and when it comes back stamped Rejected, swat that thing right back out to another market.

"There are three rules to writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are."
— W. Somerset Maugham

Drop me a line at https://morganbroadhead.com

Posted : January 10, 2023 6:01 am
jadeankh, David Hankins, Anna X and 7 people reacted
Posts: 3306
Platinum Plus Moderator


Well done, Morgan. This is the hardest lesson for aspiring writers to learn. We grow and push our boundaries through writing fresh, original stories. It doesn’t mean we don’t edit them for quality control. But constantly twiddling on the same story trying to perfect it means we are standing in place instead of moving forward. It becomes a trap, hindering our advancement.

Click here to JOIN THE WULF PACK!
"Super-Duper Moongirl and the Amazing Moon Dawdler" won Best SFF Story of 2019! Read it in Writers of the Future, Vol. 35. Order HERE!
Need writing help? My award-winning SUPER SECRETS articles are FREE in DreamForge.
IT’S HERE! Many have been begged me to publish the Super Secrets of Writing. How to Write a Howling Good Story is now a #1 BESTSELLING BOOK! Get yours at your favorite retailer HERE!

Posted : January 10, 2023 8:36 am
David Hankins, Joel C. Scoberg, Anna X and 2 people reacted
Posts: 545
Gold Star Member

Posted by: @morgan-broadhead

Write it, submit it, forget it. If and when it comes back stamped Rejected, swat that thing right back out to another market.

I must be getting really good at this then. I had to look at Grinder to remind myself which story I submitted. giggle  


R:6 RWC:1 HM:9 SHM:3
My Blog
Small Gods and Little Demons - Parsec Issue #10

Posted : January 10, 2023 12:11 pm
Wulf Moon, David Hankins, Morgan and 2 people reacted
Posts: 484
Gold Star Member

Posted by: @pdblake

Posted by: @morgan-broadhead

Write it, submit it, forget it. If and when it comes back stamped Rejected, swat that thing right back out to another market.

I must be getting really good at this then. I had to look at Grinder to remind myself which story I submitted. giggle  



The Grinder is really helpful for stuff like that. "Oh wait, I can't submit that story there; they already rejected it."


"There are three rules to writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are."
— W. Somerset Maugham

Drop me a line at https://morganbroadhead.com

Posted : January 11, 2023 6:07 am
James (Ease) and Anna X reacted
Posts: 452
Gold Member

"But there should be another five markets open right now!"
(checks grinder)
"Oh, I've already submitted the story to those."

"If writing is easy, you're doing it wrong." -Bryan Hutchinson
V36-37: R x6
V38: R, HM, R, HM
V39: HM, HM, HM, HM
V40: HM, HM, SHM, HM
V41: RWC, P

Posted : January 13, 2023 5:59 pm
Anna X reacted
Posts: 545
Gold Star Member

Posted by: @scott_m_sands

"But there should be another five markets open right now!"
(checks grinder)
"Oh, I've already submitted the story to those."


"There's another six markets I can send it too, if I can just shave another thousand words off it." 


R:6 RWC:1 HM:9 SHM:3
My Blog
Small Gods and Little Demons - Parsec Issue #10

Posted : January 14, 2023 2:35 pm
Anna X and Scott_M_Sands reacted
Posts: 86
Silver Member

Hey y'all while we all await the upcoming Thursday of reckoning, I'm gonna pitch my fantasy novel in the #IWSGPit event on Wednesday. If you're on twitter check in and retweet my pitch (leave likes for agents) ::sweaty anxiety noises:: If you have a novel to pitch and you're on twitter lemme know and I'll add you to my list. @watt_writes


PS I finally reread hitchhiker's guide (read like 20 years ago lol) and suddenly get the Thursday jokes LOL. 

V39 - Q2 HM, Q3 SHM, Q4 HM
V40 - Q1 SHM, Q2 HM. Q3 SHM Q4 HM
V41 - Q1 Crafting

Posted : January 23, 2023 10:38 am
Anna X reacted
Posts: 179
Silver Member

@pdblake haha, that's exactly how I feel. My stories tend to be on the longer side, and there's usually a difference of a few thousand words that keeps me from submitting to most markets. It doesn't help my odds either - if they have two great stories, one 5k and the other 10k, they'll almost always choose the 5k one because it costs them less money and takes up less space / time to edit. C'est la vie.

“Stories are the collective wisdom of everyone who has ever lived. Your job as a storyteller is not simply to entertain. Nor is it to be noticed for the way your turn a phrase. You have a very important job—one of the most important. Your job is to let people know that everyone shares their feelings—and that these feelings bind us. Your job is a healing art, and like all healers, you have a responsibility. Let people know they are not alone. You must make people understand that we are all the same.”
Brian McDonald
2022: Second Place Winner V39 Q1
2021: HM, HM, SHM
2020: R
2019: SHM, R
2018: HM
2017: HM
Check out my fiction and more at spencersekulin.net

Posted : January 23, 2023 11:13 am
Anna X, David Hankins, Dustin Adams and 1 people reacted
Posts: 194
Silver Member

Who else can't wait until we get the list of everyone who placed and the winners? grinning

I can't wait to know! Laugh  

~ I honestly believe that good stories write themselves. You can always start writing a story, but the characters tell their own tales and if you're lucky enough, you get to merely be in the audience watching everything unfold. ~ 8/1/2022
WotF - 2022, V39 Q4: R
WotF - 2022/2023, V40 Q1: HM; Q2: HM; Q3: HM; Q4:HM
WoTF - 2025, V42 Q1: R

Posted : January 26, 2023 11:14 am
storysinger, Joel C. Scoberg, Pegeen and 2 people reacted
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