Discussion: Q1 Volu...
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Discussion: Q1 Volume 40

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Physa/ Guthington/ Amy
Posts: 445
Gold Star Member

Posted by: @kz_richards

Is it twitching time already? Can I join? I have chocolate!

[nervous lurker/introvert pokes head in tent]

[Welcomes newbies and familiar old-timers alike to the tent]

[For the newbies, It's too early to expect phone calls]

[But it's not too early to be on the lookout for a post from first-reader Kary]

[Passes around a plate of hors d'oeuvres]

[settles into a quiet corner]

[pulls out my laptop]

[and mulls over possible characters and situations for Q3 story]

[so much to do and March marches on]


WOTF results:
Vol 42: Q1 SHM, Q2 pending, Q3 ?
running totals to date:
WOTF: 6 Rs, 3 RWCs, 8 HMs, 1 SHM
IOTF: 4 Rs, 3 HMs
Check out my new website: https://www.amyrwethingtonwriterofspeculativeworlds.com/
According to Winston Churchill, "success is going from failure to failure with enthusiasm"
Somehow I lost my Guthington profile, but it's me. Amy Wethington = Guthington = Physa

Posted : March 10, 2023 6:40 am
crlisle, Anna X, Malachi Nielson and 4 people reacted
Posts: 86
Silver Member

[sees @physa working]

[Contemplates Q2 entry.]

[Excessive anxiety. Designates to 24 hour deadline rush.]

[Phone lights up.]

[Heart does strange flips. Brief concern for life.]

"Oh right...I have a phone interview today."


"How dare people attempt to hire me for things other than writing. Can't they see I'm pre-twitching??"

[Aggressively answers phone with mechanical smile.]

V39 - Q2 HM, Q3 SHM, Q4 HM
V40 - Q1 SHM, Q2 HM. Q3 SHM Q4 HM
V41 - Q1 Crafting

Posted : March 10, 2023 11:08 am
crlisle, Joel C. Scoberg, Anna X and 1 people reacted
Cray Dimensional
Posts: 742
Gold Member

@watt_writes in my case phone rings and is the annoying call about extending my car warranty.

Small steps add up to miles.
5 R, 5 RWC, 6 HM, 1 SHM
"Amore For Life" in After the Gold Rush Third Flatiron Anthology
"Freedom’s Song” in Troubadour and Space Princesses LTUE Anthology
"Experimenting with the Dance of Death" in Love is Complicated LUW Romance Anthology.

Posted : March 10, 2023 3:10 pm
crlisle, Joel C. Scoberg, Anna X and 1 people reacted
Cray Dimensional
Posts: 742
Gold Member

I like twitching parties, but I suspect there is at least another month or so more before we see results. Lets see if I can finally get 3 entries in at the same time.

Small steps add up to miles.
5 R, 5 RWC, 6 HM, 1 SHM
"Amore For Life" in After the Gold Rush Third Flatiron Anthology
"Freedom’s Song” in Troubadour and Space Princesses LTUE Anthology
"Experimenting with the Dance of Death" in Love is Complicated LUW Romance Anthology.

Posted : March 10, 2023 5:46 pm
Malachi Nielson
Posts: 34
Bronze Star Member



I'm obviously very new to this, my Q1 submission is literally my third sub ever, but I had a question. You said it was too early to be expecting phone calls, but do finalists get emails confirming they're finalists before they get a call saying they're 1st 2nd or 3rd? And you say it could be a month, are winners not always notified by the end of the quarter?

Obviously I probably won't be a finalist, I feel a little arrogant even asking this question since it's realistically not going to effect me, but I figured it'd be kinda nice to know what's going on haha. Thanks!

Posted : March 10, 2023 9:14 pm
Cray Dimensional
Posts: 742
Gold Member


Sometimes Kerry will announce on forum that its time to twitch.

After that Joni calls all the finalists to tell them they are in. Joni wants to tell finalist over the phone as a personal touch.

Then they send out the emails for everyone else after the all the finalists were notified.

1-2 Weeks after that Joni will call them again with the 1,2,3 place results

The finalist and 1,2,3 winners are not allow to tell the rest of us until Joni gives them a go.

Small steps add up to miles.
5 R, 5 RWC, 6 HM, 1 SHM
"Amore For Life" in After the Gold Rush Third Flatiron Anthology
"Freedom’s Song” in Troubadour and Space Princesses LTUE Anthology
"Experimenting with the Dance of Death" in Love is Complicated LUW Romance Anthology.

Posted : March 11, 2023 6:19 am
crlisle, Joel C. Scoberg, Anna X and 3 people reacted
Physa/ Guthington/ Amy
Posts: 445
Gold Star Member

Posted by: @m-norris



I'm obviously very new to this, my Q1 submission is literally my third sub ever, but I had a question. You said it was too early to be expecting phone calls, but do finalists get emails confirming they're finalists before they get a call saying they're 1st 2nd or 3rd? And you say it could be a month, are winners not always notified by the end of the quarter?

Obviously I probably won't be a finalist, I feel a little arrogant even asking this question since it's realistically not going to effect me, but I figured it'd be kinda nice to know what's going on haha. Thanks!

Hi Malachi and welcome to the contest. I will attempt to explain the judging process best I can.

1. Some unknown number of entries are submitted to the contest each quarter.

2. First reader Kary slushes through the pile and sends the more promising entries up to Jody with notes. First reader Kary will read the beginning and flip to the end looking for specific things. Is it speculative? Is the main character named right away? Does the action take off before the fifth page? Does the ending relate to the opening promise? etc.

3. While Kary is slushing, Jody begins to make her own stacks and notes [so they work on the pile at the same time with Kary taking the lead and Jody sifting through what is passed on to her]

4. When Kary is finished with her role for a quarter she usually makes a cryptic post [this hasn't happened yet for this quarter and this is what I'm on the lookout for]. Jody seems to be about a week behind Kary [or within a week behind Kary] so when Kary makes her post that is when those who think they might be getting phone calls will begin twitching to every phone ring. Only finalists get calls [top 8 entries of the quarter]. And this is when major twitching in the tent occurs as those who don't get calls right away hold on to hope that Joni just hasn't got to them yet.

5. Finalists get the first phone call before the rest of the results are emailed. The top 8 entries are sent to Judges picked by Joni [not sure the number* but I imagine it's an odd number like 3. [*actually 4. the judges use a point system while reviewing. The three with the highest number of points place in that quarter and get a free trip to Hollywood. thanks to @cweaver for clearing this up for us]]. Those who don't get called have no idea of exactly when the top 8 are called or how many of the top 8 Joni has been able to call [this is where time zones play a part and Joni lives in Pacific time zone].

6. About a week after the first phone call the top 8 get a second phone call. I have no idea the amount of twitching such a person goes through waiting for that second phone call which is either the best news possible [you placed in the top 3 and will be getting a ticket to Hollywood, etc.] OR a deflating phone call that lets them know they didn't place but maybe if there's room would they consider being a published finalist? [usually there is only 1 published finalist per volume. They also get a free trip to Hollywood AND they can continue submitting entries to the contest -- unless the pro out]. Non-finalists begin to realize they aren't in the top 8 but major twitching occurs none-the-less wondering what their placement could be. SHMs are strong entries that could have been finalists except there's already too many of whatever type of story they wrote. SFs get actual feedback from Jody [but they can't resubmit those to the contest but should hopefully get it published elsewhere after employing the valuable feedback.

7. After all the finalists have been called a second time, emails go out to the rest in waves. I think they send out DQs, then Rs, then RWCs, then HMs, then SHMs, and then SFs. Due to the miracle of instant communication via email these emails are sent out within a 24 hour period and may actually happen within 2 hours [based on observation].

*So to be clear, we are somewhere between #3 and #4 at this moment. My best guess is that Kary's cryptic post will come somewhere between March 31 and April 15 [just a guess]. It's nice to have the tent set up and ready to go. It's too early to twitch, but not too early to enjoy the snacks and socialize in the tent.*


WOTF results:
Vol 42: Q1 SHM, Q2 pending, Q3 ?
running totals to date:
WOTF: 6 Rs, 3 RWCs, 8 HMs, 1 SHM
IOTF: 4 Rs, 3 HMs
Check out my new website: https://www.amyrwethingtonwriterofspeculativeworlds.com/
According to Winston Churchill, "success is going from failure to failure with enthusiasm"
Somehow I lost my Guthington profile, but it's me. Amy Wethington = Guthington = Physa

Posted : March 11, 2023 6:29 am
Doc Honour, Cherrie, crlisle and 12 people reacted
Posts: 179
Silver Member

@tj_knight sounds interesting!

“Stories are the collective wisdom of everyone who has ever lived. Your job as a storyteller is not simply to entertain. Nor is it to be noticed for the way your turn a phrase. You have a very important job—one of the most important. Your job is to let people know that everyone shares their feelings—and that these feelings bind us. Your job is a healing art, and like all healers, you have a responsibility. Let people know they are not alone. You must make people understand that we are all the same.”
Brian McDonald
2022: Second Place Winner V39 Q1
2021: HM, HM, SHM
2020: R
2019: SHM, R
2018: HM
2017: HM
Check out my fiction and more at spencersekulin.net

Posted : March 11, 2023 6:45 am
Posts: 1546
Platinum Plus

That's a very good explanation Amy.

Today's science fiction is tomorrow's reality-D.R.Sweeney
HM x5
Published Poetry
2012 Stars in Our Hearts
Silver Ships

Posted : March 11, 2023 7:39 am
Posts: 95
Bronze Star Member

@physa Thanks for the explanation and thanks to the questioner. I had no idea and was also wondering how it worked.

~~ Pegeen ~~
Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place. Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Writer
V40 - Q1 RWC, Q2 HM,

Posted : March 11, 2023 2:04 pm
Todd Jones
Posts: 761
Platinum Member

Posted by: @physa

I will attempt to explain the judging process best I can.


Thank you for the post.  It's a huge help.


"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right."~ Henry Ford

2025 V42: RWC, WIP, ?, ?
2024 V41: RWC (Resubmitted "HM"), HM, RWC, Finalist (RWC Resubmit)
2023 V40: HM, HM, R, HM
2022 V39: SHM, HM, Semi-finalist, HM (HM Resubmit)
2021 V38: ---HM (R Resubmit)
2020 V37: -R--

Posted : March 11, 2023 2:09 pm
Posts: 86
Silver Member

@physa **frantic info goblin noises**

We hates ambiguity. We thanks you. Hissssss.

[scampers into dark corner.]

V39 - Q2 HM, Q3 SHM, Q4 HM
V40 - Q1 SHM, Q2 HM. Q3 SHM Q4 HM
V41 - Q1 Crafting

Posted : March 11, 2023 2:32 pm
Posts: 78
Bronze Star Member

@physa I got to talk with Joni about this process at Fyrecon, and she said four judges review the finalist stories. There's some kind of points system or something. 

I hope to be in that pile some day...

Author of MG Fantasy Adventures:
Gold Dust
Phoenix Down
Author of an English/Japanese bilingual fantasy for 4-6 year-olds:
Ray and Mia's Adventure
I'm a professional copy editor and also a trained mime. Please don't hold either of these against me.
V37 Q2 HM
V39 Q2 HM, Q3 SHM, Q4 HM
V40 Q1 HM, Q2 HM, Q3 RWC, Q4 HM
V41 Q1 HM

Posted : March 11, 2023 4:50 pm
crlisle, Joel C. Scoberg, Anna X and 5 people reacted
Gideon Smith
Posts: 559
Gold Star Member

@physa popping out of lurking for 2s to just say, the explanation was a super helpful post

thank you!

"...your motivations for wanting to write are probably complex. You may have a few great passions, you may want to be rich and famous, and you may need therapy."
- Dave Farland, Million Dollar Outlines

Writers of the Future:
2025 Q1: HM Q2: WIP Q3: TBD Q4: TBD
2024 Q1: F Q2: HM Q3:SHM Q4: SHM
2023 Q1: RWC Q2: SHM Q3: SHM Q4: R
2022 Q4: R
Submissions to other markets:
2025: 19 submitted 0 acceptances
2024: 45 submitted 8 acceptances
2023: 74 submitted 13 acceptances
2022: 22 submitted 1 acceptance

2025 goals: a. New Novel b. New piece submitted/month c. 100 rejections


Posted : March 12, 2023 5:23 am
Henckel, James (Ease), Malachi Nielson and 4 people reacted
Posts: 1546
Platinum Plus

Since this is your first post Gideon, welcome to the forum. There are a lot of helpful people here willing to give insightful comments as needed or requested. Enjoy.

Today's science fiction is tomorrow's reality-D.R.Sweeney
HM x5
Published Poetry
2012 Stars in Our Hearts
Silver Ships

Posted : March 12, 2023 9:37 am
Posts: 870
Platinum Member

Posted by: @m-norris
Obviously I probably won't be a finalist, I feel a little arrogant even asking this question since it's realistically not going to effect me, but I figured it'd be kinda nice to know what's going on haha. Thanks!
Also, it's not arrogant at all! After all, aren't we all trying to win this thing?

It's perfectly reasonable to think we may not make Finalist for a specific Quarter, of course, but I think the majority of Finalists and eventual winners were caught at least somewhat by surprise when they did make it to that level. (And while some, I know, felt so confident that they were surprised when it didn't happen, I think mostly folks realize that this Contest is at a high standard, and far from an easy nut to crack.) So all of us probably won't be a Finalist. And yet, in all likelihood, some of us will be, too--and most of us won't be expecting it when it happens.


DQ:0 / R:0 / RWC:1 / HM:15 / SHM:7 / SF:1 / F:1
Published prior WotF entries: PodCastle, HFQ, Abyss & Apex
Pending: Q2.V42

Posted : March 12, 2023 10:43 am
Todd Jones
Posts: 761
Platinum Member

Posted by: @doctorjest

So all of us probably won't be a Finalist. And yet, in all likelihood, some of us will be, too--and most of us won't be expecting it when it happens.

Well put.

My writing is getting better, but I'm always surprised, and delighted, when someone else likes my work. The rejections from the market weigh me down happysigh , but the gems of encouragement when I receive a HM or higher from WotF help spur me on. typing  



"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right."~ Henry Ford

2025 V42: RWC, WIP, ?, ?
2024 V41: RWC (Resubmitted "HM"), HM, RWC, Finalist (RWC Resubmit)
2023 V40: HM, HM, R, HM
2022 V39: SHM, HM, Semi-finalist, HM (HM Resubmit)
2021 V38: ---HM (R Resubmit)
2020 V37: -R--

Posted : March 12, 2023 1:39 pm
Malachi Nielson
Posts: 34
Bronze Star Member

Posted by: @doctorjest

Posted by: @m-norris
Obviously I probably won't be a finalist, I feel a little arrogant even asking this question since it's realistically not going to effect me, but I figured it'd be kinda nice to know what's going on haha. Thanks!
Also, it's not arrogant at all! After all, aren't we all trying to win this thing?

It's perfectly reasonable to think we may not make Finalist for a specific Quarter, of course, but I think the majority of Finalists and eventual winners were caught at least somewhat by surprise when they did make it to that level. (And while some, I know, felt so confident that they were surprised when it didn't happen, I think mostly folks realize that this Contest is at a high standard, and far from an easy nut to crack.) So all of us probably won't be a Finalist. And yet, in all likelihood, some of us will be, too--and most of us won't be expecting it when it happens.



Well put, thank you for saying that. Good luck!

And thank you so much for the helpful explanations, that's good to know and all very well explained.


Posted : March 13, 2023 9:11 am
Gideon Smith
Posts: 559
Gold Star Member

@storysinger Thank you for the welcome. Yes, many helpful posts and people. I guess I felt guilty finally at lurking and not thanking.  I'll try and participate a bit more and thank people by returning the favor of contributions to the forum

"...your motivations for wanting to write are probably complex. You may have a few great passions, you may want to be rich and famous, and you may need therapy."
- Dave Farland, Million Dollar Outlines

Writers of the Future:
2025 Q1: HM Q2: WIP Q3: TBD Q4: TBD
2024 Q1: F Q2: HM Q3:SHM Q4: SHM
2023 Q1: RWC Q2: SHM Q3: SHM Q4: R
2022 Q4: R
Submissions to other markets:
2025: 19 submitted 0 acceptances
2024: 45 submitted 8 acceptances
2023: 74 submitted 13 acceptances
2022: 22 submitted 1 acceptance

2025 goals: a. New Novel b. New piece submitted/month c. 100 rejections


Posted : March 13, 2023 1:23 pm
Cray Dimensional
Posts: 742
Gold Member

@gideonpsmith Welcome. There quite a few helpful people here.

Small steps add up to miles.
5 R, 5 RWC, 6 HM, 1 SHM
"Amore For Life" in After the Gold Rush Third Flatiron Anthology
"Freedom’s Song” in Troubadour and Space Princesses LTUE Anthology
"Experimenting with the Dance of Death" in Love is Complicated LUW Romance Anthology.

Posted : March 13, 2023 3:40 pm
Posts: 870
Platinum Member

Posted by: @gideonpsmith
@storysinger Thank you for the welcome. Yes, many helpful posts and people. I guess I felt guilty finally at lurking and not thanking.  I'll try and participate a bit more and thank people by returning the favor of contributions to the forum

On the other hand, though, if anyone is just lurking around and feeling nervous, or not wanting to chime in, or just liking the comfort of being able to watch from the shadows and not get engaged, I certainly began that way. I started out by introducing myself here, just a little while after I first entered--I was welcomed by @LDWriter2, posted my HM result, and then disappeared and lurked in the shadows for a few more years before I actually started posting more (which was also when I started to get a little more active and deliberate about submitting).

Lurkers are fine members of our community, only stealthy like ninjas, or cats in the ceiling, peeking down on us--and always welcome.


DQ:0 / R:0 / RWC:1 / HM:15 / SHM:7 / SF:1 / F:1
Published prior WotF entries: PodCastle, HFQ, Abyss & Apex
Pending: Q2.V42

Posted : March 13, 2023 6:53 pm
Doc Honour, czing, Cherrie and 8 people reacted
Joel C. Scoberg
Posts: 388
Gold Member

Posted by: @physa

I will attempt to explain the judging process best I can.

Really helpful explanation, Amy! Thank you

3rd Place Vol 41 Q3 ("The Stench of Freedom")
Submission record: R x 2 / HM x 7 / SHM x 2 / W x 1
Stories published in Daily Science Fiction, Every Day Fiction, 365tomorrows, and Gwyllion Magazine.
Find out more on my website (www.joelcscoberg.com) or sign up to my newsletter for updates on my writing journey.

Posted : March 14, 2023 1:36 am
Physa/ Guthington/ Amy
Posts: 445
Gold Star Member

[the tent is well-supplied and ready.]

[no smoke signals detected yet.]

[It's too early for twitching.]

[But not too early to check out the snacks,]

[have a nice hot cup of cocoa,]

[and bring more snacks and pillows.]

[the Ides of March approaches]

[followed by, gulp, a Thursday.]

WOTF results:
Vol 42: Q1 SHM, Q2 pending, Q3 ?
running totals to date:
WOTF: 6 Rs, 3 RWCs, 8 HMs, 1 SHM
IOTF: 4 Rs, 3 HMs
Check out my new website: https://www.amyrwethingtonwriterofspeculativeworlds.com/
According to Winston Churchill, "success is going from failure to failure with enthusiasm"
Somehow I lost my Guthington profile, but it's me. Amy Wethington = Guthington = Physa

Posted : March 14, 2023 7:17 am
Posts: 86
Silver Member

@gideonpsmith I lurked for a solid nine months until I finally posted lol. I probably would have posted after v39Q3 but I couldn't remember my forum password ? so I finally broke in after submitting V39Q4 lol. What really drew me in was watching people ask questions about their WIPs and get solid generous feedback and suggestions. I believe this is the largest sci-fi/fantasy comp in the world, and yet everyone here is rooting each other on. It's not cutthroat. It's not toxic. It's amazing. I'm so here for that kind of culture.

Also these guys are fun dancingbanana  

V39 - Q2 HM, Q3 SHM, Q4 HM
V40 - Q1 SHM, Q2 HM. Q3 SHM Q4 HM
V41 - Q1 Crafting

Posted : March 14, 2023 8:08 pm
James (Ease), Doc Honour, Todd Jones and 6 people reacted
Posts: 336
Gold Member

@physa the snacks are welcome! California is quite rainy lately ☔️

Volume 41 Q1 Illustrator Winner!
4x Finalist Illustrators
5x Semi finalist Illustrators
1x HM Illustrators
7x HM Writers
3x SHM Writers
Author of the Primogenitor series: Cradle of Mars, Adaptation, Reunion, Schism: Available on Amazon under CL Fors

Posted : March 15, 2023 12:18 am
Posts: 336
Gold Member

I’m still working on Q2 subs for illustration as well as my story so I cannot twitch! Twitching makes holding a paintbrush difficult ?

Volume 41 Q1 Illustrator Winner!
4x Finalist Illustrators
5x Semi finalist Illustrators
1x HM Illustrators
7x HM Writers
3x SHM Writers
Author of the Primogenitor series: Cradle of Mars, Adaptation, Reunion, Schism: Available on Amazon under CL Fors

Posted : March 15, 2023 12:21 am
Doc Honour
Posts: 142
Silver Member

Heard a knock on the door this afternoon, and I jumped to my feet. "Ha! It's the Writers of the Future, come to give me my award." Then I thought again ... Oh, wait. That was Publisher's Clearing House.

Sigh. Still waiting.

But so busy, I haven't been in here to post recently. Got my first novel self-published. Working on a second book, an anthology of short stories (with several WotF HMs in it) to get out this month, I hope. Neither of them yet earning enough to trigger pro status, but it's very nice to sell a few and see them in print.

Meanwhile this week, my f2f critique group tore up this week's story and left it in little tiny shreds floating in the breeze. They didn't care for a depressive protagonist and nothing much happening. Come to think of it, neither did I.

So I thought I'd come in here for good news. So far, no news is good news?

Write so long as words keep flowing...
FWA RPLA: 2021:Fx2; 2022:1st place Gold, 2023: 1st place Gold novel
V38 HMx2; V39 HMx2, RWC, DQ (oops)
V40 SF(!), HM; RWCx2; V41 HM, RWCx2, DQ (what, again!)
V42 Q1:R

Posted : March 16, 2023 12:41 pm
J. Watt, Todd Jones, storysinger and 4 people reacted
Todd Jones
Posts: 761
Platinum Member

Posted by: @ehonour

Got my first novel self-published.

Congrats. I'd love to hear more about the experience, marketing and all that stuff.

Posted by: @ehonour

Working on a second book, an anthology of short stories (with several WotF HMs in it) to get out this month, I hope. Neither of them yet earning enough to trigger pro status, but it's very nice to sell a few and see them in print.

Double congrats. The anthology seems a fun project.



"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right."~ Henry Ford

2025 V42: RWC, WIP, ?, ?
2024 V41: RWC (Resubmitted "HM"), HM, RWC, Finalist (RWC Resubmit)
2023 V40: HM, HM, R, HM
2022 V39: SHM, HM, Semi-finalist, HM (HM Resubmit)
2021 V38: ---HM (R Resubmit)
2020 V37: -R--

Posted : March 16, 2023 1:01 pm
Posts: 308
Silver Star Member

@ehonour, you got some awesome stuff cooking!

Website: https://www.jeschleicher.com/
Blog: https://www.jeschleicher.com/dopaminesdelight
V40: Q1 3rd Place Winner ("Squiddy")
V39: SHM, HM, HM, HM
V38: HM, SHM, HM, HM
V37: R, R, HM, HM
V36: R

Posted : March 16, 2023 1:07 pm
V. R. Lassmann
Posts: 78
Bronze Star Member

Posted by: @physa

[the tent is well-supplied and ready.]

[no smoke signals detected yet.]

[It's too early for twitching.]

[But not too early to check out the snacks,]

[have a nice hot cup of cocoa,]

[and bring more snacks and pillows.]

[the Ides of March approaches]

[followed by, gulp, a Thursday.]

<guys, feel free to sing>

March... goes by... so slowly...
I hunger for your snacks
can I have soooooome?


Posted : March 16, 2023 4:51 pm
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