@clfors you submitted? Why, did you think it was March 29th? 🤣
Just kidding, Cherrie...I'm just envious 😀
"...your motivations for wanting to write are probably complex. You may have a few great passions, you may want to be rich and famous, and you may need therapy."
- Dave Farland, Million Dollar Outlines
Writers of the Future:
2025 Q1: HM Q2: WIP Q3: TBD Q4: TBD
2024 Q1: F Q2: HM Q3:SHM Q4: SHM
2023 Q1: RWC Q2: SHM Q3: SHM Q4: R
2022 Q4: R
Submissions to other markets:
2025: 19 submitted 0 acceptances
2024: 45 submitted 8 acceptances
2023: 74 submitted 13 acceptances
2022: 22 submitted 1 acceptance
2025 goals: a. New Novel b. New piece submitted/month c. 100 rejections
I've still working on my climax scene.
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right."~ Henry Ford
2025 V42: RWC, WIP, ?, ?
2024 V41: RWC (Resubmitted "HM"), HM, RWC, Finalist (RWC Resubmit)
2023 V40: HM, HM, R, HM
2022 V39: SHM, HM, Semi-finalist, HM (HM Resubmit)
2021 V38: ---HM (R Resubmit)
2020 V37: -R--
[I pop my up head from computer]
[The beastmaster throws down the gavel . Back to work! Those stories won't write themselves.]
[Yes sir, I said slinking back to my seat.]
Small steps add up to miles.
5 R, 5 RWC, 6 HM, 1 SHM
"Amore For Life" in After the Gold Rush Third Flatiron Anthology
"Freedom’s Song” in Troubadour and Space Princesses LTUE Anthology
"Experimenting with the Dance of Death" in Love is Complicated LUW Romance Anthology.
[checks word file]
[still nothing more than a vague idea and a pipedream]
[rolls up sleaves]
[grabs some coffee]
[looks like I have my work cut out for me]
[oh look, there's a unicorn!]
WOTF results:
Vol 42: Q1 SHM, Q2 pending, Q3 ?
running totals to date:
WOTF: 6 Rs, 3 RWCs, 8 HMs, 1 SHM
IOTF: 4 Rs, 3 HMs
Check out my new website: https://www.amyrwethingtonwriterofspeculativeworlds.com/
According to Winston Churchill, "success is going from failure to failure with enthusiasm"
Somehow I lost my Guthington profile, but it's me. Amy Wethington = Guthington = Physa
[Puts on noise canceling ears buds]
[Turns on some tunes]
[Opens labtop]
[stylus or keyboard, that is the question]
Small steps add up to miles.
5 R, 5 RWC, 6 HM, 1 SHM
"Amore For Life" in After the Gold Rush Third Flatiron Anthology
"Freedom’s Song” in Troubadour and Space Princesses LTUE Anthology
"Experimenting with the Dance of Death" in Love is Complicated LUW Romance Anthology.
[2100 words on draft, and the computer warns that battery level is lo.]
[Argh need a break anyway.]
[Needs my precious... (coffee)]
[I will make it. I will make it.]
Small steps add up to miles.
5 R, 5 RWC, 6 HM, 1 SHM
"Amore For Life" in After the Gold Rush Third Flatiron Anthology
"Freedom’s Song” in Troubadour and Space Princesses LTUE Anthology
"Experimenting with the Dance of Death" in Love is Complicated LUW Romance Anthology.
Happy to do first two page crits for anyone entering Q2 Just send me a DM.
V34: R,HM,R
V35: HM,R,R,HM
V38: (P)F, SHM, F, F
Published Finalist Volume 38
Pro’d out Q4V39
Managing Editor, Apex Magazine
I'm in. After uploading it with my name on, crying out for help, and then realising I hadn't submitted it anyway. Doh!
R:6 RWC:1 HM:9 SHM:3
My Blog
Small Gods and Little Demons - Parsec Issue #10
Got my story submitted for this quarter and it's not quite the middle of March lol
This one is a re-sub from vol 40 Q1 where it got a RWC. I re-phrased some bits of the beginning, tightened up the tension through the middle and added 900 words to the ending. These edits were based on feedback I received from Cosmic Roots & Eldritch Shores last June. I think it's a better story now.
Writers of the Future stats:
V32: Q3 - R
V33: Q3 - R
V39: Q4 - RWC
V40: RWC, R, HM, HM
V41: R, HM, RWC, HM
V42: Q1 - HM, Q2 - WIP
All markets submission stats:
227 Submissions
218 Rejections
28 Personal Rejections
0 Acceptances
Gota finish my QTR2 entry. Next scene of draft is the climax. Getting there. I can do this.
Small steps add up to miles.
5 R, 5 RWC, 6 HM, 1 SHM
"Amore For Life" in After the Gold Rush Third Flatiron Anthology
"Freedom’s Song” in Troubadour and Space Princesses LTUE Anthology
"Experimenting with the Dance of Death" in Love is Complicated LUW Romance Anthology.
@craydimensional Sounds like we are in a similar spot. But I'm getting to the climax and realized something about the story that means I have a LOT of re-writing and editing still ahead. I finally know exactly what I want to do, just not sure HOW to do it. I can do it, I can do it, I can do it? (Don't get distracted by whispers of Thursday coming AAAAAAAAAAh). I'm okay.
@tiinag I'm not that excited by my Q1 entry. I don't think it was my best. However, Q2 is another story if I can get it done in time.
Small steps add up to miles.
5 R, 5 RWC, 6 HM, 1 SHM
"Amore For Life" in After the Gold Rush Third Flatiron Anthology
"Freedom’s Song” in Troubadour and Space Princesses LTUE Anthology
"Experimenting with the Dance of Death" in Love is Complicated LUW Romance Anthology.
@craydimensional 2.5 weeks till Q2 deadline - you can do it!
Hopefully, we can all do it!
"...your motivations for wanting to write are probably complex. You may have a few great passions, you may want to be rich and famous, and you may need therapy."
- Dave Farland, Million Dollar Outlines
Writers of the Future:
2025 Q1: HM Q2: WIP Q3: TBD Q4: TBD
2024 Q1: F Q2: HM Q3:SHM Q4: SHM
2023 Q1: RWC Q2: SHM Q3: SHM Q4: R
2022 Q4: R
Submissions to other markets:
2025: 19 submitted 0 acceptances
2024: 45 submitted 8 acceptances
2023: 74 submitted 13 acceptances
2022: 22 submitted 1 acceptance
2025 goals: a. New Novel b. New piece submitted/month c. 100 rejections
@gideonpsmith working on it, but I only have 2 weeks. Argh
Small steps add up to miles.
5 R, 5 RWC, 6 HM, 1 SHM
"Amore For Life" in After the Gold Rush Third Flatiron Anthology
"Freedom’s Song” in Troubadour and Space Princesses LTUE Anthology
"Experimenting with the Dance of Death" in Love is Complicated LUW Romance Anthology.
Finished my Q2 submission draft today.
Roughly 1/3 of the story is in final draft. I'm working my way through the remainder. I'm trying the editing process of reading the story out loud. This has been suggested to me before and I'm actually putting it to practice. I have to say, it really works. I'm finding a lot of things I can smooth out, because it doesn't sound right to my ears.
Only time will tell if WotF feels this story is worthy of finalist or better.
Good luck to everyone else that is still working on their story.
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right."~ Henry Ford
2025 V42: RWC, WIP, ?, ?
2024 V41: RWC (Resubmitted "HM"), HM, RWC, Finalist (RWC Resubmit)
2023 V40: HM, HM, R, HM
2022 V39: SHM, HM, Semi-finalist, HM (HM Resubmit)
2021 V38: ---HM (R Resubmit)
2020 V37: -R--
I am getting closer. Finishing up climax hopefully I’ll get draft done this weekend.
Small steps add up to miles.
5 R, 5 RWC, 6 HM, 1 SHM
"Amore For Life" in After the Gold Rush Third Flatiron Anthology
"Freedom’s Song” in Troubadour and Space Princesses LTUE Anthology
"Experimenting with the Dance of Death" in Love is Complicated LUW Romance Anthology.
I am getting closer. Finishing up climax hopefully I’ll get draft done this weekend.
Keep up the good work.
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right."~ Henry Ford
2025 V42: RWC, WIP, ?, ?
2024 V41: RWC (Resubmitted "HM"), HM, RWC, Finalist (RWC Resubmit)
2023 V40: HM, HM, R, HM
2022 V39: SHM, HM, Semi-finalist, HM (HM Resubmit)
2021 V38: ---HM (R Resubmit)
2020 V37: -R--
Ugh! Submitted my Q2 story. I hope my Q3 story goes smoother and that I have more quality writing time for it. Good luck everyone!
WOTF results:
Vol 42: Q1 SHM, Q2 pending, Q3 ?
running totals to date:
WOTF: 6 Rs, 3 RWCs, 8 HMs, 1 SHM
IOTF: 4 Rs, 3 HMs
Check out my new website: https://www.amyrwethingtonwriterofspeculativeworlds.com/
According to Winston Churchill, "success is going from failure to failure with enthusiasm"
Somehow I lost my Guthington profile, but it's me. Amy Wethington = Guthington = Physa
I do recognize that some people have had great success with rewrites. I also recognize that those folks are likely the exception and not the rule. Likely they had the ability to jack up their houses and rebuild the foundation and reset the walls so they were square and true, because that's what is needed.
Personally, I'd rather just build a new house from the ground up in a better neighborhood.
I carried Morgan's post forward from the Q1 forum, because it applies to what I'm pondering now. With only a week and a half to go, I'm struggling this quarter.
I think there is at least one good reason to do a rewrite: if I've learned something new about craft, and think I can apply it to the story. In this case, I've joined Wulf Moon's Wulf Pack and have recently read his most excellent book How to Write a Howling Good Story. I found in there several wonderful concepts that I had known subliminally but had not really applied. So, I've taken two older sequential stories that I like and have combined them into one, using these new concepts. Unfortunately, when I gave it to my f2f group, they still didn't like the protagonist. Ack.
So now I'm pondering whether to fix the problem ... or to write a completely new story in a week.
Watch this space for future news.
Write so long as words keep flowing...
FWA RPLA: 2021:Fx2; 2022:1st place Gold, 2023: 1st place Gold novel
V38 HMx2; V39 HMx2, RWC, DQ (oops)
V40 SF(!), HM; RWCx2; V41 HM, RWCx2, DQ (what, again!)
V42 Q1:R
they still didn't like the protagonist
Do they 'pet the dog'? If not, that can be a quick fix for that specific problem!
VOL 40 2nd Quarter: Third Place ("Ashes to Ashes, Blood to Carbonfiber")
Past submissions: R - HM - HM - HM - HM - HM - SHM - SHM
Kindle Vella - Ashes to Ashes, Earth to Kaybee
Pet the dog: A device used in writing to gain sympathy for a character who has either done unacceptable things or is simply an unacceptable type of person. Example: Jack Nicholson's character in As Good as it Gets cares for and trains an unruly dog that he previously threw down a garbage chute. Example: It is shown that Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War actually loves his daughter Gamora, softening his character from that of a completely tyrannical madman.
The second example is becoming more common in modern teleplays and cinema, balancing an antagonists bad qualities with good (or at least offering a reason for evil actions). It has been heavily used since the original Film Noir days to create that "scoundrel with a heart of gold."
*Steps off and kicks away soapbox*
Have Fun
F x 3
Do they 'pet the dog'? If not, that can be a quick fix for that specific problem!
Pet the dog: A device used in writing to gain sympathy for a character who has either done unacceptable things or is simply an unacceptable type of person. Example: Jack Nicholson's character in As Good as it Gets cares for and trains an unruly dog that he previously threw down a garbage chute. Example: It is shown that Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War actually loves his daughter Gamora, softening his character from that of a completely tyrannical madman.
Thanks to both of you, James and Prate. James for the idea and Prate for the definition. I've been trying to write a lovable rogue, but have been failing to get it across. Everyone who reads it thinks he's thoroughly reprehensible instead.
I can use this. I've already massively rewritten the character, but he can still use some more softening and "likening." Thanks again.
Write so long as words keep flowing...
FWA RPLA: 2021:Fx2; 2022:1st place Gold, 2023: 1st place Gold novel
V38 HMx2; V39 HMx2, RWC, DQ (oops)
V40 SF(!), HM; RWCx2; V41 HM, RWCx2, DQ (what, again!)
V42 Q1:R
@ehonour you've had great responses so far. Pet the dog is a great strategy but there are a few others if its still not working (and just to be clear - pet the dog does not *have* to be a dog. The key is that it is something weaker than them. A kitten, a child, etc. Even weaker adult characters can work but they lack the cuteness factor which automatically makes the reader make them want them helped.)
Other things to improve the likability of characters
- character set up that gives context to their reprehensible behavior (past trauma distorting their world view, current situation, being under duress. etc)
- inner monologue that shows they struggle between doing the right and the wrong thing.
- if they mostly do the reprehensible thing but they do have a conscience and so sometimes do the right thing even when it doesn't serve their best interest at all (think Captain Jack Sparrow)
- that they're humorous (Jack Sparrow also gets an aid from this)
- popularity bias - that other people who *are* honorable still like the character, or say they are good, as the opinion of other characters also affects the reader (hate to use the same example but I'm lazy - so I will just point out JS also gets this from Will Turner and Elizabeth Swan)
- give them a character flaw that is relatable so most readers will see themselves in the character
- make the reprehensible character the puppy (not literally of course, just give them a weakness which means their toughness is a survival tactic, that makes the reader feel in their corner)
and most importantly is, the character cannot be unrelentingly reprehensible. If everything they do is selfish and mean, they're not funny, so there's no tension relief on the page, and they always succeed, and they're always smug about it. That character cannot be likable.
Hope something helps nudge it where you want it to go
"...your motivations for wanting to write are probably complex. You may have a few great passions, you may want to be rich and famous, and you may need therapy."
- Dave Farland, Million Dollar Outlines
Writers of the Future:
2025 Q1: HM Q2: WIP Q3: TBD Q4: TBD
2024 Q1: F Q2: HM Q3:SHM Q4: SHM
2023 Q1: RWC Q2: SHM Q3: SHM Q4: R
2022 Q4: R
Submissions to other markets:
2025: 19 submitted 0 acceptances
2024: 45 submitted 8 acceptances
2023: 74 submitted 13 acceptances
2022: 22 submitted 1 acceptance
2025 goals: a. New Novel b. New piece submitted/month c. 100 rejections
Well, I'm in. Hang on. Is this the right thread? There's a lot of dog petting going on here. Is this pet's corner?
Well, I'm in. Hang on. Is this the right thread? There's a lot of dog petting going on here. Is this pet's corner?
that's what writers do... procrastinate 🤣
speaking of which... I really need to finish up edits on the Q2 😯
"...your motivations for wanting to write are probably complex. You may have a few great passions, you may want to be rich and famous, and you may need therapy."
- Dave Farland, Million Dollar Outlines
Writers of the Future:
2025 Q1: HM Q2: WIP Q3: TBD Q4: TBD
2024 Q1: F Q2: HM Q3:SHM Q4: SHM
2023 Q1: RWC Q2: SHM Q3: SHM Q4: R
2022 Q4: R
Submissions to other markets:
2025: 19 submitted 0 acceptances
2024: 45 submitted 8 acceptances
2023: 74 submitted 13 acceptances
2022: 22 submitted 1 acceptance
2025 goals: a. New Novel b. New piece submitted/month c. 100 rejections
Whew! Submitted to Q2!
Author of MG Fantasy Adventures:
Gold Dust
Phoenix Down
Author of an English/Japanese bilingual fantasy for 4-6 year-olds:
Ray and Mia's Adventure
I'm a professional copy editor and also a trained mime. Please don't hold either of these against me.
V37 Q2 HM
V39 Q2 HM, Q3 SHM, Q4 HM
V40 Q1 HM, Q2 HM, Q3 RWC, Q4 HM
V41 Q1 HM
I'm in with a new story that I'm happy with but yet sick of looking at anymore.
Good luck to those still fighting. Plenty of time left on the clock.
V38: HM, R, R, HM
V40: RWC, HM, SHM, R
V41: R, RWC, R, R
I'm in with a new story that I'm happy with but yet sick of looking at anymore.
I know that feeling. I am an over editor. I just blew up my story that was done and I'm putting it back together now. Hopefully solving the holes that a casual reader didn't mind, but judges would tear apart.
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right."~ Henry Ford
2025 V42: RWC, WIP, ?, ?
2024 V41: RWC (Resubmitted "HM"), HM, RWC, Finalist (RWC Resubmit)
2023 V40: HM, HM, R, HM
2022 V39: SHM, HM, Semi-finalist, HM (HM Resubmit)
2021 V38: ---HM (R Resubmit)
2020 V37: -R--
Okay, I'm going to submit my very first entry within the next couple of days. It's very daunting to me, as I wrote it in only three days and I know it's not quite up to my standards. However, I'm taking Wulf Moon's advice and submitting something every quarter.
It's still scary, though. I read multiple books to see which stories got third, second, and first place, not to mention won the Golden Pen Award. Ultimately, I decided it all came down to the judge's personal preferences, which didn't feel all that reassuring.
Anyway, good luck to everyone. I'm off to hide in a corner and ponder my quarter 3 story!
I cast my combatant into the fray.
Best of luck to everyone.
F x 3