Q4: July 1, 2022 - September 30, 2022
And the winners are:
First Place – Marianne Xenos from Massachusetts
Second Place – Jason Palmatier from Pennsylvania
Third Place – TJ Knight from New York
Ceci Black from Virginia
Tanner Call from Maryland
Balazs Godeny from Hungary
Spencer Orey from Denmark
Jese Swafford from Oregon
Gabriel de Anda from California
Jared A. Jackson from Florida
Bernardette Kowal from Iowa
Alexandria LeForce from Kentucky
Jacob J. Miller from Idaho
Eric Nihil from Louisiana
Emily Robinson from California
Ian Schutzman from California
Emily Martha Sorensen from Utah
Sebastian Zeltzer from North Carolina
Silver Honorable Mentions:
Linda Maye Adams from Virginia
Abigail Anklam from Virginia
Julia V. Ashley from Mississippi
Matt Athanasiou from Illinois
Jen Bair from Texas
Don Mark Baldridge from Pennsylvania
H. Baumgardt from Minnesota
P.D. Blake from Great Britain
Chris A. Bolton from Oregon
Seth S. Bradford from Virginia
Sierra Branham from Utah
David Bridge from Great Britain
Evelyn K. Brunswick from France
Beth Buck from Utah
Kody C from California
R.C. Cadigan from Utah
Brandon Case from Nevada
Lex Chamberlin from Oregon
Samuel Chapman from Oregon
Jordan Chase-Young from Australia
Noelia Colon from New York
Howard Cooper from Canada
Nathaniel Cramer from Texas
Yelena Crane from Pennsylvania
Jason P. Crawford from California
Adrian Croft from Canada
James Cummins from Georgia
Kate Dane from Minnesota
Madeline Dau from Florida
James Davies from Maryland
Abigail Deland from Great Britain
Cray Dimensional from Pennsylvania
Victoria L. Dixon from Kansas
Habiba Dokubo-Asari from Nigeria
B. Carey Donaldson from Australia
Cristina dos Santos from North Carolina
Arthur M. Doweyko from Florida
Abigail Ehrhardt from Connecticut
Esma Emesih from California
Sal Finley from Massachusetts
Jenn Fir from California
Jennifer Fleck from Washington
Monalisa Foster from Texas
Tim Fox from Oregon
Alex Fox from Massachusetts
Katherine Gail from Minnesota
Cara Giles from Utah
J.J. Gilmore from California
Nate Givens from Virginia
Martin Greening from Nevada
Chris Griffiths from New Zealand
Colin Hacker from Colorado
Phillip Hall from Virginia
Alex Harford from Great Britain
Karissa Harlow from Arizona
Sierra Harris from North Carolina
Christopher Henckel from New Zealand
Michelle Henrie from Utah
C.R. Hodges from Colorado
C. E. Hoffman from Canada
Drake Hughes from North Carolina
Chris Hunter from Canada
Pamela Jeffs from Australia
Holly Jones from Missouri
Angela Kayd from Massachusetts
Michael Kingswood from California
Karen L. Kobylarz from Illinois
Michael La Ronn from Iowa
F. Karl Langva from Florida
M.H. Lee from Colorado
Dianne Lee from Illinois
Brianna Lucas from California
Mitchell Luthi from South Africa
Nick Marone from Australia
Charley Marsh from Minnesota
Ian Martinez-Cassmeyer from Missouri
Nathaniel G. Mengistu from Ethiopia
Devin Miller from North Carolina
Elizabeth Napier from Great Britain
Grace Nask from Pennsylvania
J. Autumn Needles from Washington
Kyle Notley from Texas
Cherise Papa from Texas
Laura Peters from Pennsylvania
Simon J. Plant from Ohio
Thomas Poldervaart from Netherlands
Kathleen Powell from Missouri
Beth Powers from Indiana
Otilia Pricope from Romania
W.A. Provencher from Poland
Susan Qrose from Canada
Annie Reed from Nevada
Daniel Rodrigues-Martin from Minnesota
Elliot Ross from Florida
Joel C. Scoberg from Great Britain
J. Broc Sewell from South Korea
J.C. Snow from California
Julia Sullivan from Ohio
P.L. Sundeson from Louisiana
Kate Swenson from Washington
John Taloni from California
Sophia Tao from Washington
Chloe Taton from Washington
Nick Thomas from Ohio
Mark Tomlinson from Illinois
Rebecca E. Treasure from Texas
Chris Vannes from Ohio
KT Wagner from Canada
Nathaniel Webb from Maine
Kevin West from Germany
Galen Westlake from Canada
Caleb Williams from Texas
Mary Wilson from Kansas
Cliff Winnig from California
Adrienne Wood from Michigan
Honorable Mentions:
Jeffrey Steven Abrams from Washington
Ashley Agbay from Illinois
Jack Alexander from Australia
Van Alrik from Idaho
Megan Archibeque from Idaho
Brandon Scott Argetsinger from New York
Stirling Avis from Oklahoma
Hannah Azok from Ohio
Robert Bagnall from Great Britain
Rebecca Bapaye from California
Alexander Barrett from Arizona
John Baumgartner from California
Christopher Baxter from Utah
Melissa Beaty from Tennessee
Joe Benet from North Carolina
J.W. Benford from California
Ryan Benson from Georgia
Lou J. Berger from Colorado
GL Bertram from California
Spider Blake from Utah
Oliver Blakemore from Colorado
Daniel Blatt from California
Victor Bondar from New Jersey
B.A. Boose from Washington
Christopher Bowman from Australia
Jennifer Brinn from Virginia
Michael D. Britton from Utah
BD Brown from Utah
Keegan Burke from California
Fija Callaghan from Ireland
Nathan Campbell from Canada
Ethan Canter from Canada
Aaron Canton from Utah
Theo Carr from Great Britain
Brenda Carre from Canada
Alicia Cay from Colorado
Madeleine Chae from North Carolina
J.W. Chin from Malaysia
Daniel Christensen from Utah
Jan Chu from Hong Kong
Tyler Clark from California
David Close from Arizona
David J. Cochrane from Louisiana
Emma Cohen from Minnesota
Logan M. Cole from Florida
A.A. Conway from Great Britain
Simone Cooper from Oregon
D.B. Corsi from North Carolina
Zaslow Crane from Washington
Crystal Crawford from Florida
J.J. Creer from Utah
Brian Crenshaw from California
S. Donovan Croft from South Carolina
Sean Cudeck from Minnesota
Rachael Cupp from Arizona
Noel Cyraima from Canada
Matteo D’Aguiar from Brazil
Cory Daignault from Minnesota
Apu Das from India
Claire Davon from California
Nichole Day from Massachusetts
Daniel de Lill from Florida
Livia E. De Souza from Connecticut
Ligia de Wit from Mexico
John E. DeLaughter from Oklahoma
Robert Delaware from Florida
Nestor Delfino from Canada
Olivette Devaux from Pennsylvania
Mary DeVries from Virginia
Michelle Diaz from Oregon
Taskel Dillon from Sweden
Katelin Ditner from Canada
Malina Douglas from Australia
Carl Duzett from Utah
Joshua Dyer from West Virginia
Tim Emery from Great Britain
Jon Eno from Texas
Gerald Ewa from Nigeria
CL Farley from South Africa
Thomas Farringer-Logan from Oregon
Greyson Ferguson from Michigan
Kimberly Finnell-Mulvena from Arizona
Ben Fitzgerald from Connecticut
Neil Flinchbaugh from Texas
CL Fors from California
Oliver Fox from Texas
Kate Foxe from Florida
Richard Freeborn from Alabama
John A. Frochio from Pennsylvania
J.J. Galluzzo from Montana
Henry Gasko from Australia
Aster Glass from California
Michelle F. Goddard from California
Ian Gonzales from Washington
Jim Gotaas from Great Britain
H.Y. Gregor from Colorado
Jocelyne Gregory from Canada
Jentina Grey from California
Austin Gunderson from Utah
Anaid Haen from Netherlands
Aaron N. Hall from Utah
J.C. Hammer from Colorado
Danny Hankner from Iowa
Calvin Hardesty from Denmark
Kelly Harmon from Maryland
Nancy Hatch from New Mexico
Adam Haver from Utah
Dylan B. Heron from New Jersey
Carlton Herzog from New Jersey
Chloe Hicks from North Carolina
Eloise Hopkinson from Great Britain
Eric Hull from Washington
William R. Humble from Texas
Mohita Ilamurugan from Georgia
Joyce Jacobo from California
Lenore James from California
Stephan James from Missouri
Caleb Jennison from Kansas
Erik Johnson from Vietnam
Callie Johnson from Missouri
Bob Johnston from Great Britain
William Paul Jones from California
Todd Jones from Michigan
Zathara Jones from Nevada
Kent Jones from Minnesota
Eli Jones from Oregon
Kathryn Kaleigh from Texas
Myra Karine from Utah
Michael Kashgarian from Arizona
Hanaan Kazia from Virginia
Seth W. Kennedy from California
Kevin Kepko from Florida
Peter Kincl from New York
Caroline Kingston from Great Britain
Amanda Knackstedt from Missouri
Doyle Knight from Louisiana
Nicholas Kotar from New York
Danielle Krage from Great Britain
MQ Larue from Maryland
William Layton from Mississippi
Liz Lazo from Colorado
Rachel LeAnn from Maryland
Ray LeCara Jr. from Washington
Westin Lee from California
Hermione Lee from Taiwan
R.J.K. Lee from Japan
Marissa Lee from California
Amanda Aiyu Lee from California
Kay Leigh from Ohio
Annie Lemerande from Missouri
Reginald Lewis from Georgia
Johnny Libenzon from Canada
Michelle Liggons from California
R.L. Lillie from Virginia
Karen A. Lin from California
Akis Linardos from Greece
Darren Lipman from Wisconsin
Candice R. Lisle from Missouri
Bonner Litchfield from North Carolina
CJ Lledo from South Africa
Robert F. Lowell from California
Theodore Lowry from Canada
Chloe Macdonald from Utah
Helena Hovsep Mahdessian from California
Melissa Marcussen from California
Max Marioni from Czech Republic
Ivan Marotta from Texas
Peter Martin from Vermont
Django Mathijsen from Netherlands
Bex May from Utah
Joshua Mayne from Utah
Andrew McCormick from California
Agathon McGeachy from Oregon
Sky McKinnon from Washington
J. McMullin from Canada
Fernando Medici from Brazil
Manjula Menon from Califonria
Jacob Miller from Utah
Tristan and Blaise Miranda from California
W.E. Mitchell from California
Abigail Moore from Florida
Vincent Morgan from Canada
Soumya Sundar Mukherjee from India
Laura Alison Nash from Oregon
Jan Nerenberg from Oregon
J.M. Ney-Grimm from Virginia
Rey Nichols from North Carolina
BB Nickell from Idaho
Ruth Nickle from Arizona
David Norling from Washington
John M. Olsen from Utah
Al Onia from Canada
Mark Pantoja from California
B.A. Paul from Indiana
John D. Payne from Texas
Jacob Perez from California
C.J. Persson from Sweden
M.O. Pirson from Belgium
Caroline Poirier from Michigan
Kate Rakestraw from Georgia
Lorel Rea from Kentucky
S.E. Reed from Florida
Kelsey Reed from Oregon
Sam Ribeiro-Broomhead from California
T. Silver Rich from Idaho
K.Z. Richards from Ohio
Dru Richman from Texas
J.J. Rintala from Finland
Scott Ritter from Canada
Jason Roadman from Oregon
William Joseph Roberts from Georgia
J.M. Roberts from Illinois
Dhyane Robinson from Canada
J.F. Acosta Rodriguez from New York
Drew Rogers from California
Hailey Rose from Utah
Michael Rosenstein from Oregon
Alyssa Rossen from Texas
Jason Russell from Alaska
Robert Russo from Ohio
Heather Rutkowski from Florida
Manisha Sahoo from India
Edwards Sammons from Florida
Scott M. Sands from Australia
Brandon Sanford from Washington
Braden Savage from Hawaii
J.H. Schiller from Ohio
John Schleicher from Montana
Marcus Schmidt from California
Adeline J. Schultz from Illinois
Abhishek Sengupta from India
Maggie E. Sennesael from Idaho
Neil Shieldman from Utah
Elena Sichrovsky from China
Sandra Siegienski from Oregon
Michael Simon from Canada
Magdalena Smith from New York
Brad Smith from New York
Eric Stallsworth from Colorado
JK Stephens from Florida
Nathan Steward from Great Britain
Preston Mark Stone from Maryland
M.F. Stout from Illinois
Jennifer Stuart from South Carolina
Prim Sutchiewcharn from Singapore
James Tanenbaum from California
Amadea Tanner from Maryland
Ed Teja from New Mexico
Niz Thomas from New Jersey
Loren Thomas from Washington
SL Tine from Delaware
Evelyn Torres from Wisconsin
Thomas Tortorich from Missouri
J.R. Totten from Nevada
Bas Traore from Ghana
Annaliess Trommatter from Virginia
Anthony Tuccille from Arizona
Owen Tyme from Kansas
Edgar Ube from California
Nickolas X Urpi from Virginia
Michael J. Valiant from Canada
Alahna Vallone from Florida
Nicole Van Den Eng from Wisconsin
Lea Waits from Georgia
Shannon Walch from Germany
R.W. Wallace from France
Gib Wallis from Texas
Charles Walter from Arizona
Laura Ware from Florida
Ben Warga from California
J. Watt from Texas
Catherine Weaver from California
Olga Werby from California
Ana Wesley from California
Amy Wethington from South Carolina
L.A. Wibberley from Canada
Jade Wildy from Australia
Robert Luke Wilkins from Nevada
Jarrod K. Williams from Ohio
Chase Williams from Pennsylvania
Walter L. Williamson from New Jersey
P.S.C. Willis from Great Britain
T.D. Wilson from Ohio
Sasha Wolff from New York
Stephen Woodfall from California
Katrina Wright from Utah
Error Writes from Sweden
Mbali Xabela from South Africa
XX Younger from Oregon
Marciano Zapien from California
Brad Zeiger from Oregon
Ambrosia Zetien from Texas
Aaron P. Zimmerman from Illinois
Career: 1x Win -- 2x NW-F -- 2x S-F -- 9x S-HM -- 11x HM -- 7x R
Like me: facebook/AuthorTJKnight
Whoo-ee! I've been working on my Q4 for the last month or so, as my Q3 is already in.
I'm leaning into a different style for this one, which is based in revising a story I wrote previously for the Contest, but passed over in favor of something different. And to get it right, I'm finding this is taking a considerable amount of effort. For something that feels like a simple little story, it's proving to be deceptively tricky to pin down just the way I want it to be! I've rewritten the opening three times so far, and I'm still not happy with the end.
It's all part of my burgeoning Grand Plan for the next five Quarters, though--starting with Q4.V39, and with a view through to Q4.V40, my plan is to specifically look at submitting in a style that's quite different to what I've done to date. This could all explode in my face, of course, but I think I'll get to take a lot out of doing it this way when it's all done. And I reserve the right to chuck my whole plan out of the window if I decide it's not giving me what I wanted. But that's my plan for the time being, at least...
DQ:0 / R:0 / RWC:0 / HM:15 / SHM:7 / SF:1 / F:1
Published prior WotF entries: PodCastle, HFQ, Abyss & Apex
Pending: Q1.V42, Q2.V42 / Q3.V42 in limbo while I work on other things...
Ok, ok I'm editing now
Playing Skyrim counts as editing right?
R:6 RWC:1 HM:9 SHM:3
My Blog
Small Gods and Little Demons - Parsec Issue #10
I can't imagine subbing in five different styles exploding in your face. I mean, it's all practice, right? And since judging is subjective, it's up to you how you feel about the story, the style, how much you enjoyed the process, etc.
Worst thing that happens is you have five new stories!
Career: 1x Win -- 2x NW-F -- 2x S-F -- 9x S-HM -- 11x HM -- 7x R
Like me: facebook/AuthorTJKnight
I just did three quarters in the fantasy genre, garnered an HM for a piece of flash. With the change to a new coordinating judge, I might have to go back to writing near future stories. That's where I'm most comfortable anyway.
Today's science fiction is tomorrow's reality-D.R.Sweeney
HM x5
Published Poetry
2012 Stars in Our Hearts
Silver Ships
Normally I'd say, "Write to your wheelhouse, man." But exploration is a good thing.
I might also say, if you want to win, write your strongest genre, the one you feel most comfortable in. But every story builds craft, regardless of the outcome.
Maybe it depends on what you want from results, or from the experience of writing that story.
Problem is, we can't predict results. So where do you want to spend your time?
Comfortable writing near future stories? Go for it!
I'm comfortable with and enjoy first person present. I went away from it for a while. That was OK, got some silvers, etc. But with my writing time, impossible as it seems, shrinking - I'm going to darn well write what I like the most.
And with that, I might have made Mr. Corbin Maxwell proud.
Career: 1x Win -- 2x NW-F -- 2x S-F -- 9x S-HM -- 11x HM -- 7x R
Like me: facebook/AuthorTJKnight
Wait, we’re talking about Q4 already? I’m not even done with my Q3 yet!
Back to editing…
Death and the Taxman, my WotF V39 winning story is now a novel! (Click Here >).
Death and the Dragon launches on Kickstarter August 27th. (Click Here >)
Subscribe to The Lost Bard's Letter at www.davidhankins.com and receive an exclusive novelette!
New Releases:
"The Missing Music in Milo Piper's Head" in Third Flatiron's Offshoots: Humanity Twigged
"To Catch a Foo Fighter" in DreamForge Magazine
"Milo Piper's Breakout Single that Ended the Rat War" in LTUE's Troubadours and Space Princesses anthology
"The Rise and Fall of Frankie's Patisserie" in Murderbugs anthology
"Felix and the Flamingo" in Escape Pod
"The Devil's Foot Locker" in Amazing Stories
@lost_bard let me know if you want a critique exchange.
If you feel your story is in place, I can narrow my scope down to proofreading and line editing (I have a degree in editing, and I'd be happy to trade services)
My readers call me Gilbert???
2022: Q3 - SHM; Q4 - HM
2023: Q1 - Pass; Q2 - Submitted
@lost_bard let me know if you want a critique exchange.
If you feel your story is in place, I can narrow my scope down to proofreading and line editing (I have a degree in editing, and I'd be happy to trade services)
I appreciate the offer! I have a good writing group I’m exchanging with, some of whom provide line edits, but I may hit you up later.
Death and the Taxman, my WotF V39 winning story is now a novel! (Click Here >).
Death and the Dragon launches on Kickstarter August 27th. (Click Here >)
Subscribe to The Lost Bard's Letter at www.davidhankins.com and receive an exclusive novelette!
New Releases:
"The Missing Music in Milo Piper's Head" in Third Flatiron's Offshoots: Humanity Twigged
"To Catch a Foo Fighter" in DreamForge Magazine
"Milo Piper's Breakout Single that Ended the Rat War" in LTUE's Troubadours and Space Princesses anthology
"The Rise and Fall of Frankie's Patisserie" in Murderbugs anthology
"Felix and the Flamingo" in Escape Pod
"The Devil's Foot Locker" in Amazing Stories
I'm ready. Just waiting for the calendar to catch up with me.
R:6 RWC:1 HM:9 SHM:3
My Blog
Small Gods and Little Demons - Parsec Issue #10
My story is ready to submit as soon as the portal opens. It's become a personal goal to have 3 pending at a time 😉
V34: R,HM,R
V35: HM,R,R,HM
V38: (P)F, SHM, F, F
Published Finalist Volume 38
Pro’d out Q4V39
Managing Editor, Apex Magazine
Ok, ok I'm editing now
Playing Skyrim counts as editing right?
Fus Ro Definitely!
R- 1 or 2. Or 3. Possibly 25.
@rschibler me too. I'm sat twitching for Q2 and itching for Q4.
R:6 RWC:1 HM:9 SHM:3
My Blog
Small Gods and Little Demons - Parsec Issue #10
Submission portal for Q4 is now open!!! This is cycle 39D (Volume 39, 4th quarter).
Good luck with your submissions and I am around if anyone has any issues.
I'm in.
R:6 RWC:1 HM:9 SHM:3
My Blog
Small Gods and Little Demons - Parsec Issue #10
I'm in.
Glorious! I'm waiting on crit feedback for mine right now, but I'm mentally nipping at your heels over here.
DQ:0 / R:0 / RWC:0 / HM:15 / SHM:7 / SF:1 / F:1
Published prior WotF entries: PodCastle, HFQ, Abyss & Apex
Pending: Q1.V42, Q2.V42 / Q3.V42 in limbo while I work on other things...
Its going to be a little before I write Q4 story. I am brainstorming I ideas
Small steps add up to miles.
5 R, 4 RWC, 6 HM, 1 SHM
"Amore For Life" in After the Gold Rush Third Flatiron Anthology
"Freedom’s Song” in Troubadour and Space Princesses LTUE Anthology
"Experimenting with the Dance of Death" in Love is Complicated LUW Romance Anthology.
& I banged out a story. It might make the cut for this quarter. My quarter's best always goes to WotF. In the meantime, I'll send it out to some markets with quick turn-arounds and get cracking on another.
Website: https://www.jeschleicher.com/
Blog: https://www.jeschleicher.com/dopaminesdelight
V40: Q1 3rd Place Winner ("Squiddy")
V39: SHM, HM, HM, HM
V38: HM, SHM, HM, HM
V37: R, R, HM, HM
V36: R
Whoo-ee! I've been working on my Q4 for the last month or so, as my Q3 is already in.
I'm leaning into a different style for this one, which is based in revising a story I wrote previously for the Contest, but passed over in favor of something different. And to get it right, I'm finding this is taking a considerable amount of effort. For something that feels like a simple little story, it's proving to be deceptively tricky to pin down just the way I want it to be! I've rewritten the opening three times so far, and I'm still not happy with the end.
It's all part of my burgeoning Grand Plan for the next five Quarters, though--starting with Q4.V39, and with a view through to Q4.V40, my plan is to specifically look at submitting in a style that's quite different to what I've done to date. This could all explode in my face, of course, but I think I'll get to take a lot out of doing it this way when it's all done. And I reserve the right to chuck my whole plan out of the window if I decide it's not giving me what I wanted. But that's my plan for the time being, at least...
I agree about trying different styles. There may be a style that fits the way you tell a story, but you never tried it before. I’m also forcing myself to write a new story for each quarter. Even if I start one and don’t like it I get to put it on the digital shelf for later. Then start a new one.
I've recently done stories roughly in the genre sci-fi in space, fantasy sword-and-sorcery, sci-fi with magic, and now trying fantasy with magic. These stories have also used third-person, first-person, and third-person close. I’m learning a lot about how I write, how I like to write, and what doesn’t work for me.
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right."~ Henry Ford
2025 V42: Submitted, WIP, ?, ?
2024 V41: RWC (Resubmitted "HM"), HM, RWC, Finalist (RWC Resubmit)
2023 V40: HM, HM, R, HM
2022 V39: SHM, HM, Semi-finalist, HM (HM Resubmit)
2021 V38: ---HM (R Resubmit)
2020 V37: -R--
I've recently done stories roughly in the genre sci-fi in space, fantasy sword-and-sorcery, sci-fi with magic, and now trying fantasy with magic. These stories have also used third-person, first-person, and third-person close. I’m learning a lot about how I write, how I like to write, and what doesn’t work for me
After getting a string of certificates from HM to Semi with Dave, I got frustrated and decided to throw him curve balls, much like you both describe. It put me out of my comfort zone, but it also pushed my abilities to their limits. I finally wrote a YA story in first person that got me my win, even though I trained hard in 3P close over the years, and I’ve never considered myself an MG or YA author. But writers should experiment, and should write to the very edge of their abilities—that is how we grow.
If we stay the course and keep learning all we can as we write, we’ll eventually hit a level where our writing will sing to editors and judges. You’ll start seeing it here as you get those higher-tier certificates. You’ll see it at other publications when the editors start sending you personals. Eventually, as your skills keep improving, you’ll start making sales. Or hit finalist in this Contest, and obtain your win.
Keep learning the elements of working stories, keep working on execution, keep pushing your boundaries, and the rewards will come. Becoming a master of any craft takes years of practice and dedication. Experimentation is exploration. May it take your art to strange new worlds no one has seen before.
All the beast!
Wulf Moon
Click here to JOIN THE WULF PACK!
"Super-Duper Moongirl and the Amazing Moon Dawdler" won Best SFF Story of 2019! Read it in Writers of the Future, Vol. 35. Order HERE!
Need writing help? My award-winning SUPER SECRETS articles are FREE in DreamForge.
IT’S HERE! Many have been begged me to publish the Super Secrets of Writing. How to Write a Howling Good Story is now a #1 BESTSELLING BOOK! Get yours at your favorite retailer HERE!
In for Q4. This will likely be my last quarter as I've got my third qualifying publication coming out soon, and hopefully will either win or pro out (or both?!) before Q1 Vol. 40 opens up. Weird to think about. Best of luck to everyone!
V34: R,HM,R
V35: HM,R,R,HM
V38: (P)F, SHM, F, F
Published Finalist Volume 38
Pro’d out Q4V39
Managing Editor, Apex Magazine
And onward you go Rebecca. You have earned the success you reap, well done.
Today's science fiction is tomorrow's reality-D.R.Sweeney
HM x5
Published Poetry
2012 Stars in Our Hearts
Silver Ships
@lost_bard We are now in quarter 4. Just to clarify, Quarter 1 is 1 October through 31 December, quarter 2 is 1 January through 31 March, Quarter 3 is 1 April through 30 June and quarter 4 is 1 July through 30 September. Why you ask. Well, the contest started on the 1st of October all those years ago. So that is why. -- Best, the horses mouth - Joni
In for Q4. This will likely be my last quarter as I've got my third qualifying publication coming out soon, and hopefully will either win or pro out (or both?!) before Q1 Vol. 40 opens up. Weird to think about. Best of luck to everyone!
Crossing my fingers for BOTH!
v36 Q1, Q3 - HM; Q4 - R
v37 Q1 - R; Q2 - SHM; Q4 - HM
v38 Q1 - HM; Q2 - SHM; Q3 - HM; Q4 - HM
v39 Q1 - SHM; Q3 - HM; Q4 -RWC
v40 Q1, Q2 - HM; Q3 - Pending
@lost_bard We are now in quarter 4. Just to clarify, Quarter 1 is 1 October through 31 December, quarter 2 is 1 January through 31 March, Quarter 3 is 1 April through 30 June and quarter 4 is 1 July through 30 September. Why you ask. Well, the contest started on the 1st of October all those years ago. So that is why. -- Best, the horses mouth - Joni
Thanks, Joni! I was just being a bit sarcastic back in June when Dustin started the Q4 discussion thread. Working my Q4 story now!
Death and the Taxman, my WotF V39 winning story is now a novel! (Click Here >).
Death and the Dragon launches on Kickstarter August 27th. (Click Here >)
Subscribe to The Lost Bard's Letter at www.davidhankins.com and receive an exclusive novelette!
New Releases:
"The Missing Music in Milo Piper's Head" in Third Flatiron's Offshoots: Humanity Twigged
"To Catch a Foo Fighter" in DreamForge Magazine
"Milo Piper's Breakout Single that Ended the Rat War" in LTUE's Troubadours and Space Princesses anthology
"The Rise and Fall of Frankie's Patisserie" in Murderbugs anthology
"Felix and the Flamingo" in Escape Pod
"The Devil's Foot Locker" in Amazing Stories
I love that a number of very successful writers have won the contest.
I also love that a number of very successful writers submitted to the contest, but prod out.
You had three Finalists in the same WOTF year. THREE! Amazing. Surely not many others have done that.
I look forward to reading your next story.
"If writing is easy, you're doing it wrong." -Bryan Hutchinson
V36-37: R x6
V38: R, HM, R, HM
V39: HM, HM, HM, HM
V40: HM, HM, SHM, HM
V41: RWC, P
@lost_bard We are now in quarter 4. Just to clarify, Quarter 1 is 1 October through 31 December, quarter 2 is 1 January through 31 March, Quarter 3 is 1 April through 30 June and quarter 4 is 1 July through 30 September. Why you ask. Well, the contest started on the 1st of October all those years ago. So that is why. -- Best, the horses mouth - Joni
Huh! That's actually really interesting. I'd always just assumed it was Q1 because it was judged (very broadly speaking) in the first quarter of the year...
DQ:0 / R:0 / RWC:0 / HM:15 / SHM:7 / SF:1 / F:1
Published prior WotF entries: PodCastle, HFQ, Abyss & Apex
Pending: Q1.V42, Q2.V42 / Q3.V42 in limbo while I work on other things...
@lost_bard We are now in quarter 4. Just to clarify, Quarter 1 is 1 October through 31 December, quarter 2 is 1 January through 31 March, Quarter 3 is 1 April through 30 June and quarter 4 is 1 July through 30 September. Why you ask. Well, the contest started on the 1st of October all those years ago. So that is why. -- Best, the horses mouth - Joni
Thanks, Joni! I was just being a bit sarcastic back in June when Dustin started the Q4 discussion thread. Working my Q4 story now!
Cool origin story. I'm with Rob. Makes sense to start it three months ahead to judging is done early for the release. Although I guess you can choose when that release is, so...
I always start the thread one month before the quarter starts, so I'm literally in the fifth dimension with these start and end dates. ?
Career: 1x Win -- 2x NW-F -- 2x S-F -- 9x S-HM -- 11x HM -- 7x R
Like me: facebook/AuthorTJKnight
@scott_m_sands I'd love to know if it was a record, but not enough to dig back through 38 years of records and figure it out
V34: R,HM,R
V35: HM,R,R,HM
V38: (P)F, SHM, F, F
Published Finalist Volume 38
Pro’d out Q4V39
Managing Editor, Apex Magazine
Woke up yesterday morning with two words in my head and just the fraction of a dream fragment. I have since written 5100 words of a story triggered by those two words (and so far I'm pretty happy with those words). I figure there is about another 2.5K or so to wrap it up then editing - maybe it will be done in time for Q4.
Although I also revisited several story stubs that I've had sitting around for a while and was surprised that a few of them were actually pretty decent and just need a little finalizing and some editing. Maybe I'll try to set myself a goal of getting three more stories into submission ready shape by the end of this quarter. It will be good to get more stuff into the rotation.
v36 Q1, Q3 - HM; Q4 - R
v37 Q1 - R; Q2 - SHM; Q4 - HM
v38 Q1 - HM; Q2 - SHM; Q3 - HM; Q4 - HM
v39 Q1 - SHM; Q3 - HM; Q4 -RWC
v40 Q1, Q2 - HM; Q3 - Pending